REDUCTIONS IN PERSONNEL. If the Board determines it necessary to reduce the number of bargaining unit positions under R.C. 3319.17, for adverse financial reasons, or because programs have been abolished, the following procedure shall apply: A. Reductions shall be made by suspending contracts based upon the superintendent's recommendation. Those contracts to be suspended will be chosen as follows: 1. All members of the bargaining unit will be placed on a seniority list for each teaching field for which they are properly certificated. Members serving under continuing contracts will be placed at the top of the list, in descending orders of seniority. Members serving under limited contracts will be placed on the list below under continuing contract members, also in descending order of seniority. 2. Seniority will be defined as the length of continuous service in a bargaining unit position under regular contract in this district. Seniority will begin to accrue as of the member's most recent date of hire. a. Board approved unpaid leaves of absence will not interrupt seniority, but time spent on such leave shall not count toward seniority. b. Seniority will continue to accrue during all Board approved paid leaves of absence. c. Time spent in a non-bargaining unit position shall not count towards the accrual of seniority, but shall not constitute a break in seniority. d. If two or more members have the same length of continuous service, seniority will be determined by: - the date of the Board meeting at which the member was hired, and then by; - the date the member signed his/her initial employment contract in the district, and then by; - any remaining ties will be broken by lot. 3. The superintendent will recommend reductions in force in a teaching field by suspending the contract of the member lowest seniority among the members in that area of certification. Upon notification of the superintendent’s action, that member may decide to displace a member holding the lowest rank of seniority in a second field in which the former member is also certified providing the following provisions must be met: a. He/she must have taught at least 90 days during the immediate past five (5) years, or… b. He/she must have taken a refresher course of two (2) or more semester hours or three (3) or more quarter hours credit in his/her second field of certifications during the immediate past five (5) years or… c. Upon being notified of his/her contract suspension resulting from a reduction in force, he/she ha...
REDUCTIONS IN PERSONNEL. A. Should substantial and unforeseen changes in student population or other conditions make necessary a general reduction in the number of teachers employed by the District, teachers shall be laid off on the basis of seniority, provided that a more senior teacher may be laid off while a less senior teach is employed, if the more senior teacher is not certified and qualified for the position to which the less senior teacher is assigned. Further, this procedure shall be subject to the Michigan Teachers’ Tenure Act. To be qualified for a position a teacher must satisfy the highly qualified teacher requirements as established by the Department of Education and State and Federal law and the qualification criteria set forth in Section C of this Article and in Article XV, Section D. The Association and District will further use their best efforts to assist all teachers whose employment is terminated for lack of work to secure professional employment. B. If, after a reduction of teachers as outlined above, there are teaching positions that become vacant, laid off teachers who are certified, qualified and satisfy highly qualified teacher requirements, shall have recall rights in accordance with the Tenure Act, except that order of recall shall be based upon seniority and probationary teachers shall have the same recall rights as tenure teachers. In the event that two or more teachers are certified, qualified and satisfy highly qualified teacher requirements, in accordance with the Tenure Act, tenured teachers shall have preference over probationary teachers. C. In determining what constitutes "qualified" the District shall utilize the following factors: Experience in the level and content area, past performance as determined by personnel records, certification and Highly Qualified status, if applicable.
REDUCTIONS IN PERSONNEL. Reductions in personnel protocol. If, because of unforeseen circumstances such as reduction in student population, changes in curriculum, or deficit financial conditions, it becomes necessary to reduce staff, the Board of Education, in affecting a layoff, shall first establish its curriculum needs. Then the number and nature of the positions required to deliver that curriculum will be established. After this Board Action, the following reductions in personnel protocol established by the Revised School Code 380.1248 Personnel decisions resulting in elimination of position; policies; collective bargaining agreement; expiration; action brought by teacher; remedy, section 1248 shall prevail and be put into effect in the order specified below: 1. Filled with certified (Highly Qualified) personnel 2. Must be in the best interest of the students and teachers. This would be based on the past three (3) years of evaluations and with input from the Superintendent and Association President. 3. Based on the length of service within the district. Date of hire is determined to be the initial day an employee reports to work for his/her first day of work. In the event that one or more teachers have the same experience and date of hire, the affected teachers shall participate in drawing to determine their position based on length of service within the district.
