Salary Checks Sample Clauses

Salary Checks. A. Unit members shall be paid for their regular duties in twenty-six (26) equal installments on every other Friday of the month. Except in those state fiscal years in which twenty-seven (27) pays would accrue, one three-week interval between pays may be chosen at the discretion of the Board in a month which would normally have three paydays, provided the Association is given notice of such plans before January 1. The first check shall be issued on September 9, 2016 and continuing thereafter for the length of this agreement. B. Whenever the payday falls on a holiday or during a school vacation period, salary checks will be issued on the first preceding workday, except when the period of time between the last workday and the regular payday exceeds three (3) workdays. In the latter case, salary checks will be available on the day of the payday, or the day before, if the payday falls on a school holiday. C. The Board shall give new teachers credit for teaching experience in other Districts up to ten (10) years as required by law and shall give credit to such teachers for up to five (5) years military service in accordance with Section 3317.13 of the Revised Code. The total years credited for military service and teaching in other districts shall not exceed ten (10) years on the salary schedule unless determined otherwise at the discretion of the Board at the time of employment. This section shall not affect placement of unit members hired by the Board and provided service credit prior to the implementation of this agreement.
Salary Checks. A. 164-Day Basic Contract - Instructional Faculty and Library Faculty Faculty members shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis according to the negotiated pay dates of the appropriate academic calendar. Faculty members who select the 26 pay date schedule must enroll during the open enrollment period of March. Once enrolled, the faculty member must remain on the schedule until choosing to return to the 19 pay date schedule during a future enrollment period. The change in pay date schedule will become effective the following contract year. Faculty members who elect the 26 pay date schedule shall have their 164-day basic contract divided into 26 (or 27 depending on the number of pay dates in the fiscal year) equal amounts and shall be paid that amount bi-weekly. However, after the last regularly scheduled pay date in June, the faculty member shall receive the remaining biweekly paychecks so that all checks that are due to the faculty member have been issued prior to July 1. B. 164-Day Basic Contract - Counseling Faculty Counseling faculty shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis in equal installments over the contract year. The 164-day basic contract is worked over the entire contract year with at least one duty day scheduled per pay period. C. Extended Contract Faculty Extended contract faculty shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis in equal installments over the contract year. The extended contract is worked over the entire contract year with at least one duty day scheduled per pay period.
Salary Checks. A. The faculty member shall receive his annual contract pay in twenty-six (26) equal biweekly installments, beginning with the pay period/pay date immediately following the last pay period of the previous contract year, or at the faculty member's option, he may elect to receive his annual contract pay in nineteen (19) equal biweekly installments, beginning with the pay period/pay date immediately following the last pay period of the previous contract year by submitting to his supervisor the Faculty Pay Option form on the last day of the Spring Term each year. B. Absent an emergency, overload compensation for major terms shall be paid beginning no later than with the paycheck for the third full pay period in the Term, and will be paid in equal installments thereafter. Overload compensation for the Summer Term will begin as soon as reasonably possible and be paid in equal installments of not less than two (2) installments. C. In the event of an error resulting in under-payment to the faculty member of $250 or greater, a supplemental check shall be generated and provided to the faculty member not more than two (2) business days after written notification to Human Resources. D. In the event of an error resulting in under-payment to the faculty member of less than $250, pay shall be corrected no later than the next regular payroll after written notification to Human Resources. E. In the event that a faculty member is overpaid, the faculty member will be required to reimburse the college the full amount of the overpayment. When the faculty member is still employed at the college, and the amount exceeds $250, the college and the faculty member will develop an agreement for repayment. The repayment will be via payroll deduction. Every effort will be made to avoid as much negative impact to the employee as possible by stretching the re-payment over several pay periods.
Salary Checks. A. 164-Day Basic ContractInstructional Faculty and Library Faculty Faculty members shall be paid on a according to the designated pay dates of the appropriate academic calendar. Faculty members who select the 26 pay date schedule must enroll during the open enrollment period of March. Once enrolled, the faculty member must remain on the schedule until choosing to return to the 19 pay date schedule during a future enrollment period. The change in pay date schedule will become effective the following contract year. Faculty members who elect the 26 pay date schedule shall have their 164-day basic contract divided into 26 (or 27 depending on the number of pay dates in the fiscal year) equal amounts and shall be paid that amount bi-weekly. Should the College transition to a semi-monthly pay schedule, faculty who have elected the 26 pay date schedule will be transferred to a 24 pay date schedule. B. 164-Day Basic Contract – Counseling Faculty Counseling faculty shall be paid in equal installments over the contract year. The 164-day basic contract is worked over the entire contract year with at least one duty day scheduled per pay period. C. Extended Contract Faculty Extended contract faculty shall be paid in equal installments over the contract year. The extended contract is worked over the entire contract year with at least one duty day scheduled per pay period. D. Payment for Overloads Course overloads each semester shall be paid in installments. Payment on this schedule is dependent upon processing of the necessary paperwork. Overloads for continuing education courses shall be paid in a lump sum at the completion of the overload.
