EMBARKING SEAMEN. 1. Owners of tuna seiners and surface longliners shall employ ACP nationals, subject to the following conditions and limits: — for the fleet of tuna seiners, at least 20 % of the seamen signed on during the tuna-fishing season in the fishing zone of third countries shall be of ACP origin (1), — for the fleet of surface longliners, at least 20 % of the seamen signed on during the fishing season in the fishing zone of third countries shall be of ACP origin.
EMBARKING SEAMEN. Shipowners who have been issued fishing licences under the Agreement shall contribute to the practical vocational training of Guinea-Bissau nationals and to an improvement of the labour market, subject to the conditions and limits set out below.
EMBARKING SEAMEN. 1. Owners of tuna vessels and surface longliners shall employ ACP nationals, including Kiribati nationals, subject to the following conditions and limits: — for the fleet of tuna seiners, at least six ACP seamen shall be signed on during the tuna fishing season in the Kiribati fishing zone, — for the fleet of surface longliners, at least four ACP seamen shall be signed on during the fishing season in the Kiribati fishing zone.
EMBARKING SEAMEN. 1. Shipowners undertake to employ, for the tuna-fishing season in Mozambique’s fishing zone, at least 20 % of seamen of ACP origin, of which, if possible, at least 40 % are Mozambican.
EMBARKING SEAMEN. 1. Each Community vessel fishing under the Agreement shall undertake to employ at least one FSM national as a crew member. Condition of service for FSM nationals should be as standard for the industry in the FSM.
EMBARKING SEAMEN. 1. Shipowners who have been issued fishing authorisation under the Agreement shall contribute to the practical vocational training of Solomon Islands nationals and to an improvement of the labour market subject to the conditions and limits set out below.
EMBARKING SEAMEN. 1. Shipowners shall undertake to employ, for the tuna-fishing season in Guinea’s fishing zone, at least 20 % of seamen of ACP origin, giving priority to Guinean seamen. Where those provisions are not complied with, the shipowners concerned may be considered by Guinea not to be eligible for a fishing authorisation under Section 1 of Chapter 1 of this Annex.
EMBARKING SEAMEN. Each Union purse seine vessel shall embark during its trip in Seychelles fishing zone at least two qualified Seychelles seamen designated by the agent of the vessel, in agreement with the ship-owner, from the names on a list to be maintained and submitted by the competent Seychelles authorities and established on the basis of the guidelines for the engaging of Seychelles seamen on Union vessels provided in Appendix 6. The competent Seychelles authorities shall provide the ship-owners or their agents on a monthly basis with the list of qualified seamen designated by the competent Seychelles authorities. If the ship-owner, through the competent Seychelles authorities does not find a suitable qualified xxxxxx on the list, as per established guidelines, the ship-owner will be relieved from this obligation and the associated obligations foreseen under this Chapter, including the payment of the flat-rate compensation foreseen in paragraph 10. Where possible, ship-owners shall embark trainees in place of the above obligation regarding Seychelles seamen embarkation. The qualified trainees could be designated by the agent of the Union vessel, in agreement with the ship-owner, from the names on the list submitted by the competent Seychelles authorities. The ship-owner or agent shall inform the competent Seychelles authorities of the names and particulars of the Seychelles seamen who may be embarked on-board the Union vessel concerned, mentioning their position in the crew list for each trip. The International Labour Organisation (ILO)’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and other relevant ILO Conventions shall apply as of right to Seychelles seamen signed on by Union vessels. This concerns in particular the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation and the working and living conditions on-board fishing vessels. In the case where Seychelles seamen are embarked, employment contracts shall be drawn up between the ship-owners’ agent and the seamen and/or their trade unions or representatives in consultation with the competent Seychelles authorities. These contracts shall guarantee the Seychelles seamen the social security cover applicable to them, including sickness and accident insurance, the pension benefits, leave and end of contract's compensation benefits as well as the basic wage to be paid under the provisions of this ...
EMBARKING SEAMEN. 1. Each European Community vessel fishing under the Agreement shall undertake to employ at least one Solomon Islands national as a crew-member. Condition of service for Solomon Islands nationals should be as standard for the industry in Solomon Islands.
EMBARKING SEAMEN. 1. Shipowners who have been issued fishing authorisation under the Agreement shall contribute to the practical voca tional training of Solomon Islands nationals and to an improvement of the labour market subject to the conditions and limits set out below.