REDUCTIONS IN PERSONNEL. Procedures A. In the event that the Board determines it to be necessary to reduce the number of certificated employees in the school system or to discontinue some particular type of teaching service, it shall first confer with the Association regarding such reductions. B. Once dismissal has been determined according to the provisions of Section 24- 12 of the Illinois School Code, then written notice is to be mailed to the teacher and also given to the teacher either by certified mail, return receipt requested, or personal delivery with receipt at least forty-five (45) days before the end of the school term together with a statement of honorable dismissal and the reasons therefore. The sequence of dismissal shall be as provided in Section D below. Upon scheduling each termination conference, the Association President shall be notified of the time and place of the meeting. The Association President or his/her designee will be present when the teacher is notified of his/her termination. The teacher reserves the right to continue the meeting with or without representation. C. The Joint Committee on Reductions-in-Force shall consist of three (3) members representing the Board and three (3) members representing the Association. The committee shall begin meeting no later than December 1st of each school year and shall be completed by March 1st of each school year, unless different dates are mutually agreed to by both parties. The committee has the authority to make decisions within the limits of Section 24-12 of the Illinois School Code. D. The sequence of dismissal shall be established each year not less than seventy- five (75) days before the end of the school term. Each teacher will be categorized into one (1) or more positions for which the teacher is qualified to hold based upon legal qualifications and any other qualifications established by the District in a job description in place no later than May 10th of the prior school year. Within each position the District shall establish four (4) groupings of teachers qualified to hold the position as follows:
REDUCTIONS IN PERSONNEL. Section 1. Reduction in personnel will be provided by applicable statutes and the Goreville School Board Reduction in Force Policy.
REDUCTIONS IN PERSONNEL. A. Specialists in positions regulated by the Tenure Act shall be subject to the layoff and recall provisions of board policy and procedures, which shall not be subject to grievance procedures. B. If for any reason the Board anticipates a reduction in staff for the next school year, each specialist to be laid off shall receive no less than sixty (60) calendar day’s written notice. If during the course of the current school year a loss of students or executive order from the Governor will result in a reduction in staff prior to January 1, said specialist shall receive no less than sixty (60) calendar days written notice, if a reduction in staff is necessary after January 1, said specialist shall receive no less than thirty (30) calendar days written notice. C. In the event of a recall, specialists shall be recalled in inverse order of layoff for a position opening for which they are State approved, certified, licensed and qualified. Such specialist shall retain accumulated sick days earned before the layoff. Recall notices shall be mailed certified, return receipt requested. A three
REDUCTIONS IN PERSONNEL. A. If a bargaining unit member has an involuntary reduction in hours, in the first year of reduction, a bargaining unit members shall not suffer a reduction in insurance benefit levels for the school year in which the reduction in hours occurred. After that school year, insurance benefit levels will be adjusted. B. The term "seniority" as hereinafter used shall be defined as the number of continuous years of employment by Okemos Public Schools.
REDUCTIONS IN PERSONNEL. If a reduction in the total number of certificated personnel becomes necessary because of declining enrollment, decreases in revenues, changes in state educational requirements or other reasons as provided in Arizona Revised Statues §15-544, such reductions shall be made according to the following criteria: 1. With the following exceptions, the Board shall first retain those employees who have the longest continuing period of service with the District: a. Those retained must be qualified to assume a similar position, e.g., teacher to teacher, nurse to nurse, psychologist to psychologist, in the areas and disciplines to be preserved; b. After determining the number of personnel to be reduced, the Board may retain 25% of the total number (to be reduced) at the discretion of the Board in accordance with specified District needs.
REDUCTIONS IN PERSONNEL. A. No later than September 30, the Board shall prepare a seniority list and post it in each building. All certified staff shall be ranked on the list in the order of the effective seniority date and shall include the teacher's name, seniority date, certification(s), majors and minors, current assignment and tie-breaking number. 1. Seniority is defined as length of continuous teaching service within the Madison District Schools. Effective September 1, 1995, teachers who are employed less than full-time shall have their seniority date adjusted to reflect the percentage of their assignment. Seniority accrued prior to September 1, 1995, shall remain intact. 2. All seniority is lost when employment is severed by resignation, retirement, or discharge for cause, however, a. Seniority is retained if severance of employment is due to layoff and teachers so affected shall retain all seniority accumulated as of the effective date of layoff. b. All employees employed as members of the bargaining unit before September 1979, shall retain all seniority with the Madison District Schools as if it had been continuous. c. Seniority shall continue to accumulate in accordance with Articles XIV; XVI; and Section J of this Article, unless otherwise stated in this Agreement. 3. In the circumstance of more than one (1) individual having the same effective date of employment, all individuals so affected will participate in a drawing to determine placement on the seniority list. The Association and teacher(s) so affected will be notified in writing of the date, place and time of the drawing. The drawing shall be conducted openly and at a time and place that will reasonably allow affected teachers and Association representatives to be in attendance. 4. A tie-breaking number for adjustment relative to seniority date change shall be assigned to each teacher for the purpose of placement on the seniority list, should a teacher change seniority date as a result of and in accordance with Article XVI and this Article, Sections C (1 - 4) and E, of this Agreement. 5. Revisions and updates of the seniority list shall be published and posted in each building by March 15 and a periodic update posted at the Board of Education Office. B. The Board, in consultation with school administrators, shall make layoffs with the primary concern being that of the school district. However, in order to assure that students are taught by teachers working within their areas of competence, teachers will not be as...