False Complaints Sample Clauses
False Complaints. If an employee is the subject of more than one (1) false complaint from the same individual, the matter will be evaluated by the Human Resources Department, with the assistance of the University Police Department and/or Employee Assistance Program as appropriate, and a determination will be made whether the repeated complaints indicate a possible personal security threat to the employee, requiring disclosure to the employee.
False Complaints. You (or anyone living with you, or visiting your home) must not make false or malicious complaints about the behaviour of any other person.
False Complaints. If false complaints are alleged to have been made against an employee, that employee may choose to proceed as a complainant, through the court system, in a criminal action of the employee’s own making against the perpetrator. The employer will permit the employee time required during the employee’s normal on-duty hours, if necessary, to confer with an appropriate prosecutor on the matter.
False Complaints. All complaints against officers which are determined to be unfounded, or in which the officer’s conduct is exonerated, shall be reviewed by the appropriate commander for recommendation for prosecution.
False Complaints. Faculty members must recognize that a charge of misrepresentation is one of the most serious complaints that can be made by one faculty member against another. Such a charge should be made only if the matter is significant and of a serious nature. A faculty member who makes a deliberately false complaint that another faculty member has misrepresented his/her credentials, teaching, service or scholarship, may be brought to the Xxxxxxx for adjudication and the Xxxxxxx may recommend disciplinary actions such as those outlined in Article VI, Section B, Paragraph 1(h).
False Complaints. The City or bargaining unit members may prosecute individuals who make false or unfounded criminal complaints against bargaining unit members.
False Complaints. Students are prohibited from knowingly making false complaints of harassment, intimidation or bullying. Students found responsible for deliberately making false reports of harassment, intimidation or bullying may be subject to a full range of disciplinary consequences.
False Complaints. Any person(s) who has made a false complaint against an employee may be prosecuted by the Police Depal1ment under applicable State Law. ARTICLES DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE
SECTION 1. STANDARDS FOR DISCIPLINE 5a: Discipline shall include any of the following: - Oral reprimand - Written reprimand - Suspensions - Discharge At the discretion of the Chief of Police or his designee, alternative forms of corrective actions such as but not limited to, additional training, extra duty, and/or loss of conlpensatory time may be considered. The Town shall consider the least anlount of discipline of any enlployee with the goal of correcting �n employees behavior with positive reinforcement first, i.e., oral reprimand, written reprimand, before moving to punitive types of discipline such as suspensions and discharges. The Town reserves the right to start at any level of discipline depending on the severity of the incident. Any form of disciplinary action against an emplo xxx shall be for just cause and will be subject to the grievance procedure. Verbal reprimands may be used as a basis for subsequent disciplinary action making the matter subject to the grievance procedure.
False Complaints. The Department or bargaining unit member may pursue civil or criminal prosecution of individuals who make false or unfounded complaints against bargaining unit members.
False Complaints. It is a violation of this policy for anyone to make an intentionally false accusation of discrimination. Any employee or student who is found to have made an intentionally false accusation of discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action.