FALSE ARREST AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. 1. The Employer will maintain false arrest insurance and liability insurance to cover employees in the performance of their duties. Said false arrest insurance will contain punitive damage coverage for the employee.
2. In the event the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System reduces or eliminates the death benefit of three and one half times (3-1/2) the annual salary, the Employer shall secure insurance to provide for this benefit. In addition insurance shall be provided to compensate heirs in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) in the event of the employee’s death during a tour of duty.
FALSE ARREST AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. A. The employer will keep in effect to cover each employee in the performance of his duty or for any litigation instituted contending to arise in the performance of the officer's duties, the amount of false arrest and liability Insurance which shall provide for One Million ($1,000,000) dollars per incident of exposure. One Million ($1,000,000) dollars aggregate.
B. Since employees of this department are required by accepted tradition and policy to be armed 24 hours a day and to volunteer to suppress criminal acts and take other law enforcement responsibilities at all times whether on regular duty assignment or not, the employer agrees to obtain such false arrest and liability insurance coverage in a contract of insurance which shall provide coverage to the employee for acts occurring in pursuit of this policy beyond regular duty assignment and in the event such insurance is not obtained, the Employer agrees to provide legal defense for an employee against whom a civil claim or a suit is instituted and indemnify the employee for any damages other than punitive damages awarded to a claimant. Proof of coverage of insurance obtained in accordance with this provision shall be delivered to the President of the Association, a copy of which shall be attached to become part of this contract.
C. The Employer agrees to retain an attorney to defend any officer against whom charges (other than disciplinary), civil action, or criminal or quasi- criminal action are instituted, other than charges, civil actions, or criminal charges for actions or conduct outside of the line of duty and/or scope of employment. Such attorneys shall be mutually acceptable to the officer and Borough Administrator and shall be paid the reasonable compensation for legal services rendered in such defense. Attorney fees for criminal defense shall not be the responsibility of the Borough in the event of a conviction. In any action, upon a determination by the Borough in accord with N.J.S.A. 59:10-4, the Borough has the option of advising the officer that it will defend and indemnify the officer and the Borough shall then provide the defense and the officer will cooperate in the defense.
FALSE ARREST AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. A. The Township shall procure, maintain, and provide for all full-time, permanent Employees of the Police Department professional liability insurance coverage, at no expense to the Employee, to include libel, slander, defamation, or violation of right or privacy, occupancy, or false arrest, detention or imprisonment, or malicious prosecution and assault and battery.
1. Such insurance limits shall be One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars per person; Three Hundred Thousand ($300,000.00) Dollars per occurrence; and Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) Dollars aggregate.
B. That since it is against public policy, insurance cannot be obtained for punitive damages, the Township shall not be obligated to provide insurance coverage for punitive claims, nor shall the Township be obligated to pay or indemnify any Employee for any judgment rendered against the Employee for punitive damages.
C. The Employee may pick the attorney of his choice at the discretion of the Township’s insurance carrier.
D. During the first year of employment, all new employees shall be covered by Article 36.
FALSE ARREST AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. The Township shall procure, maintain, and provide for all full-time, permanent Employees of the Police Department professional liability insurance coverage, at no expense to the Employee, to include libel, slander, defamation, or violation of right of privacy, occupancy, or false arrest, detention or imprisonment, or malicious prosecution and assault and battery.
FALSE ARREST AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. The Borough will continue to provide false arrest and liability insurance for employees covered under this agreement in the sum of not less than Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) Dollars per incident for liability arising out of bodily injury or property damage for which the insured is held legally liable. Any bodily injury or property damage arising out of a willful violation of a penal statute or ordinance committed by or with the consent or knowledge of any insured and any intentional act of wanton neglect is excluded. This coverage is only for employees covered under this Agreement in the scope of their duties as employees of the Borough of Allenhurst.
FALSE ARREST AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. A. The employer shall keep in effect False Arrest and Liability Insurance in the amount of
B. Since employees of this department are required by accepted tradition and policy to volunteer to suppress criminal acts and assume other law enforcement responsibilities at all times whether on regular duty assignment or not, and whether in the Township of Middletown or not, the employer agrees to obtain such false arrest and liability coverage in a contract of insurance which shall provide coverage to the employee for acts occurring in pursuit of this policy beyond regular duty assignment. In the event such insurance is not obtained, the employer agrees to provide legal defense for an employee against whom a civil claim or a suit is instituted and to indemnify the employee for any damages awarded to a claimant. Any policy of insurance obtained in accordance with this provision shall be delivered to the employee bargaining unit for examination, and approval.
C. The employer agrees to be bound by the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-155.
FALSE ARREST AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. 1. The Township of Verona hereby agrees to indemnify Employees in the same manner as provided by the terms of N.J.S.A. 59:10-1 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 40A:14-155.
2. The Township also agrees to provide the cost of liability insurance to cover each Employee for any liability he may incur while acting in the performance of his duties.
FALSE ARREST AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. Employer shall continue the current program for false arrest and liability insurance for all unit employees. The Township shall have the right to change carriers or become self-insured at its discretion.
FALSE ARREST AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. Section 1. The Borough shall continue to provide and pay for False Arrest and Liability Insurance for employees covered by this Agreement in accordance with the present coverage in effect. Additionally, the Borough shall indemnify any employee covered by this agreement with reference to any compensatory damages awarded against any employee, which damage award arose out of and was directly related to the lawful exercise of police powers in furtherance of the employee's official duties in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A: 14-155.
Section 2. All legal proceedings involving any member or officer of the Police Department and arising out of and directly related to the lawful exercise of police powers in the furtherance of his official duties shall be governed by the applicable provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-155. It is agreed the employee shall have the absolute right to choose an attorney of the employee's choice; provided however, an express agreement is reached with the municipality as to the reasonable expense. Reasonable expense is the equivalent of the cost of competent counsel that could be obtained by the municipality.
FALSE ARREST AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. The Borough shall keep in effect false arrest and liability insurance to completely cover each employee acting in the performance of his duty and for any litigation arising out of claims regarding an employee’s actions in the performance of his duty.