In cases where. (a) Denmark notifies its decision not to implement the content of the amendments; or
(b) Denmark does not make a notification within the 30-day time-limit set out in paragraph 2; or
(c) Legislative measures in Denmark do not enter into force within the time-limits set out in paragraph 5, this Agreement shall be considered terminated unless the parties decide otherwise within 90 days or, in the situation referred to under (c), legislative measures in Denmark enter into force within the same period. Termination shall take effect three months after the expiry of the 90-day period.
In cases where. (1) Management creates a new bargaining unit position; or (2) Management makes a major change to an existing job description, the Board will fulfill its statutory obligations by negotiating the impact of the new job description on wages, hours, and other conditions of employment where such are not already prescribed by this Agreement.
In cases where zero-emission light commercial vehicles with a reference mass exceeding 2610 kg, or 2840 kg as the case may be, would fall outside the scope of this Regulation due only to the mass of the energy storage system, it is appropriate to allow those vehicles to be counted as falling within the scope.
(26) It is not appropriate to use the same method to determine the emissions reduction targets for large-volume manufacturers as for small-volume manufacturers considered as independent on the basis of the criteria set out in this Regulation. Such small-volume manufacturers should have the possibility to apply for alternative emissions reduction targets relating to the technological potential of a given manufacturer's vehicles to reduce their specific emissions of CO2 and consistent with the characteristics of the market segments concerned.
(27) In recognition of the disproportionate impact on the smallest manufacturers resulting from compliance with specific emissions targets defined on the basis of the utility of the vehicle, the high administrative burden of the derogation procedure, and the marginal resulting benefit in terms of CO2 emissions reduction from the vehicles sold by those manufacturers, manufacturers responsible for fewer than 1 000 new passenger cars and new light commercial vehicles registered in the Union annually should be excluded from the scope of the specific emissions target and the excess emissions premium. However, where a manufacturer that is covered by an exemption nevertheless applies for and is granted a derogation, it is appropriate that the manufacturer should be required to comply with that derogation target.
(28) The procedure for granting derogations from the 95 g CO2/km fleet target to niche car manufacturers ensures that the reduction effort required by niche manufacturers is consistent with that of large volume manufacturers with regard to that target. It is appropriate to continue to provide those manufacturers with the possibility of being granted a derogation also from the targets applicable from 2025 until 2028.
(29) In determining the average specific emissions of CO2 for all the new cars and new light commercial vehicles registered in the Union for which manufacturers are responsible, all cars and light commercial vehicles should be taken into account irrespective of their mass or other characteristics. Although Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 does not cover passenger cars and light commercial vehicles with a reference mass ex...
In cases where. (a) the bills to the subscribers are issued and subscription payments have been received by the LCO, the MSO shall issue monthly invoice to the LCO towards dues payable by the LCO and such invoice shall clearly specify the current payment dues and arrears, if any, along with the due date of payment which shall not be less than seven days. All amounts billed as per statements/ invoices shall be payable on or before the due dates as mentioned therein.
(b) the bills to the subscribers are issued and subscription payments have beenreceived by the MSO, the MSO shall share the complete information with the LCO enabling him to raise invoice for its dues for the services rendered by the LCO. The monthly invoice issued to the MSO towards revenue share payable by the MSO shall clearly specify the current payment dues and arrears, if any, along with the due date of payment which shall not be less than seven days.
In cases where a learner cannot attend a lesson: alternate arrangements can be made to compensate for the lesson. Additional charges WILL be levied accordingly;
In cases where. (a) there is insufficient evidence available demonstrating that a country to which the OECD Decision applies has the ability to recover certain waste in an environmentally sound manner as referred to in Article 56, including due to the export of such waste from the Union to the country concerned, or
(b) where there is evidence that the country concerned fails to meet the requirements of Article 56 for this waste, or
(c) there is evidence that there are substantial adverse effects on the management of waste generated in that country due to the export of waste from the Union, the Commission shall request the competent authorities of the country concerned to provide, within 60 days, information on the conditions under which the waste in question is recovered, the effect of the export of the waste from the Union on the management of the waste generated in that country and the ability of the country concerned to manage this waste in an environmentally sound manner as referred to in Article 56. The Commission may grant an extension of this time limit if the country concerned makes a reasoned request for an extension thereof.
In cases where the HRA is Legally Not Applicable to a Retiree’s Same Sex Spouse or Domestic Partner
In cases where following unforeseen circumstances giving rise to an urgent need for the rapid introduction of a replacement ro-ro passenger ship or high-speed passenger craft to ensure continuity of service, and paragraph