HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. The regular work week shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess of forty
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 10.1 The regular work week normal workweek shall consist of forty (40) hourshours per week beginning with the employee's first regular shift. Time worked by full time employees in excess The normal workday shall consist of fortyeither eight (8) or ten
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 19.01 The regular normal work week for full-time employees shall consist of forty (40) hourshours per week on the basis of five (5) eight (8) hour shifts.
19.02 The Employer shall retain a copy of the work schedule for a four (4) month period. Time worked by full A full-time employees Union Representative shall be permitted to review the work schedules with the Store Owner/Manager in excess of fortyan effort to resolve any complaint.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement, Memorandum of Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 13.01 (a) The regular work week of all full-time employees shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess of forty
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. The regular work week shall consist of forty (40) hourshours per week comprised of five eight (8) hour days. Time worked by full time employees in excess Each employee with the Company will be guaranteed the opportunity of fortyworking forty (40) hours per week at their regular hourly rate provided:
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 1 The regular work week shall consist will be one of forty the following:
(40a) hours. Time worked by Eight (8) hours for full time employees in excess employees, exclusive of fortypersonal time shall constitute a normal work day. Forty
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Samples: Supplemental Agreement, Supplemental Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 11.01 The regular work week for all employees shall consist of forty (40) hourshours per week or up to forty-four (44) hours per week as prescribed by the client. Time worked by full time employees The Employer may, after notifying the Association, schedule a workweek other than set out herein in excess order to accommodate the wishes of fortythe customer.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 11.01 The regular work week for all employees shall consist of forty (40) hourshours per week of up to forty-four (44) hours per week as prescribed by the client. Time worked by full time employees The Employer may, after notifying the Association, schedule a workweek other than set out herein in excess order to accommodate the wishes of fortythe customer.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section SECTION 1. The regular work week shall consist of be forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess of fortyhours during any one (1) work week or eight
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
19.01 The regular normal work week for full-time employees shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess hours per week on the basis of fortyfive (5) eight (8) hour shifts.
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Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 8.01 The regular work week shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees , Monday to Friday inclusive.
8.02 Work performed in excess of forty-four (44) hours per week shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times the regular rate of pay.
8.03 Work performed on Sundays shall be paid at the rate of two (2) times the regular rate of pay, irrespective of weekly hours worked.
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Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 10.01 a) The regular work week shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time straight time hours worked by full time employees in excess of fortyfour (4) or five (5) shifts, with days off to be consecutive, whenever possible.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 11.01 (a) The regular standard work week for all employees shall consist of be forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess , consisting of four (4) consecutive ten (10) hour shifts, or forty-five (45) hours, consisting of five (5) consecutive nine (9) hour shifts, as the case may be, Monday through Saturday.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 116.1. The regular work week workweek for all regular, full-time employees shall consist of be forty (40) hourshours within a seven (7) day period. Time Days worked by full during the seven (7) day workweek need not be consecutive. This paragraph shall not be interpreted as granting employees a guaranteed workweek or workday.
Section 16.2. Overtime for all employees at the rate of time employees and one-half shall be paid for all work performed at Employer’s request over eight (8) hours in excess of any workday, or over forty
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. Regular Workweek: The regular work week workweek shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess hours on a schedule of fortyeight (8) hours per day Monday through Friday.
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement (Wells Gardner Electronics Corp)
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 112.1 - Workweek The normal workweek shall be 40 hours per week, Monday through Friday. The regular Employees may be required to work week shall consist during any day of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess of fortythe week.
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 2.1 The regular work week shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess , and the regular work day shall consist of fortyeight
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 22.01 The regular standard work week for all employees shall consist of be forty (40) hourshours made up of five (5) days of eight (8) hours each, Monday through Friday. Time worked by full time The scheduled hours of work for all employees in excess of fortyshall be:
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. (a) The regular work week shall consist of forty (40) hourshours worked in five (5) days of eight (8) hours each. Time worked by full time employees in excess of fortyThe work week shall start at a.m.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 8.01 The regular work week workweek for shall consist of forty forty- four (4044) hours, Monday through Friday. Time worked This is not a guarantee of hours to be worked.
a. Work performed by full time employees in excess of forty-eight
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 12.01 (a) The regular work week of all full-time employees shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time hours per week, and will be worked by full time employees in excess on the basis of fortyfive (5) shifts of eight
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 26.01 a) The regular standard work week for all employees shall consist of be forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess hours made up of fortyfive (5) days of eight (8) hours each Monday through Friday.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 12.01 (a) The regular work week of all full-time employees shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess of forty
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. A. The regular work week shall consist of forty (40) 40 hours. Time worked by full time employees .
