Exploitation of results Sample Clauses
Exploitation of results. The Recipient [which has received EIT funding under the grant] must — up to four years after the end of the Project — use its best efforts to exploit its results directly or to have them exploited indirectly by another entity, in particular through transfer or licensing. If, despite the Recipient’s best efforts, the results are not exploited within one year after the end of the Project, the Recipient must (unless otherwise agreed in writing with the KIC LE) use the Horizon Results Platform to find interested parties to exploit the results. If results are incorporated in a standard, the Recipient must (unless otherwise agreed with the KIC LE or unless it is impossible) ask the standardisation body to include the funding statement (see Article 2.3.1. of Section 2 of this Annex 3) in (information related to) the standard.
Exploitation of results. For the purpose of this article, products and therapeutic procedures for [**] created in the Research Field are defined and considered as being in the Exploitation Field.
Exploitation of results. 11.1. The subject and modes of exploitation are summarized in Article 27. Until the end of the EXPLOITATION PHASE, the COMPANY shall conduct operations within the territory of the Member States of the European Union, to the extent specified in Article 27.
11.2. During the exploitation of the RESULTS, the COMPANY is free to improve upon the results. These improvements, useful enhancements to exploitation as specified in Article 27, shall be deemed part of the RESULTS, with this agreement applying also to those improvements.
11.3. COMPANY shall notify the DIRECTION GÉNÉRALE of its decision to exploit or not to exploit the RESULTS: - Within six months after the RESEARCH PHASE; - In writing and with detailed explanation/justification. If the COMPANY does not make a notification under the preceding paragraph, the company is presumed irrefutably to be exploiting the results. Where the COMPANY began to exploit the RESULTS during the RESEARCH PHASE, it cannot take the decision not to exploit the RESULTS except by justifying so by a particularly adverse development of the economical, technical or legal environment compared to the situation when the first act of exploitation has been made.
11.4. If the COMPANY decides not to exploit the RESULTS, the COMPANY will: - Transfer the rights on the RESULTS to the REGION or any entity assigned by the REGION; - Refrain from any use, exploitation, sale or any concession of all or part of the RESULTS; - Not to pursue on behalf of any third party the research in whole or in part on the topic set out in Article 20, during the seventy-two months following its decision not to exploit. Upon becoming owner of rights by virtue of paragraph 1, the REGION is free to sell said rights to anyone.
11.5. In accordance with Articles 74 to 78 of the REGULATORY DECREE, the COMPANY that decides to exploit the results shall pay the fees specified in Article 28. It will pay each fee upon receipt from the Receiver General of the Walloon Region an "Invitation to pay," indicating the payment methods.
11.6. The COMPANY may decide not to exploit the RESULTS during the RESEARCH PHASE or within six months following the end of it. The COMPANY is completely exempt from repayment of the GRANT if the following two conditions are met simultaneously:
1. it communicates the decision by registered mail to the DIRECTION GÉNÉRALE, outlining the failure of the project in terms of technical and commercial targets set out in Articles 19 and following.
2. it tran...
Exploitation of results. The RESULTS that the EIT MANUFACTURING PARTNER shall EXPLOIT are defined as:
Exploitation of results. 27.1. Purpose and methods of exploitation Industrial activities and services that are the object of exploitation are: - The production, sale and export to any country of the PRODUCT, - The sale in any country of the SERVICE.
Exploitation of results. A key result of DACCIWA is the comprehensive dataset from the main field campaign in June-July 2016, which is freely available for the scientific community to use under a CC-BY license. For details, see xxxx://xxxxxx.xxxxx.xx/DACCIWA.
Exploitation of results. Minoryx, as the owner of the Results, shall have full rights to use and exploit such Results and/or any IP Rights on them.
Exploitation of results. In the event of an industrial or commercial use of the Joint Results from the ERG, the Parties concerned shall decide, in a separate written agreement, on the way of exploiting said Joint Results and of sharing the royalties. Notwithstanding this Agreement’s duration and termination or the withdrawal or exclusion of one of the Parties, the specific contract entered into between the interested Parties under article 6 shall remain in effect.
Exploitation of results. The Recipient must — up to four years after the end of the Project — use its best efforts to exploit its results directly or to have them exploited indirectly by another entity, in particular through transfer or licensing. If, despite the Recipient’s best efforts, the results are not exploited within one year after the end of the Project, the Recipient must (unless otherwise agreed in writing with the KIC LE) use the Horizon Results Platform to find interested parties to exploit the results. If results are incorporated in a standard, the Recipient must (unless otherwise agreed with the KIC LE or unless it is impossible) ask the standardisation body to include the funding statement (see Article 2.3.1. of Section 2 of this Annex 3) in (information related to) the standard.
Exploitation of results. The outcome of this SSA is expected to be a fully functional service that can be used immediately by professional astronomers for scientific research. Access to this service will be provided using existing agreements between partner institutes within the EVN and other affiliated institutes. There will be no limitation in the subsequent exploitation of scientific results. e-VLBI somewhat liberalises access to telescope data, it will be essential that the rules now followed by the EVN are adopted by e-VLBI, in particular data will be owned by the end-user that submitted the original observing proposal and no one else. All data will enter into the public domain, 12 months after the user has received processed data from JIVE (barring a successful please to the EVN PC, for example in the case of PhD students). The partnership policy established between the participants of the EVN-NREN Proof-of- Concept project will continue to apply to EXPReS and in particular SA1, i.e. the project will develop freely in a spirit of open scientific and technical collaboration. It is our intention that all documents depicting concepts, technological solutions and results should be made freely available to all EXPReS parties. The EVN works in collaboration with several other VLBI networks and technology developers worldwide. Standard VLBI only works if participants share compatible equipment and common data formats. There is therefore a long tradition of shared technology. The project will endeavour to absorb relevant and useful technological contributions from other groups, and to promote and propagate the results of EXPReS in support of this established culture. Many of the results that are achieved by SA1 will be relevant to the construction of next generation radio telescopes, such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Most of the radio observatories associated with EXPReS are also partners of the FP6 SKA Design Study (SKADS). There is also some degree of competition between the various VLBI Technology Centres located across the world (chiefly in Eurasia, USA & Japan). There is a small risk that another group will develop an incompatible solution to the problems addressed by SA1 that gain a dominant position before completion of the project. This risk is low for two reasons. First, the competition to define the standard interface unit for e-VLBI is, for all practical purposes, over between the US and Europe. These two groups now use a common data acquisition platform known as ...