Salary Checks. A. Upon request, the College will endeavor to mail salary checks to the faculty member’s bank or home. If no such request is made, salary checks will be sent to the faculty member’s campus. The faculty member shall receive his annual contract pay in twenty-six (26) equal biweekly installments, beginning with the pay period/pay date immediately following the last pay period of the previous contract year, or at the faculty member’s option, he may elect to receive his annual contract pay in nineteen (19) equal biweekly installments beginning with the pay period/pay date immediately following the last pay period of the previous contract year by submitting to his supervisor the Faculty Pay Option form on the last day of the Spring Term each year. B. Absent an emergency, overload compensation for major terms shall be paid beginning no later than with the paycheck for the third full pay period in the Term, and will be paid in equal installments thereafter. Overload compensation for the Summer will begin as soon as reasonably possible and be paid in equal installments of not less than two (2) installments. C. In the event of an error resulting in under-payment to the faculty member of $250 or greater, a supplemental check shall be generated and provided to the faculty member not more than two (2) business days after written notification to Human Resources. D. In the event of an error resulting in under-payment to the faculty member of less than $250, pay shall be corrected no later than the next regular payroll after written notification to Human Resources.
Salary Checks. The Board of Education shall electronically deposit all payroll checks and proof of deposit shall be e-mailed to each employee.
Salary Checks. All salary checks will be issued on the 1st and 15th of every month through a system of direct deposit. The first payday of each school year will be September 1st. If the 1st or 15th of a month occurs on a weekend or holiday, the salary check will be deposited on the business day prior to the 1st or the 15th. Employees shall have the option of receiving their pay in one of three (3) methods: (1) Twenty-four (24) pays over twelve (12) months; (2) Twenty (20) pays over ten (10) months; (3) Twenty-four (24) pays over ten (10) months, with the remaining checks paid on the last work day of the school year. Each employee must exercise his/her option in writing not later than July first of each year, and if no option is exercised, will be deemed to have opted for the same pay method as the prior year. Employees for whom no written option is on file will be deemed to have selected option (1). New hires and long-term substitutes may elect a written option up to August 15th; thereafter, they shall be deemed to have elected option (1). Requests for year-end exceptions to the above methods of payment based on hardship shall be dealt with at the discretion of the Superintendent. Direct Deposit of payroll at a bank or financial institution designated by the employee will be mandatory for all employees. Salaries for employees entering the system after the beginning of the school year, but before April 1, will be calculated as follows: No. of Prof. Days Remaining X Annual Salary = Regular Check Total # of Prof. Days’ # of Pay Pds. Remaining The same formula will be used for employees entering the system after April 1, except the salary due will be divided by the number of pay periods remaining between the date of entry and June 30. Employees entering the system at any time after the beginning of the school year, who will have worked less than one week before the next regular payday, will not receive a paycheck until the following regular payday. Employees resigning before the end of the school year will be paid according to the following formula: # of days worked X Annual Salary – Salary Paid to Date = Salary Due # of Prof. Days The balance due such employees who resign before the end of the school year will be paid on the scheduled payday following their last day of service. If it is determined that an employee shall lose a day’s pay such deduction shall be computed using the following formula:
Salary Checks. All members shall be paid in twenty-four (24) equal semi-monthly installments. They shall be paid on the twentieth (20th) day of each month for the salary earned from the first (1st) through the fifteenth (15th) day of that month; and on the fifth (5th) day of each month for the salary earned from the sixteenth (16th) through the last day of the month. For those members authorizing deductions for Association dues, those deductions shall be from the last monthly payment. The member desiring to opt out of the electronic deposit must submit in writing one of the below-listed justification of non-participation.
Salary Checks. A. Pay periods will be every two weeks. Each faculty member may select one of the following two pay options at the beginning of the school year.
Salary Checks. 1. Employees of the Board of Education shall be paid in accordance with schedule or dates as presented to the Board at the start of each calendar year, subject to any change deemed necessary by the administration due to holidays, clerical requirements, etc. 2. Deductions as required by law, or as designated by the employee will be made from checks. Such deductions shall include, but not limited to: Item paycheck Federal Withholding Tax Each Pay State Withholding Tax Each Pay City Income Tax Each Pay Life Insurance Solon School Emp. Cr. Union as Requested Series "E" Government Bonds as Requested OAPSE Dues as Requested P.E.O.P.L.E. Deduction as requested Hospital Insurance when required Additional Life Insurance as Requested Tax Sheltered Annuities as Required Other as Requested