Fieldwork Sample Clauses

FieldworkSite Visit, Photography, Measurements a. The Contractor shall take site, interior, exterior, and detail digital images of the Building. These photos should be used for reference in developing the architectural description outlined in I.A.2.d. Field notes/sketches should be used to create the digital sketch plans outlined in I.A.2.a. b. The Contractor shall submit draft digital images of the same or very similar views that are proposed for HABS photography to the SHPO for comment. Selection of view and quantity of images shall be done in consultation with the SHPO. Images must include site, elevations, distinctive exterior and interior architectural features, primary interior spaces, and representative non-primary interior spaces. Upon SHPO concurrence in writing of the selected draft views, the Contractor may proceed with taking the final HABS photography as outlined in I.A.1.c. c. Final HABS photographs must be taken by a professional photographer and must include all the views agreed to in I.A.1. b. Photographs must be taken with a large-format film camera using 4” x 5” or larger black-and-white negatives, processed according to HABS guidelines, with in-camera perspective correction (as needed).
FieldworkSite Visit and Photography a. The Preservation Lead shall take site, interior, exterior, and detail digital images of the historic structure in conformance with the HABS/HAER/HALS Guidelines. These photos should be used for reference in developing the architectural description outlined in Sec. I. A.2.d. These images will include the Lake Line Elevated and Austin Lake Line Station. b. The Preservation Lead shall submit draft digital images of the same or very similar views in conformance with the HABS/HAER/HALS Guidelines that are proposed for HABS photography to the SHPO for comment. Selection of view and quantity of images shall be done in consultation with the SHPO. Images must include site, views of the Austin Station, distinctive exterior and interior architectural features, primary interior spaces, and representative non-primary interior spaces. SHPO shall have up to thirty (30) days to comment and concur, and the Preservation Lead and CTA shall incorporate such comments or concurrence into the Project. Upon written SHPO concurrence of the selected draft views or if it has been in excess of thirty (30) days, the Preservation Lead may proceed with taking the final HABS photography as outlined in Sec. I.A.1.c. c. Final HABS photographs must be taken by a professional photographer and must include all the views agreed to in Sec. I. A.1. b. Photographs must be taken with a large-format digital camera using 4” x 5” or larger black-and-white negatives, processed according to HABS/HAER/HALS Guidelines, with in-camera perspective correction (as needed).
Fieldwork. Fieldwork was conducted during two trips: one in 2018 and one in 2020. The goal of the first trip was to collect wordlists and oral history data (§, while the second trip was aimed at collecting data for a grammar sketch (§ Fieldwork for collection of wordlists and oral history data
Fieldwork. 10.6.1 Surveyors will record the following information for each passenger surveyed:  If a valid ticket is held, the details of the journey are recorded; including origin and destination, passenger type (adult, student, and child), ticket type and time of inspection.  If no ticket is held or the ticket shown is invalid, the reason for not holding a ticket or type of invalidity will be recorded, as well as the journey details outlined above. 10.6.2 As part of this process the passenger’s ticket will be inspected.
FieldworkThe City shall conduct archaeological fieldwork as presented in the AIS Plan. For construction Phases 1, 2 and 3, the archaeological fieldwork shall be completed in advance of the completion of final design for each phase so that the presence of any sensitive archaeological sites/burials discovered during fieldwork may be considered during final design and measures incorporated to avoid and/or minimize adverse effects on historic properties. The City shall inform OIBC of status of the archaeological investigation. Fieldwork required by the AIS Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Reconnaissance survey (archival research and visual inspection by pedestrian inventory) within the APE, 2. A sample survey of subsurface conditions with ground- penetrating radar (GPR), and subsurface inspection as warranted, 3. A subsurface testing regime for locations identified in the AIS Plan, 4. A description of archaeological methods specific and applicable to the findings will be used in analysis, and 5. Draft and final reports summarizing the results of the fieldwork and analysis shall be submitted to the SHPD for review and approval.
FieldworkThe auditor shall complete all fieldwork by February 1, 2022.
