General Conservation Measures. 1. The Parties shall take measures to conserve migratory waterbirds, giving special attention to endangered species as well as to those with an unfavourable conservation status.
2. To this end, the Parties shall:
(a) accord the same strict protection for endangered migratory waterbird species in the Agreement Area as is provided for under Article III, paragraphs 4 and 5, of the Convention;
(b) ensure that any use of migratory waterbirds is based on an assessment of the best available knowledge of their ecology and is sustainable for the species as well as for the ecological systems that support them;
(c) identify sites and habitats for migratory waterbirds occurring within their territory and encourage the protection, management, rehabilitation and restoration of these sites, in liaison with those bodies listed in Article IX, paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Agreement, concerned with habitat conservation;
(d) coordinate their efforts to ensure that a network of suitable habitats is maintained or, where appropriate, re-established throughout the entire range of each migratory waterbird species concerned, in particular where wetlands extend over the area of more than one Party to this Agreement;
(e) investigate problems that are posed or are likely to be posed by human activities and endeavour to implement remedial measures, including habitat rehabilitation and restoration, and compensatory measures for loss of habitat;
(f) cooperate in emergency situations requiring international concerted action and in identifying the species of migratory waterbirds which are the most vulnerable to these situations as well as cooperate in developing appropriate emergency procedures to provide increased protection to these species in such situations and in the preparation of guidelines to assist individual Parties in tackling these situations;
(g) prohibit the deliberate introduction of non-native waterbird species into the environment and take all appropriate measures to prevent the unintentional release of such species if this introduction or release would prejudice the conservation status of wild flora and fauna; when non-native waterbird species have already been introduced, the Parties shall take all appropriate measures to prevent these species from becoming a potential threat to indigenous species;
(h) initiate or support research into the biology and ecology of migratory waterbirds including the harmonization of research and monitoring methods and, where appropriate, ...
General Conservation Measures. 1. The Parties shall take measures to conserve migratory waterbirds, giving special attention to endangered species as well as to those with an unfavourable conservation status.
2. To this end, the Parties shall: […]
General Conservation Measures. 1. In furtherance of their obligation to take measures to achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for albatrosses and petrels, the Parties, having regard to Article XIII, shall:
a) conserve and, where feasible and appropriate, restore those habitats which are of importance to albatrosses and petrels;
b) eliminate or control non-native species detrimental to albatrosses and petrels;
c) develop and implement measures to prevent, remove, minimize or mitigate the adverse effects of activities that may influence the conservation status of albatrosses and petrels;
d) initiate or support research into the effective conservation of albatrosses and petrels;
e) ensure the existence and appropriateness of training for, inter alia, the implementation of conservation measures;
f) develop and maintain programmes to raise awareness and understanding of albatross and petrel conservation issues;
g) exchange information and results from albatross and petrel, and other relevant, conservation programmes; and
h) support the implementation of the actions elaborated in the FAO International Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries which complement the objectives of this Agreement.
2. The Parties shall, subject to paragraphs 3 to 5 of this Article, prohibit the deliberate taking of, or harmful interference with, albatrosses and petrels, their eggs, or their breeding sites.
3. Parties may grant an exemption to the prohibitions in paragraph 2 of this Article, but only if there is no other satisfactory course of action and the exemption is made for one of the following purposes:
a) to enhance the propagation, re-establishment or survival of albatrosses or petrels;
b) on a selective basis and to a limited extent for scientific, educational or similar purposes;
c) to accommodate the traditional needs and practices of indigenous peoples; or
d) in other exceptional circumstances, in which case, unless an exceptional circumstance is of the nature of a short-term emergency, a prior environmental impact assessment shall be carried out and made publicly available in accordance with requirements in the Action Plan established by Article VI.
4. Any exemption under paragraph 3 of this Article, shall be precise, and limited in space and time, and shall not operate to the detriment of the conservation status of albatrosses or petrels. Any Parties granting such exemptions shall, as soon as possible, submit full details of them to the Secretariat...