Emblems Sample Clauses
Emblems. The Recipient is encouraged to use signs and materials that display both the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) emblem and the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program emblem to identify its Project(s) financed with Recovery Act funds that are provided by U.S. DOT in a manner consistent with Federal guidance, and to include this provision in any subagreements, leases, third party contracts, or other similar documents used in connection with its Recovery Act Project(s).
Emblems. Union members are permitted to wear the emblem of the Union. Emblems will be of a size and shape so as not to detract from the uniform. An appropriate decal jointly agreed upon by the Company and the Union which integrates the separate emblems of the Company and the Union will be placed on all Company-owned coaches operated by members of the Union, and on all coaches operated by members of the Union that are leased by the Company on a lease of 120 days or more. The decal will be placed where designated by the Company and in full view of the traveling public. The Company and the Union will jointly share the cost of developing such decals.
Emblems. The Indian Tribe is encouraged to use signs and materials that display both the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) emblem and the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program emblem to identify its Project(s) financed with Recovery Act funds that are provided by U.S. DOT in a manner consistent with Federal guidance, and to include this provision in any subagreements, leases, third party contracts, or other similar documents used in connection with its Recovery Act Project(s).
Emblems. U.S. DOT encourages it to use signs and materials that display both the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) emblem and the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program emblem to identify its Project(s) financed with Recovery Act funds that are provided by U.S. DOT in a manner consistent with Federal guidance, and to include this provision in each third party agreement used in connection with its Recovery Act Project(s),
Emblems. Each work shirt shall be provided with a sewn on patch (provided by Eligible Agency) and/or an embroidered employee name, if requested by the Eligible Agency. The placement of the emblem and/or the embroidered name shall be identified by the Eligible Agency. • Garments issued shall have the employees name permanently marked in an inconspicuous place to prevent theft or loss.
Emblems. The emblems of The Chapter shall be the Irish Harp and the Shamrock
Emblems. The Grantee agrees to use signs and materials that display both the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) emblem and the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program emblem to identify its Project(s) financed with Recovery Act funds that are provided by U.S. DOT in a manner consistent with Federal guidance, and to include this provision in any subagreements, leases, third party contracts, or other similar documents used in connection with its Recovery Act Project(s).
Emblems. Successful bidder shall provide, stock, and apply for free all Frankfort Police Department approved embelms and shoulder patches for any uniform item that requires them. Color representations enclosed as examples. Final approval of all Class A emblems and shoulder patches shall be the sole responsibility of the City’s Chief of Police, who’s decision is final. Bidder Note: Class B uniform section, Line Item 14; subpart entitled “EMBLEMS”.
Emblems. The Contractor agrees to use signs and materials that display both the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) emblem and the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program emblem to identify its Project(s) financed with Recovery Act funds as directed by NCDOT. This provision is to be included in any subagreements, leases, third party contracts, or other similar documents used in connection with its Recovery Act Project(s). Contractors are required to complete projects or activities which are funded under the ARRA and to report on use of the funds provided through this award as directed. Information from these reports will be made available to the public. Contractors are not responsible for reporting ARRA requirements directly to FTA. The Contractors responsibilities for reporting are as follows: Obtaining a D-U-N-S number or the Contractor may use their name and zip code of their Headquarters. Expenditure amount (amount of payment) Expenditure description (what was exchanged for the payment) A brief description of the types of jobs created and jobs retained. “Jobs or positions created” mean those new positions created and filled, or previously existing unfilled positions that are filled, as a result of Recovery Act funding. ‘‘Jobs or positions retained’’ mean those previously existing filled positions that are retained as a result of Recovery Act funding. An estimate of the number of jobs created and jobs retained. At a minimum, this estimate shall include any new positions created and any existing filled positions that were retained to support or carry out Recovery Act projects. The number shall be expressed as ‘‘full-time equivalent’’ (FTE), calculated cumulatively as all hours worked divided by the total number of hours in a full-time schedule. A job cannot be reported as both created and retained. This information must be reported on a quarterly basis, due to the Prime Recipient within 3 days after the end of the quarter. This data will be required monthly until September 2012 or until the contract is complete and reported to the Prime Recipient within 3 days after the end of the month. Contractors will need to report the number of direct on-site job hours associated with the ARRA funds awarded as of the end of the reporting period. o Contractors will not be expected to estimate employment data other than the direct on-site jobs (for example, construction workers building a maintenance facility, ...
Emblems. Provide slow-moving vehicle emblem affixed to rear of mowers.