School Counselors. Requests of extra duty days are at the discretion of the Principal. Upon acceptance of such duty days by the counselor, he/she may, at the discretion of the counselor, be paid at the per-diem rate from the building discretionary funds.
School Counselors. If the Board requires any teacher's length of employment to precede or extend beyond the regular teacher's contract year, the teacher will be compensated for each additional day at the rate of the fraction (1/number of teacher days) of his/her annual salary. Counselors shall not be assigned more than one regular classroom teaching assignment unless they are employed as counselors on a part-time basis. Neither shall counselors be assigned attendance functions, discipline responsibilities, administrative and clerical duties (including the laying out of the master schedule) or study hall or lunch room supervisory responsibilities as part of their normal duties. The Board further recognizes that counselors shall have the flexibility to arrange their schedules to permit their taking part in activities outside the school building which are in the interest of the student. These activities shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, liaison activities with community and social agencies as part of the referral process, vocational/educational guidance workshops, parental contact, and job and educational placement activities. This shall be done with approval of the principal.
School Counselors. School counselors will have extra duty days not to exceed four (4) days prior to the beginning of the school year and two (2) days after the end of the school year. Compensation time will be credited for those days and may be used at the discretion of the employee with mutual agreement by administration and union.
School Counselors. 9.2.1 School Counselors hired before 7/1/94 shall receive a special 5% stipend beyond normal teaching compensation, said salary including 5% stipend shall cover service beginning the last week of August, per section 5.6.1, through June 30. Counselors shall receive payment for summer work, as may be allowed between July 1 and the first day of work for members as noted in 5.6.1, at the rate of 1/200 of their total contract wage for each day worked during July and August.
9.2.2 School Counselors hired after 7/1/94 shall receive a wage pursuant to the salary schedule. They will receive a stipend of 1/200th of that wage for each day of work done from a member’s last working day of a school year to a member’s first working day of the next school year.
School Counselors. District School Counselors will be evaluated utilizing the Ohio School Counselors Evaluation System. See Appendix I for the forms.
School Counselors. PROCEDURE FOR APPRAISAL School Counselors will be evaluated in accordance with the Board of Education policy adopted in compliance with the requirements of Ohio Revised Code, Section 3319.113. Prior to any amendment of such policy, the Superintendent shall consult with the School Counselor bargaining unit members to receive their input and recommendation for presentation to the Board.
School Counselors. 1. The Board recognizes that counselors, with the approval of the building principal, shall have the flexibility to arrange their schedules to permit their taking part in activities outside the school building which are in the interest of the students. These activities shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, liaison activities with community and social agencies as part of the referral process, vocational/educational guidance workshops, parental contact and job and educational placement activities.
2. When vacancies occur, the Administration will poll the current counselors in order of seniority to ask if any desires to transfer into the vacancy(ies). The Administration may approve the transfer(s) based on:
1. Length of service as a counselor.
2. Previous transfers.
3. Welfare of the TFT member and School District.
4. Needs for the school with the vacancy. This process shall continue until a final vacancy is available to be filled by other members of the bargaining unit. At this point, the position(s) shall be posted. The three (3) most senior qualified applicants and three (3) Board selected applicants shall be interviewed by the Professional Review Board and their selection shall be binding.
3. Senior high school counselors shall work ten (10) additional days per school year. Middle/Junior High school counselors shall work five (5) additional days per school year. These additional days to be scheduled by the building principal.
I. To abet the processing of I.E.P.C.s the following procedure will be followed: Two substitutes will be provided for general education and special education teachers to process I.E.P.C.s. School psychologists and school social workers, in addition to access to the above substitutes, will have available a third substitute on request with administrative consent and a one week prior notice.
School Counselors. 7.1 The California Standards for the School Counseling Profession, as adapted in Appendix E, shall provide the basis for the evaluation of school counselors and shall provide the foundation for assistance provided.
7.1.1 These Standards are adopted for the sole purpose of providing assistance to school counselors and recognizing and supporting quality counseling.
7.2 The evaluation of school counselors shall be based on three (3) of the six (6) standards agreed to by the evaluator and the counselor in the pre evaluation conference as the designated standards. If there is a difference of opinion in identifying these standards: one (1) Standard shall be identified by the school counselor and two (2) Standards by the evaluator.
7.3 With the approval of the principal and in consultation with the evaluatee, the evaluator may substitute an alternative Standard as the designated Standard if a need is so determined. The evaluatee continues to retain the right to select one (1) of the three (3) designated standards pursuant to Section 7.2 of this Article. This action shall be taken by the end of the first quarter.
7.4 In-service training related to evaluation based on the California Standards for the School Counseling Profession shall be conducted for administrators and offered to school counselors.
7.5 Evaluation will be based upon the Key Elements of the Standards. The assessment methods may include: formal observations or drop-in visits of classroom, staff, or parent presentations, 1-on-1 meetings with students, parent presentations, SST or 504 meetings, workshops, as well as data referencing referrals to community agencies, summer school, and other programs.
7.6 The nature of the permanent school counselor’s assignment will assist in determining the emphasis which will be placed on the Key Elements.
7.7 During the pre-evaluation conference, the evaluator and evaluatee will determine the methods of assessment for the standards selected, specifying the types and number of observations to be scheduled and if and how other information shall be shared.
7.7.1 Non-tenured unit members will have at least the 1st formal observation and post- observation conference prior to the Winter Break.
7.7.2 In the event the evaluator cannot observe for at least 90% of the scheduled meeting, the observation shall be considered a "drop in visit" and an additional observation will be scheduled.
7.7.3 Formal observations will be scheduled by mutual agreement with the unit member at le...
School Counselors. School counselors shall be eleven (11) month positions. The starting salary for a school counselor will be one hundred ten percent (110%) of an equivalent teacher's salary. School counselors will receive a five percent (5%) stipend of the starting teacher's salary in recognition of the school counselor's forty-five (45) minute extended workday and their availability for evening meetings with parents for individual and group counseling relative to needs of students. The workday hours shall be mutually agreed upon by the school counselor and the building principal to accommodate the needs of parents and students.
School Counselors. Licensed School Nurses: Healthcare professionals who understand the link between health and learning. They provide a comprehensive approach to preventing and addressing student health problems, including mental health concerns, that interfere with learning. The school nurse leads change to advance overall health and collaborates with school staff, students’ families, and community members to keep students safe at school and healthy to learn. Intervention Specialists: Educational support professionals who have the most regular direct contact with students. They provide behavioral support for students beyond Tier 1 in a Multi- Tiered System of Support and support re-entry into the classroom by assisting students in assessing their behavior. The school’s Mental Health Support Team will provide support to schools by utilizing a Multi- Tiered System of Support (MTSS). Both parties agree that Multi-Tiered Systems of Support are proven to be most effective in supporting students. Appendix E outlines how each of these roles contributes to a Multi-Tiered System of Support. To achieve fidelity in utilizing MTSS and trauma informed practices to create effective mental health support structures in all SPPS schools, the parties agree to the staffing levels as described in the following subdivisions of this article.