Specialized Units Sample Clauses
Specialized Units. The District will make every reasonable effort to identify, prior to April 1 of each school year, which specialized units will be moved from their present school location to a different school location, even if it cannot yet determine where the new site will be. This will allow reasonable notice and opportunity for the affected teacher to pursue voluntary transfer options. If an affected teacher does not wish to go to the new location and is unsuccessful in securing a voluntary transfer in April, that teacher will participate in the surplus pool in mid-May. If the teacher is notified of the relocation after the May surplus meeting and does not wish to move with the specialized unit, the affected teacher shall, within five (5) days of notification, select a position from a list of vacancies. If more than one unit exists at a school, relocation will be based on seniority. The District will establish a procedure for assuring that teachers hired for specialized classes are informed, in writing, at the time they are hired, that such special education units are assigned to locations at the discretion of the District and that, consequently, the existence of a particular unit at a specific school one year does not mean that the unit will continue at the school in subsequent years. The prevailing factor in determining which special education teacher is to be surplused is the area of licensure, even if the units are assigned to secondary schools.
Specialized Units. The City and the Union agree that the Fire Department has the following Specialized Units: • Engine 14 - Hazardous Devices Unit (EOD) • Heavy Rescue 14- Heavy Rescue / Hazardous Materials Response • Heavy Rescue 9- Heavy Rescue / Hazardous Materials Response It is in the best interests of the City, the Union and the Fire Department to maintain these specially equipped Units whose members receive additional, specialized training in order to respond to extraordinary runs such as hazardous materials incidents, entrapments, high angle rescues, and explosives incidents / investigations. The City and the Union agree that the safety and efficiency of the Specialized Units depends upon the adequate staffing, training and equipping of the Units. The City and the Union agree to jointly develop, approve and maintain a Standard Operating Procedure for each Specialized Unit that sets minimum standards for the training, equipping and staffing. Members transferring to Engine 14, Heavy Rescue 14 or Heavy Rescue 9 may be required to sign a five (5) year commitment to remain on these Specialized Units. In the development of these Standard Operating Procedures, national, industry, and professional standards will be considered and implemented upon mutual agreement of the parties. These Standard Operating Procedures will be reviewed at least annually and updated as needed.
Specialized Units i. number of activations and deployments of specialized tactical units; and
ii. number of uses of force used overall and by force type, area command, and demographic category;
Specialized Units. To maintain high-level, quality service; to ensure officer safety and accountability; and to promote constitutional, effective policing, APD shall operate and manage its specialized units in a manner that increases the likelihood of safely resolving critical incidents and high-risk situations, prioritizes saving lives in accordance with the totality of the circumstances, provides for effective command-level accountability, and ensures force is used in strict compliance with applicable law, best practices, and this Agreement. To achieve these outcomes, APD shall implement the requirements set out below.
Specialized Units. (1) Employees in the class of Eligibility Specialist who are assigned to the Specialized Units listed below shall receive a pay differential of five percent (5%) of the employee's established hourly rate. This differential shall be paid only for the time the employee is assigned to perform the duties in the following Units: Court Order Review Team, Home Visit, Overpayment Computation, Quality Control, and Training. Employees permanently assigned to the Training Specialized Unit who are temporarily assigned in writing to work in a position for which the differential does not apply, shall not lose such differential. The number of days the employee may be temporarily assigned to work outside the specialized unit shall not be in excess of twenty (20) cumulative workdays in a calendar year. Assignments in excess of twenty (20) workdays in a calendar year shall be made under the provisions of Section 14.9.
(2) Effective June 28, 1992, the Income Earnings Verifications System (IEVS) Program is not considered a specialized unit under Section 14.8; however, this status may change subject to the provisions of Section 14.8.
(3) Effective August 15, 1999, employees in the class of Human Services Specialist who are assigned to the Training Specialized Unit shall receive a pay differential of five percent (5%) of the employee’s established hourly rate. This differential shall be paid only for the time the employee is assigned to perform the duties in the Training Unit. Employees permanently assigned to the Training Unit, who are temporarily assigned in writing to work in a position for which the differential does not apply, shall not lose such differential. The number of days the employee may be temporarily assigned to work outside the specialized unit shall not be in excess of twenty
Specialized Units. MPD and the City will continue to ensure that the activities of its specialized units be conducted with the care and restraint necessary to ensure constitutional policing, and that supervisor and management decisions be strictly followed during deployment.
48. Within two months of the entry of this Agreement, MPD shall provide to DOJ for review and approval its criteria for recruitment and admission to the MPD’s specialized units, including Tactical Operations Section (“TOS”) units. MPD shall maintain eligibility criteria and selection devices for assignment to TOS units that emphasize demonstrated capacity to carry out the mission of a TOS unit in a constitutional manner. Officers assigned to TOS units who are unable to maintain eligibility shall be removed from the TOS units. The MPD shall monitor the list of names of all officers and supervisors assigned to TOS units on a quarterly basis to assess and adjust its ongoing personnel and staffing needs.
49. MPD shall continue to ensure that operating protocols for TOS units are consistent with the agency-wide use of force policies implemented to comply with this Agreement.
50. MPD shall continue to prohibit SWAT units from conducting general patrol and policing functions while they are on a specialized assignment absent exigent circumstances. Both officer member actions and supervisory decisions must adhere strictly to the SWAT unit’s operational protocols during deployment.
51. MPD will continue to require officers assigned to TOS units, while on a specialized assignment, to document in writing all law enforcement activities, including operational plans and after-action reports in consistent formats for all call-outs and deployments. Supervisors shall conduct documented regular reviews of the TOS’ law enforcement activities to ensure their compliance with applicable laws and MPD policies and procedures.
52. MPD shall continue to track, analyze and take appropriate action if necessary to address tactical deficiencies or policy violations by TOS unit members, including recommendations for changes to training or policy; transferring individuals; and/or initiating disciplinary action as necessary. MPD will document this process and report on its successes and challenges.
Specialized Units. A. An employee assigned to SWAT, Bomb, EFF, Dive, HNT, and Honor Guard, after completion of a probationary period and the unit's certification process and while so assigned, shall receive an annual stipend of one thousand four hundred and thirty dollars ($1,430.00), paid as fifty-five dollars ($55.00) per pay period.
B. Officer must have completed their probationary period and the unit's certification process to receive incentive, if applicable.
C. Incentive shall only be received during the time they are assigned to an above noted specialized unit.
Specialized Units. Selection, retention and transfer of Members assigned to specialized units shall be governed by General Order 05-03A as in effect on the commencement of this Agreement, except as modified by this Section. Absent unusual or extenuating circumstances, specialized units shall only have a one (1) year extension, except that a Member assigned to the DCI can move on a one-time basis from one DCI tenured position to another DCI tenured position to maintain training and experience in the unit as determined by the Chief of Police or his designee. A Member cannot be moved/transferred from one specialized unit to another specialized unit unless he or she works a minimum of one (1) year assigned to the patrol division. Specialized units covered under this provision include the detective bureau (DCI), COPS unit, school resource officer, or any other specialized positions created during the term of this Agreement. One year of continuous detective bureau experience is required to apply for an open ten (10) year general assignment position.
Specialized Units. All members volunteering for assignment to specialized units shall be subject to drug testing upon their conditional selection to said specialized unit. Specialized units will consist of the Tactical Unit and any multi-jurisdictional unit (e.g., Metropolitan Area Narcotics Squad, Cooperative Police Assistance Team, and the Tri-County Auto Theft Task Force).
Specialized Units