Exchange of Tours Sample Clauses
Exchange of Tours. Any request by an employee for an exchange of tour(s) in posted time schedules must be submitted to and approved by the Manager or Management designate in the electronic time and attendance system and must be agreed to by the employee willing to make the exchange before such request is implemented. The request must identify all of the shifts being exchanged. Nurses may exchange part shifts with another nurse but with no additional cost to the Hospital (i.e. eight (8) hour tour split between two (2) nurses will be paid at three and three quarters (3.75) hours for each half.
Exchange of Tours. (a) Exchange of weekend tours will only be permitted between unit weekend schedule workers.
(b) Weekday tour exchanges will be permitted provided the Hospital does not incur additional costs.
(c) In the case of any tour exchange, the tours must be of the same duration.
Exchange of Tours. It is understood that an employee whose appears in fixed work schedule or in a variable work schedule has the obligation to be present at work at the required date and time. Nevertheless, subject to provisions of article if applicable, two (2) employees may submit a duly completed and signed “exchange of tour request to supervisor or manager, for approval, at least twenty-four
Exchange of Tours. Requests for exchange of tours of duty on posted time schedules must be submitted in writing to the Manager or designate and co-signed by the employee(s) willing to exchange tours of duty and must be approved in writing by the Manager or designate. Such requests will not be unreasonably denied. Full time and part time employees shall be permitted to exchange shifts provided such change is fully consistent with the requirements of proper patient care. Nurses may request a tour exchange with nurses not working the same number of hours on that tour however, in order to maintain full hours the nurse will request banked lieu time, stat time, vacation or unpaid time for the remaining hours. No premium pay will be incurred as a result of a tour exchange, either for the exchanged tour(s) or on any subsequent tour. When the shift exchange involves two separate days, it is understood that the originator of the request for exchange shall be considered unavailable on the shift which has been traded away.
Exchange of Tours. The Chief of Police or designated representative shall grant reasonable requests of Police Officers to exchange tours of duty with other Police Officers of equal rank provided the shift commander of each shift is notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance. Under no circumstances will Police Officers be permitted to exchange tours of duty if such exchange would entitle either Police Officer to receive overtime.
Exchange of Tours. Employees covered by this Agreement may have unlimited Leave Tours with Substitute subject to the prior approval of and at the discretion of the Chief or his designee.
Exchange of Tours. It is understood that an employee whose name appears in the fixed work schedule or in a variable work schedule has the obligation to be present at work at the required date and time. Nevertheless, two (2) employees who have completed their probation period may submit a duly completed and signed “exchange of tour request to the supervisor or manager, for approval, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the beginning of the first of the two (2) tours sought to be exchanged both of which must be included within the workweek. Any request that would involve additional costs to the Employer will not be considered. An employee may not be granted more than four (4) “exchange of tours” per calendar month. in exceptional circumstances brought to the attention of the Employer by a concerned employee, such employee may be allowed to exchange more than four (4) tours in a calendar month. With the exception of the provisions at articles and for scheduling purposes, the Employer may fill all other vacancies according to article
Exchange of Tours. The Chief of Police or designated representative shall grant reasonable requests of Police Officers to exchange tours of duty with other Police Officers of equal rank provided the shift commander of each shift is notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance. Under no circumstances will Police Officers be permitted to exchange tours of duty if such exchange would entitle either Police Officer to receive overtime. In the event a Police Officer is assigned as a Field Training Officer, he/she shall be entitled to twelve (12) hours compensatory time for each five (5) weeks of active duty. Active Duty shall be defined as time during which an FTO is assigned as a new Officer’s immediate supervisor during phase two, three and four. Field Training Liaisons shall be entitled to twelve (12) hours compensatory time per assigned Officer in Training during phase one.
Exchange of Tours. If two employees wish to exchange tours on a given day, and both are agreeable to the exchange to convenience one or the other, such a change may be approved at Management’s discretion. 38
Exchange of Tours. Any Employee covered by this Agreement may work all or part of a tour of duty for another Employee covered by this Agreement provided that advance approval of the proposed exchange of tours of duty is given by the Chief of Police or his/her authorized representative.