Electronic Record Keeping. Where time records are maintained electronically, upon request of the Trust Funds or their agents, auditors, administrators or attorneys, the Employer shall provide a detailed description of the procedure for the maintenance of such electronic time records, including but not limited to the method and procedure by which the time, job and type of work is reported, recorded and secured from alterations as of the date of input or thereafter. This Section shall be applicable to any audit of an
Electronic Record Keeping. Persons requiring a license who maintain their used vehicle records as specified in par. (f) in an electronic data processing record keeping system can satisfy the record retention requirement in sub.
Electronic Record Keeping. The District shall adhere to the following; A copy of the final framework rubric, teacher's written comments, if applicable, and forms shall be included in the teacher's personnel file. Teachers shall have access to their eVAL account insubsequent years Evaluators shall notify the teacher of any additional evidence submitted to eVAL within forty-eight (48) hours. Teachers shall not be required to share personal/self assessment information utilized withinthe eVAL system . Teachers shall not be required to use the eVAL tool if an acceptable alternative is available . Any and all data entered into eVAL shall be considered confidential, and not subject to public disclosure.
Electronic Record Keeping. By signing this agreement you acknowledge and agree that we may store all your signed documents in an electronic format in the regular course of business and that a printed copy of any of your signed documents in the may be used and introduced in an arbitration litigation or other procedures and shall have the same force and effects as the originals.
Electronic Record Keeping. The District shall adhere to the following:
Electronic Record Keeping. Where time records are maintained electronically, upon the request of the Trust Funds or their agents, auditors, administrators or attorneys, the Employer shall provide a detailed de- scription of the procedure for the maintenance of such electronic time records, including but not limited to the method and procedure by which the time, job and type of work is reported, recorded and secured from altera- tions as of the date of input or thereafter. Electronic time records must include the data referenced in Section (i), above (excluding signature), and must comply with Em- ployer’s Electronic Recordkeeping policy. This Section shall be applicable to any audit of an Employer’s payroll records which is scheduled or in process at the effective date of this Agreement.
Electronic Record Keeping. Where time records are maintained electronically, upon the request of the Trust Funds or their agents, auditors, administrators or attorneys, the Employer shall provide a detailed description of the procedure for the maintenance of such electronic time records, including but not limited to the method and procedure by which the time, job and type of work is reported, recorded and secured from alterations as of the date of input or thereafter. Electronic time records must include the data referenced in Section (i), above (excluding signature), and must comply with Employer’s Electronic Recordkeeping. This Section shall be applicable to any audit of an Employer’s payroll records which is scheduled or in process at the effective date of this Agreement.
Electronic Record Keeping eVal: • Self-assessment will be required on eVal to assist the teacher in the selection of their focused criterion. Sharing of the teacher’s self-assessment is voluntary. • Teachers shall electronically submit Student Growth Goals to their evaluator ( i.e. email, eVal, word document).