Student Growth Goals. An educator on a Focused evaluation must create and measure a student growth goal. Educators who select a component or components from Criterion 3, 6, or 8 as their focus area for professional growth will use the accompanying student growth goal rubrics. Educators who select a component or components from Criterion 1, 2, 4, 5, or 7 must use student growth rubrics that accompany either Criterion 3 or Criterion 6. Goals must be written, and a goals conference completed by November 15th.
Student Growth Goals a. The District will provide a Student Growth form for employees to record goals and multiple measures.
b. All Student Growth forms must be submitted to evaluators by October 31. (Reference Appendix 8h-3)
c. Once a Student Growth form is signed by the employee and evaluator, it is deemed proficient or above. Changes may be made to student growth goal(s) upon mutual agreement between the employee and evaluator and or the evaluator and Criterion 8 team, as applicable. All changes must be reflected on a new Student Growth form signed by both parties to the agreement.
Student Growth Goals. 1. The teacher will identify appropriate instructional subject, sub-group, and assessments to be used in measuring student growth. Student growth data will be taken from multiple (at least two) sources, and must be appropriate and relevant to the teacher’s assignment. Student growth data may include formative and summative assessment data. Student achievement data that does not measure growth between two points in time shall not be used to calculate a teacher’s student growth criterion score.
Student Growth Goals. Classroom teachers shall document student growth goals and may use the Student Growth Goal Setting template in Appendix I.
Student Growth Goals a. Embedded within at least one conference during the year, the teacher and evaluator shall discuss student growth measures and student growth goals to be used for the year.
b. For a comprehensive evaluation, the teacher shall identify and document a student growth goal for Components SG-3.1, SG-6.1 and SG-8.
1. The goal for SG-6.1 and SG-8.1 may be the same goal.
c. For a focused evaluation, if Criterion 3, 6 or 8 is selected as the focused criterion, the teacher shall identify and document a student growth goal for Components SG-3.1, SG-6.1 or SG-8.1, respectively. If Criterion 1, 2, 4, 5, or 7 is selected for the focused evaluation, the teacher shall select to identify and document a student growth goal for either Component SG-3.1 or SG- 6.1
d. See Section 3.V.D for more information about student growth goals and student growth data.
Student Growth Goals. 1. During the Student Growth Goal Setting Conference the employee and his/her evaluator will discuss identified student growth goals, assessments used to measure identified goals, and the points in time at which the baseline and assessment of growth will be measured. The teacher and evaluator will make every effort to reach consensus regarding final goals, subject areas for goals, assessments, and Criterion 3 sub-group composition. The teacher will identify appropriate instructional subject, sub-group, and assessments to be used in measuring student growth. Student growth data will be taken from multiple (at least two) sources, and must be appropriate and relevant to the teacher’s assignment. Student growth data may include formative and/or summative assessment data. Student achievement data that does not measure growth between two points in time shall not be used to calculate a teacher’s student growth criterion score.
a. Teachers on a comprehensive evaluation shall identify a student growth goal for Components SG-3.1 and SG-6.1.
b. Teachers on a focused evaluation shall identify a student growth goal. If the employee chooses criterion 3, 6, or 8, the student growth components from the criterion will be used. If the employee chooses criterion 1, 2, 4, 5, or 7, they must also complete the student growth components in criterion 3 or 6.
c. Student growth goals will be based on each teacher’s current year class, i.e. growth will not be measured against prior year student cohorts or grade-band student cohorts.
2. Student growth data will be taken from multiple sources, and must be appropriate and relevant to the teacher’s assignment. The teacher will identify the formal and informal assessments of student progress they propose to use to measure student progress. The Student Learning Goal Writing Template included as Appendix N is provided as a resource to assist staff in the development of student growth goals and identification of related assessments. The parties have included this resource in the belief that it is helpful in providing guidance in the goal setting process. However, it is understood the use of this Template is not a requirement nor does its completion necessarily constitute the setting of an appropriate goal.
Student Growth Goals. Student growth goals shall be developed with input from the evaluator and may be interrelated or “nested.” Discussions about student growth goals between the evaluator and teacher shall begin no later than November 1. Student data that measures growth between two points in time shall be used to calculate student growth. The measurements used shall be determined by the teacher in consultation with his/her evaluator. To embed the use of student growth goals into the regular flow of instruction, employees may not set a student growth goal until later in the year. It is agreed that all employees will have set their student growth goals by February 1. At the employee’s discretion they may use the formal student growth setting process more than once through the year to improve their practice and show additional growth for their evaluation. It is the intent of the parties that the new rubrics will not require additional evidence be created to document the reflection that takes place by the teacher during the evaluation process. All evidence should be authentic and through a natural harvest provided during the professional conversations focused on the sharing of reflections by the teacher on how they will adjust their instruction.
Student Growth Goals. All Secondary IAC classroom teachers will be asked to write a short (3-5 sentences) reflective statement about what they have learned this year through the student growth goal process and submit this reflection to their evaluator through Standards for Success. Upon submission of their reflection prior to May 1, the teacher will receive a 3 – Proficient score for component 3.2 or 6.2, as appropriate.
Student Growth Goals. All teachers on a comprehensive evaluation will complete a self-assessment on all eight (8) criteria and the components therein, based on the instructional framework adopted by the district. Teachers will develop and implement a total of three (3) written student growth goals. Goals should be guided by their self-assessment or their prior year’s evaluation. Goals must be written, shared and mutually agreed upon with the teacher’s evaluator by November 1 or prior to the pre-observation conference, whichever comes first. • One (1) student growth goal will be written based on Criteria SG 3.1. • One (1) student growth goal will be written based on Criteria SG 6.1. • One (1) collaborative goal will be written based on Criteria 8. Teachers are additionally responsible to plan timelines associated with the implementation of their student growth goals, monitor their progress, and adjust as needed.
Student Growth Goals. Clear approaches to measuring student growth that provides teachers and school administrators with relevant data on student growth and articulate the anticipated impact of areas of focus during inquiry on student learning. Student growth goals will account for 20% of the year-end evaluation and be mutually determined by teacher and evaluator. Student growth shall be measured by two (2) or more of the following District approved menu of student growth measures below that include state provided, nationally normed, and/or locally adopted assessments that are aligned to state standards or based on achievement of individualized education program goals. The minimum benchmark for effective student growth is 75%. Similarly situated (e.g., teachers within the same department or grade level team) teachers are expected to collaboratively identify student growth measures approved by the evaluator or selected from a District approved menu of student growth measures. Teachers and/or teacher teams may select to establish SMART goals and/or Student Learning Objectives to articulate expected student growth for each student growth measure.
a. SMART Goals
a. Pre/Post Assessment aligned to dept/grade level initiatives b. NWEA data