Fieldwork. For MYWEB’s WP4, CRRC-Georgia conducted four focus groups and twenty interviews with children and young people between November 12 and 20, 2014. For the fieldwork, CRRC-Georgia selected two contrasting schools in Tbilisi: a public school (#82), which is located in the suburbs of Tbilisi and a private Waldorf Free School, located in the centre of the city. In order to organize focus groups and interviews at the schools, the CRRC-Georgia team met with the school principals, teachers and children one week before fieldwork to introduce them to the project, its goals and objectives. Public School #82 (PS82) is located about 1.5 hours from the city centre by public transport, and generally is quite well organized. The school building was recently renovated and is quite large. It has a large yard. The principal of the school and teachers were friendly, enthusiastic and ready to help with organizational issues. They assisted CRRC-Georgia in obtaining parent permission and provided all documentation in time for fieldwork. In addition, they prepared warm and comfortable rooms for the focus group and interviews. In PS82, the focus group participants and interview respondents were aged 10-12. In total, CRRC-Georgia conducted one focus group with nine participants and five interviews in PS82. The Waldorf Free School is a private school located in a central district of Tbilisi, about 15-20 minutes from the city centre by public transport. It is easily accessible. The Waldorf Free School building is relatively small and has not been renovated recently. Teachers were also friendly and helpful, but less organized than in PS82. They experienced difficulties in attempting to provide the CRRC-Georgia team with rooms to conduct interviews, and the interview process was interrupted several times as the interviewer had to change rooms. Parent permissions were obtained in time for fieldwork activities. In the Waldorf Free School, the focus group participants and interview respondents were aged 15-16. In total, CRRC-Georgia conducted one focus group with five participants and five interviews in the Waldorf Free School. In both schools, focus groups and interviews were conducted after classes in order to avoid interrupting the teaching process. Apart from schools, the CRRC-Georgia team conducted one focus group and five interviews with young people actively engaged in extracurricular activities and one focus group and five interviews with young people not engaged in extracurricular...
FieldworkSite Visit, Photography, Measurements a. The Contractor shall take detailed digital images of the Dam. These photos should be used for reference in developing I.A.2.d. Field notes/sketches should be used to create the digital sketch plans outlined in I.A.2.a.
FieldworkSite Visit, Photography, Measurements a. The Contractor shall take site, interior, exterior, and detail digital images of the Building. These photos should be used for reference in developing the architectural description outlined in I.A.2.d. Field notes/sketches should be used to create the digital sketch floor plans outlined in I.A.2.a. b. The Contractor shall submit preliminary digital images of the same or very similar views that are proposed for large format (4” x 5”) HIBS photography to the SHPO for comment. Selection of view and quantity of images shall be done in consultation with the SHPO. Images must include site, elevations, distinctive exterior and interior architectural features, primary interior spaces, and representative non-primary interior spaces. Upon SHPO concurrence in writing of the selected draft views, the Contractor may proceed with taking the final large format HIBS photography as outlined in I.A.1.c. c. Final HIBS photographs must be taken by a professional photographer and must include all the views agreed to in I.A.1. b. Photographs must be taken with a large-format film camera using 4” x 5” negatives, processed according to HIBS guidelines, with in-camera perspective correction (as needed).
FieldworkSite Visit, Photography a. The Professional shall take site, exterior, and detail digital images of the Bridge. At least one photograph shall include a scale. These photos should be used for reference in developing the architectural description outlined in I.A.2.c. b. The Professional shall submit draft digital images of the same or very similar views that are proposed for HAER photography to the SHPO for comment. Selection of view and quantity of images shall be done in consultation with the SHPO. Images must include site, elevations, and distinctive features. Upon SHPO concurrence in writing of the selected draft views, the Professional may proceed with taking the final HAER photography as outlined in I.A.1.c. c. Final HAER photographs must be taken by a professional photographer and must include all the views agreed to in I.A.1. b. Photographs must be taken with a large-format film camera using 4” x 5” or larger black-and-white negatives, processed according to HABS/HAER/HALS guidelines, with in-camera perspective correction (as needed).