Funeral Benefit. Rehabilitation Benefit
Funeral Benefit. The County will fund a Funeral Benefit that will provide reimbursement of up to $15,000 for actual funeral expenses incurred in the event a Pay Schedule I employee is killed on the job, subject to the requirements of the County policy adopted and administered by the County Administrative Officer.
Funeral Benefit. City will provide fifty percent (50%) co-payment, not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000), for funeral expenses for an employee or their spouse only. This funeral benefit will be considered secondary to and shall be coordinated with any and all other funeral benefits that may be payable to employee or spouse.
Funeral Benefit. 1. If an employee dies, his salary is paid up to the last day of the month of his decease, plus a funeral benefit equivalent to two months' salary, to:
a. the surviving partner if the deceased was not permanently divorced;
b. if there is no one as specified in a, the lawful or legally recognized natural minors, including stepchildren and adopted children;
c. if there is no one as specified in a and b, the person who shared a household with the deceased;
d. if there is no one as specified in a, b and c, the next of kin or in-laws or the legal heirs who are responsible for arranging the funeral or cremation.
2. If there is no one with a legal claim as specified in the previous section, the funeral benefit specified in that section can be paid to the person or persons who can establish a reasonable claim to it in the opinion of the employer.
3. The sum of the funeral benefit due to next of kin as a result of a health or disability insurance is deducted from the funeral benefit as specified in section 1 of this article.
Funeral Benefit. In the event of the death of a member in service prior to his normal retirement age, the full amount of the proceeds of any claim admitted by the underwriter under a Group Funeral Policy affected by the Fund shall become payable in addition to the benefit referred to in subclause (7)(a). This provision shall not apply in respect of members who were subject to the scope of clause 1
(1) (c) of this Agreement and in respect of whom contributions had been made in terms of clause 6 (2) (b) of this Agreement, until such time as the Management Committee of the Fund has decided to extend those benefits to such members.
(a) For a period of up to three (3) months, contributions from a contributor shall, for the purposes of determining a member's benefits, be deemed to have been received by the Fund, provided that such contributions were deducted from his earnings, notwithstanding the fact that such contributor's employer may not have actually paid such amount of money to the Fund.
(b) No contributor shall be prejudiced in respect of any period of employment of up to three months during which he should have contributed to the Fund, but in respect of which his employer failed to submit contributions.
(c) If an employer fails to contribute amounts due by him in terms of clause 6 (2) (b), for a period longer than 3 (three) months, the contributors then in the employment of that employer shall, in accordance with the policy of insurance issued by the underwriter, no longer be covered for the death and disability benefits referred to in subclauses (6), (7) and (8).
(d) The trade union shall be advised after one month's non-payment of contributions by an employer as contemplated in subclause (9) (c) above.
(e) Benefits shall be calculated on the basis of contributions actually paid and deemed to have been paid during a member's service.
Funeral Benefit. Subject to the provisions of subclause (6)(a), on the death of a member, a funeral benefit of R5000 shall be payable to the surviving spouse or to such person as the Management Committee may consider entitled to receive the benefit, on production of such proof of death of the employee as the Management Committee may from time to time prescribe or require.
Funeral Benefit. Section 9.19.1 The City agrees to provide the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) in funeral related expenses, payable to identified vendors, on behalf of a member killed in the line of duty.
Funeral Benefit. We will pay after the happening of an Event listed under Section A or Section B – (Weekly Benefits) of this Policy resulting in the death of an Insured Person expenses incurred for the funeral of the Insured Person. Compensation under this provision will be limited to the actual costs incurred not exceeding $5,000 per Insured Person and will be payable only in direct reimbursement of the funeral director costs.
Funeral Benefit. Should any Fire Management Group employee die in the line of duty, the City will provide the family of the unit employee a funeral benefit payment of $15,000.
Funeral Benefit. Where an Israeli national has died while resident in Denmark, the estate shall be entitled to receive death grant funeral benefit under the Danish legislation provided that the deceased was entitled to Danish health security.