Evaluation of Students Acknowledging the District’s adopted grading system, the teacher shall maintain the right and responsibility to determine grades and other evaluation of a student. No grade or evaluation shall be changed except by the teacher with the approval of the building administrator.
Responsibility for Information Recipients The Asset Representations Reviewer will be responsible for a breach of this Section 4.9 by its Information Recipients.
Procurement Related Complaints and Administrative Review 49.1 The procedures for making a Procurement-related Complaint are as specified in the TDS. 49.2 A request for administrative review shall be made in the form provided under contract forms.
Responsibility of school staff to design and implement engaging and flexible learning experiences for individuals and groups of students
INFORMATION OF THE PARTIES Information of the Company Information of the Lessees
Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders 2.24.1 The Procuring entity will evaluate and compare the tenders which have been determined to be substantially responsive, pursuant to paragraph 2.22 2.24.2 The tender evaluation committee shall evaluate the tender within 30 days of the validity period from the date of opening the tender. 2.24.3 A tenderer who gives false information in the tender document about its qualification or who refuses to enter into a contract after notification of contract award shall be considered for debarment from participating in future public procurement.
MANAGEMENT OF EVALUATION OUTCOMES 12.1 Where the Employer is, any time during the Employee’s employment, not satisfied with the Employee’s performance with respect to any matter dealt with in this Agreement, the Employer will give notice to the Employee to attend a meeting; 12.2 The Employee will have the opportunity at the meeting to satisfy the Employer of the measures being taken to ensure that his performance becomes satisfactory and any programme, including any dates, for implementing these measures; 12.3 Where there is a dispute or difference as to the performance of the Employee under this Agreement, the Parties will confer with a view to resolving the dispute or difference; and 12.4 In the case of unacceptable performance, the Employer shall – 12.4.1 Provide systematic remedial or developmental support to assist the Employee to improve his performance; and 12.4.2 After appropriate performance counselling and having provided the necessary guidance and/or support as well as reasonable time for improvement in performance, the Employer may consider steps to terminate the contract of employment of the Employee on grounds of unfitness or incapacity to carry out his or her duties.
Evaluation of Tenders 33.1 The Procuring Entity shall use the criteria and methodologies listed in this ITT and Section III, Evaluation and Qualification criteria. No other evaluation criteria or methodologies shall be permitted. By applying the criteria and methodologies, the Procuring Entity shall determine the Lowest Evaluated Tender. This is the Tender of the Tenderer that meets the qualification criteria and whose Tender has been determined to be: a) substantially responsive to the tender documents; and b) the lowest evaluated price. 33.2 Price evaluation will be done for Items or Lots (contracts), as specified in the TDS; and the Tender Price as quoted in accordance with ITT 14. To evaluate a Tender, the Procuring Entity shall consider the following: a) price adjustment due to unconditional discounts offered in accordance with ITT 13.4; b) converting the amount resulting from applying (a) and (b) above, if relevant, to a single currency in accordance with ITT 31; c) price adjustment due to quantifiable nonmaterial non-conformities in accordance with ITT 29.3; and d) any additional evaluation factors specified in the TDS and Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria. 33.3 The estimated effect of the price adjustment provisions of the Conditions of Contract, applied over the period of execution of the Contract, shall not be considered in Tender evaluation. 33.4 Where the tender involves multiple lots or contracts, the tenderer will be allowed to tender for one or more lots (contracts). Each lot or contract will be evaluated in accordance with ITT 33.
Files Management and Record Retention relating to Grantee and Administration of this Agreement a. The Grantee shall maintain books, records, and documents in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all expenditures of funds provided by Florida Housing under this Agreement. b. Contents of the Files: Grantee must maintain files containing documentation to verify all funds awarded to Grantee in connection with this Agreement, as well as reports, records, documents, papers, letters, computer files, or other material received, generated, maintained or filed by Grantee in connection with this Agreement. Grantee must also keep files, records, computer files, and reports that reflect any compensation it receives or will receive in connection with this Agreement.
Company Creation and Use of Confidential Information The Executive understands and acknowledges that the Company has invested, and continues to invest, substantial time, money and specialized knowledge into developing its resources, creating a customer base, generating customer and potential customer lists, training its employees, and improving its product offerings in the field of financial services. The Executive understands and acknowledges that as a result of these efforts, the Company has created, and continues to use and create Confidential Information. This Confidential Information provides the Company with a competitive advantage over others in the marketplace.