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For more information visit our privacy policy.Evaluation Committee 16.2.1 The Association and the Board agree to establish a standing joint Evaluation Development Committee for the purpose of regularly reviewing the effectiveness of the policy, procedure and process, including the evaluation instrument, for the evaluation of teachers in the District and to provide recommendations to the Superintendent and Board by April 30.
Advisory Committees The Board may appoint Advisory Committees to review design review applications, or provide input on other issues of concern to the Board or the Commission. These Advisory Committees include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. Cameron Park Design Review Committee 2. El Dorado Hills Design Review Committee 3. Xxxxxxx Pines Design Review Committee 4. The County’s Economic Development Advisory Committee (“EDAC”)
Delegation; Committees The Trustees shall have the power, consistent with their continuing exclusive authority over the management of the Trust and the Trust Property, to delegate from time to time to such of their number or to officers, employees or agents of the Trust the doing of such things, including any matters set forth in this Declaration, and the execution of such instruments either in the name of the Trust or the names of the Trustees or otherwise as the Trustees may deem expedient. The Trustees may designate one or more committees which shall have all or such lesser portion of the authority of the entire Board of Trustees as the Trustees shall determine from time to time except to the extent action by the entire Board of Trustees or particular Trustees is required by the 1940 Act.
Selection Committee A. Each building site will appoint a selection committee for the TLS. The committee shall be comprised of equal numbers of teachers and administrators and at least one teacher will be appointed by the Des Moines Education Association. B. The committee will accept and review application for a TLS position and will make recommendations to the hiring administrator. In developing recommendations, the committee will utilize measures of teacher effectiveness and professional growth, consider the needs of the school district and review the performance and professional development of the applicants. Teachers who are selected must meet all of the qualification contained in the TLS grant and contained in the law.
Negotiation Committee (A) The Union may designate certain employees to serve on its Negotiation Committee, and such employees will be granted administrative leave to attend negotiating sessions with the state. No employee shall be credited with more than the number of hours in the employee's regular workday for any day the employee is in negotiations. The agency shall not reimburse employees for travel, meals, lodging, or any expense incurred in connection with attendance at negotiating sessions. (B) No more than one employee shall be selected from the same work unit at any one time, nor shall the selection of an employee unduly hamper the operations of the work unit.
TRANSITION COMMITTEE A transition committee comprised of the employee representatives and the employer representatives, including the Crown, will be established by January 31, 2016 to address all matters that may arise in the creation of the Trust.
Compensation Committee (A) The Compensation Committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members who shall be selected by the Board of Directors from its own members who are not officers of the Company and who shall hold office during the pleasure of the Board. (B) The Compensation Committee shall in general advise upon all matters of policy concerning the Company brought to its attention by the management and from time to time review the management of the Company, major organizational matters, including salaries and employee benefits and specifically shall administer the Executive Incentive Compensation Plan. (C) Meetings of the Compensation Committee may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Compensation Committee, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, or the President of the Company.
Joint Committees 1101 Release Time (a) Basic pay or equivalent time off, with a minimum of one (1) hour guaranteed to nurses who are not on duty, will be granted to nurses appointed by the Union to attend meetings of the Union Management Committee and any other Facility joint committee to which the Union is required to appoint representatives. (b) All reasonable efforts will be made to relieve a nurse who is appointed to attend meetings of the Union Management Committee, Nursing Advisory Committee or any other facility joint committee to which the Union is required to appoint representatives, without loss of salary or benefits. This clause is applicable when the meeting(s) occurs during hours the nurse is otherwise scheduled to work. 1102 Union Management Committee The Employer and the Union agree to establish and maintain a Union Management Committee consisting of not less than two (2) persons appointed by each of the parties. Management representatives shall include the Administrator and/or Director of Nursing; Union representatives shall include the President and/or Vice-President of the Local. Appointments shall be made for a term of one (1) year but without limit on the number of consecutive terms a member may serve. The Committee shall meet at the request of either party subject to five (5) days notice being given but not less than bi-monthly unless otherwise mutually agreed. The purpose of the Committee shall be to discuss/study/make recommendations to the Employer and the Union regarding matters of mutual concern. 1103 Nursing Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee The Settling State shall designate an Opioid Settlement Remediation Advisory Committee (the “Advisory Committee”) to provide input and recommendations regarding remediation spending from that Settling State’s Abatement Accounts Fund. A Settling State may elect to use an existing advisory committee or similar entity (created outside of a State-Subdivision Agreement or Allocation Statute); provided, however, the Advisory Committee or similar entity shall meet the following requirements: (i) Written guidelines that establish the formation and composition of the Advisory Committee, terms of service for members, contingency for removal or resignation of members, a schedule of meetings, and any other administrative details; (ii) Composition that includes at least an equal number of local representatives as state representatives; (iii) A process for receiving input from Subdivisions and other communities regarding how the opioid crisis is affecting their communities, their abatement needs, and proposals for abatement strategies and responses; and (iv) A process by which Advisory Committee recommendations for expenditures for Opioid Remediation will be made to and considered by the appropriate state agencies.
Sub-Committees 15.1 The Joint Committee shall establish the membership and terms of reference for any sub-committees or sub-groups which it establishes and may dissolve such sub-committees or sub-groups. Sub-committees to which the Joint Committee delegates functions are bound by the provisions of this Agreement regulating the taking of decisions by the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee may create additional sub-committees from time to time as it sees fit.