B. Work performed in excess of fortyeight (8) hours a day or in excess of 40 hours a week shall be paid for at the overtime rate of 1.5 times the regular rate of such employees.
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HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 8.01 The regular work week shall consist of forty forty-four (4044) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess of forty, nine
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 12.01 a) The regular normal work week for full time employees shall consist of up to forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess hours per week, but this shall not be a guarantee or limitation upon the hours of fortywork.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. : The regular work week shall consist of five (5) days of eight (8) consecutive hour days, Monday through Friday, and forty (40) hourshours per week. Time worked by full time employees in excess of fortyand one-half
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 1 - The regular normal work week shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees hours in excess of fortyfive (5) consecutive days and shall be paid at the regular base hourly rate plus longevity.
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. The regular work week shall will consist of forty (40) hours, eight hours per day, Monday through Friday, inclusive. Time worked by full time employees Nothing contained in excess this Article however, shall be deemed to constitute a guarantee of fortyforty (40) hours of work per week or eight (8) hours of work per day. The standard hours of work shall be as follows:
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 24.01 (a) The regular normal work week for all full time employees shall consist of forty (40) hourshours made up of five (5) eight (8) hour days or four (4) ten (10) hour days or three (3) and four (4) eleven (11) hour days. Time worked by The Company may introduce alternate arrangements provided the average scheduled hours of work for full time employees in excess of fortyshall not exceed forty (40) hours per week.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. The regular A. Work Week
a. Except for 56 hour employees, the work week shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess of fortyhours within five
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 23.01 a) The regular work week for all employees shall consist of be forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess hours made up of fortyfive (5) days of eight
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. The regular work week shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess of fortyThere shall be two fifteen (15) minute rest periods each assigned shift.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. (a) The regular normal work week for Works Department employees shall consist of be forty (40) hourshours per week. Time worked by full time employees in excess of fortyThe normal daily schedule shall be eight
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 15.1 The regular normal work week for employees shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees hours per week comprised of five (5) eight (8) hours days, Monday to Friday, provided that this shall not be construed as a guarantee of the hours of work per day or week or of days of work per week.
Section 15.2 Employees shall be entitled to a ten (10) minute rest period in excess of fortythe morning and a ten
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section S ection 30.
1. The regular work week scheduled workweek for full-time employees shall normally consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess of forty
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
8.01 The regular basic work week for full-time employees coming under this Agreement shall consist of be forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess hours per week consisting of fortyfive (5) eight (8) hour days, or four
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. The Basic Work Week: A regular work week shall will consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full , exclusive of lunch, for full-time employees in excess of fortyemployees.
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 12.01 The regular work week for all employees shall consist be up to forty-two (42) hours per week. This article is intended to define the normal hours of forty (40) hours. Time worked work and shall not be construed to be a guarantee for hours of work or for any hours per day or per week.
12.02 Authorized work performed by full time employees an employee in excess of fortythe normal work week, as defined in Section 12.01 hereof, shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1 ½) the employee's regular straight time hourly rate.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 13.01 (a) The regular work week for all full-time employees covered by this agreement shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess hours per week on the basis of fortyfive (5) shifts of eight (8) hours each.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. The regular work week shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time hours per week, worked by full time employees in excess five (5) days of fortyeight
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 1 - The regular normal work week shall consist of forty (40) hourshours in five (5) consecutive days and shall be paid at the regular base hourly rate plus longevity. Time worked by full time employees Overtime rates shall be calculated on the regular base hourly rate plus longevity as listed in excess of fortyArticle 16.
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 4.01 The regular normal work week shall consist of be forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess hours per week, made up of fortyfive (5) days of eight
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. 24.01 (a) The regular normal work week for all full time employees shall consist of forty (40) hourshours made up of five (5) eight (8) hour days or four (4) ten (10)hour days. Time worked by The Company may introduce alternate arrangements provided the average scheduled hours of work for full time employees in excess of fortyshall not exceed forty (40) hours per week.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. SECTION 1 The regular basic work week shall consist of for all regular full time employees should be forty (40) hours. Time worked hours per week consisting of eight (8) hours per day, five (5) days per week, employees may be required by full the Company to work overtime and, in such event, shall be entitled to overtime pay at a rate of time employees and one-half for work performed on any day in excess of fortyeight
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