STUDENT TEACHER. A Student Teacher is a person enrolled in a recognized university training program who may perform the duties and responsibilities of a teacher, as defined in the School Act, while under the direct supervision of their supervising teacher.
STUDENT TEACHER. The NYEA and the Nelsonville-York Board of Education hereby agree to participate with the student teaching and field experience programs conducted by Ohio University. Both parties agree to the following criteria:
STUDENT TEACHER. 1201 No professional employee shall be assigned a student teacher without his/her prior consent. Student teacher supervision is not considered a regular duty as covered by the teaching contract of any professional employee and shall be a voluntarily accepted assignment.
STUDENT TEACHER. 1. Each student teacher shall be under the supervision of a cooperating teacher and a building principal.
2. No compensation shall be paid student teachers for their services.
3. Student teachers shall not serve as regular or substitute teachers.
STUDENT TEACHER. A student teacher, defined as one who will take over actual teaching, shall be assigned only to a tenure teacher and only after prior consultation and consent of the tenure teacher. A teacher shall have only one full-time student teacher per year. Student teachers shall not be used as substitute teachers except with respect to their supervisory teachers and then only for the first day of absence of their supervising teachers, not to exceed one (1) day per week. The Board will hold the Association harmless from any liability for the use of a student teacher as a substitute.
STUDENT TEACHER. A. No PSM will be assigned a student teacher without his/her consent. Student teacher supervision is not considered regular duty as covered by the negotiated Agreement of any PSM and will be a voluntarily accepted assignment.
B. Upon his/her request, the PSM considering the acceptance of student teacher supervision will be given the opportunity to review the contract between the Board and the student teacher's college and/or university. A copy of that contract will be provided at the PSM’s request at no cost to the teacher.
STUDENT TEACHER. Section A: If the District should approve a Student Teacher/Internship program, the following shall apply:
1. Every continuing contract employee with a minimum of 5 years of full-time experience shall have the option to accept or reject a student teacher as recommended by the building principal.
2. Every employee who accepts a student teacher shall be given at least twenty
STUDENT TEACHER a. Each student teacher shall be under the supervision of a cooperating teacher and building principal, and shall not be expected to assume tasks or responsibilities not generally assigned to the cooperating teacher.
STUDENT TEACHER. 788 A. If the District should approve a Student Teacher/Internship program, the following shall apply:
789 1. Every continuing contract employee with a minimum of 5 years of full-time experience shall have 790 the option to accept or reject a student teacher as recommended by the building principal.
791 2. Every employee who accepts a student teacher shall be given at least twenty (20) days’ notice. In 792 emergency situations, the District will notify the employee as soon as possible.
793 3. Every employee who accepts a student teacher shall receive the total compensation provided by 794 the contracted university for the employee. The District shall notify employees of the amount of 795 remuneration if any, before assigning student teachers.
796 4. The supervising employee may recommend dismissal of a student teacher to the building principal 797 and the college/university supervisor. Accompanying the recommendation for dismissal, the 798 supervising employee shall provide a written explanation to the building principal, the college 799 supervisor, and the student teacher involved.
STUDENT TEACHER. 0501 The Board and the Association recognize the value of members of the bargaining unit assisting in the student teaching program. The Board and the Association further recognize that teacher training institutions supplying the students have a responsibility for compensation and remuneration to those members who are supervising the students. No member of the bargaining unit shall be required to participate in the student teaching program.