Grouping. Base.dll Yes
Grouping. Web.dll Yes Syncfusion.Grouping.Windows.dll Yes Syncfusion.HighContrastTheme.WinForms.dll Yes Syncfusion.HtmlConverter.Base.dll Yes Syncfusion.HTMLToDLS.Base.dll Yes Syncfusion.HTMLUI.Base.dll Yes Syncfusion.HTMLUI.Windows.dll Yes Syncfusion.Licensing.dll Yes Syncfusion.Linq.Android.dll Yes Syncfusion.Linq.Base.dll Yes Syncfusion.Linq.iOS.dll Yes Syncfusion.Notification.WinUI.dll Yes Syncfusion.Maps.MVVM.Wpf.dll Yes Syncfusion.Maps.Windows.dll Yes Syncfusion.Maps.WPF.dll Yes Syncfusion.MIME.Base.dll Yes Syncfusion.OCRProcessor.Base.dll Yes Syncfusion.OCRProcessor.Portable.dll Yes Syncfusion.OfficeChart.Base.dll Yes Syncfusion.OfficeChart.MVC.dll Yes Syncfusion.OfficeChart.Portable.dll Yes Syncfusion.OfficeChart.UWP.dll Yes Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.WPF.dll Yes Syncfusion.OfficeChartToImageConverter.UWP.dll Yes Syncfusion.Office2016Theme.WinForms.dll Yes Syncfusion.Office2019Theme.WinForms.dll Yes Syncfusion.Olap.Base.dll Yes Syncfusion.Olap.MVVM.WPF.dll Yes
Grouping. 4 shall consist of each teacher whose last 2 performance evaluation ratings are Excellent and each teacher with 2 Excellent performance evaluation ratings out of the teacher's last 3 performance evaluation ratings with a third rating of Satisfactory or Proficient.
Grouping. 1 shall consist of each teacher not in contractual continued service who has not received a performance evaluation.
Grouping. Any two sets of lines can be grouped together so they are fixed in their relative positions, even if moved, by using the Group option. To use the Group option, select two or more images at the same time and click on the Group icon located along the bottom of the software screen. This can alternately be located in the Object menu or by right-clicking on the multiple selected images and selecting Group. Any image that contains more than one line set can be ungrouped so that parts of the image may be treated independently, removed, rotated, resized, or otherwise manipulated rather than having to manipulate the image as a whole. For example, you may wish to cut out this cake image, but want to ungroup the image in order to remove some of the inner decorations of the image: Once ungrouped, the image will be displayed showing individual selection boxes around each new ungrouped image part that can now be manipulated: To access the individual ungrouped parts, you may unselect your image and then click onto any independent desired part for further removal or manipulation.
Grouping. Web.dll Yes
Grouping. 1: teachers on a temporary one year license approval by the State of Minnesota (Out of Field Permission or Tier 1 license) and/or Long–term substitute or probationary teachers as deemed appropriate by the District.
Grouping. 1 shall consist of each teacher not in contractual continued service and who (i) has not received a performance evaluation rating, (ii) is employed for one school term or less to replace a teacher on leave, or (iii) is employed on a part time basis as defined in 105 ILCS 5/24-12(b)(1).
Grouping. 3.1 For fee-based Investment Advisory Service clients we offer a facility called “Grouping”. Grouping is a means by which you can reduce your average Investment Advisory Service fee by combining the value of your Xxxxxx Partners Investment Advisory Service accounts with those of a family member at the same household. Grouping can help lift all individuals within a Group into a higher asset band based on our tiered pricing fee structure, thereby benefiting from the lower fees associated with that band. When you Group your accounts with other family members you are not giving them any control or viewing rights over your accounts, nor do you gain any rights over their accounts.
3.2 You can remove yourself from a Group at any time by contacting us.
3.3 Where Group account arrangements are entered into, you understand and agree that:
3.3.1 Only clearly identifiable family members living at the same address are able to be Grouped;
3.3.2 It is possible that someone you Group with could use the associated reduction in their fees to calculate the value of your accounts. Similarly, you may be able to calculate the value of accounts for anyone Grouped with you;
3.3.3 By Instructing us to Group your accounts you are agreeing to this sharing of inferred personal information;
Grouping. Ungrouping