Indicative Costs Sample Clauses

Indicative Costs. Indicative capital costs for the redevelopment of the REH campus range from £60m (option 1 - do minimum), through £142m (option 3 – part new build, part refurbishment), to £181m (option 2 – 100% new build). Options 2 and 3 are based on delivering 400 beds on a phased basis. The 400 bed estimate is a high level estimate of the eventual final numbers of beds needed. This takes account of current service strategies that support the further shifting of the balance of care from hospital to community. A considerable amount of work is taking place across many of the services currently in terms of service redesign that will see further emphasis on community provision. Refurbishment costs at £17.3m would be associated with XxxXxxxxx House. Based on estimates from hubco’s, the initial phase comprising a 90-bed unit for acute and intensive psychiatric inpatient services and associated infrastructure upgrade would have a capital cost of between £18m and £20m. The cost estimates include optimism bias, professional fees, and VAT. Given that the phasing programme has yet to be determined, an allowance for inflation can only be given to the mid-point of construction of the first phase. As indicated earlier, the REH campus has the capacity to provide additional accommodation beyond the 400-bed provision costed here. It is anticipated that there will be further available capacity which could facilitate Liberton Hospital services being relocated to the REH campus. Consequently, the scope of the programme may be extended to include additional beds in later phases – costs will be developed when these proposals are scoped in detail and Outline and Full Business Cases are brought forward.
Indicative Costs. Indicative costs for each of the options on the Short List have been prepared as per guidance in the Scottish Capital Investment Manual. Description Capital Costs (£) Whole Life Capital Costs (£) Whole Life Operating Costs (£) Est. NPV (£) Est. EUV (£) 1 Do Nothing/Base 2,135,269 883,389 34,813 2 (6c) Kincardine Station 2,905,851 1,880,609 2,135,269 4,287,863 168,978 3 (6b) Feregait 2,866,240 1,854,929 2,135,269 4,241,442 167,149 4 (6d) Tulliallan School 2,905,851 1,880,609 2,135,269 4,287,863 168,978 To provide the above Indicative Costs at this Initial Agreement Stage, the following assumptions have been made. 1. The prices are based on 16/17 basis and no inflationary factor has been built into future capital costs 2. The optimum bias % applied is based on the Green Book recommendation of 24% for a standard build 3. No costs identified for council requirements e.g., bus stops, crossings 4. Land will be available on a long-term lease from Fife Council therefore no costs for land purchase have been included 5. No costs included for demolition as assuming Fife Council would demolish existing buildings and clear land where appropriate with a corresponding adjustment on any lease costs 6. Advisers’ costs (included within the Capital Cost figures) are based on recent new build, the IPCU Unit, in NHS Fife 7. Discounted Cash Flow (used to calculate NPV and EUV figures) - after 30 years the discount rate adjusts to 3% 8. Life cycle costs are based on maximum life for a new build
Indicative Costs. Indicative costs for each of the options on the Short List have been prepared as per guidance in the Scottish Capital Investment Manual. Description Capital Costs (£) Whole Life Capital Costs (£) Whole Life Operating Costs (£) Est. NPV (£) Est. EUV (£) 1 (1) Do Nothing/Base 2,135,269 883,389 34,813 2 (5c) Car Park 6,086,620 4,548,520 2,135,269 8,167,925 321,885 3 (6d) Xxxxx Xxxx 6,040,407 4,513,957 2,135,269 8,112,609 319,705 4 (4b) Xxxxx Xxxx Refurbishment 3,991,6454 5,745,789 2,135,269 6,320,703 249,089 5 (6e) Xxxxxxx Street 5,954,583 4,449,768 2,135,269 8,009,879 315,657 6 (5d) North School 6,238,463 4,662,085 2,135,269 8,349,678 329,048 To provide the above Indicative Costs at this Initial Agreement Stage, the following assumptions have been made. 1. The prices are based on 16/17 basis and no inflationary factor has been built into future capital costs. 2. The optimum bias % applied is based on the Green Book recommendation of 24% for a standard build 3. For the Xxxxx Xxxx Refurbishment option it has been assumed that this building is at least 30 years old. Life cycle adjustments have been made downwards to reflect this. 4. No costs identified for council requirements e.g. bus stops, crossings. 5. Land will be available on a long-term lease from Fife Council therefore no costs for land purchase have been included. 6. No costs included for demolition as assuming Fife Council would demolish existing buildings and clear land where appropriate with a corresponding adjustment on any lease costs. 7. Advisers’ costs (included within the Capital Cost figures) are based on recent new build, the IPCU Unit, in NHS Fife. 8. Discounted Cash Flow (used to calculate NPV and EUV) - after 30 years the discount rate adjusts to 3% 9. Life cycle costs are based on maximum life for a new build
Indicative Costs. Indicative costs for each of the options on the Short List have been prepared as per guidance in the Scottish Capital Investment Manual. Description Capital Costs (£) Whole Life Capital Costs (£) Whole Life Operating Costs (£) Est. NPV (£) Est. EUV (£) 1 Do Nothing/Base 2,135,269 883,389 34,813 2 (6c) Kincardine Station 2,905,851 1,880,609 2,135,269 4,287,863 168,978 3 (6b) Feregait 2,866,240 1,854,929 2,135,269 4,241,442 167,149 4 (6d) Tulliallan School 2,905,851 1,880,609 2,135,269 4,287,863 168,978 To provide the above Indicative Costs at this Initial Agreement Stage, the following assumptions have been made:
Indicative Costs. Indicative costs for each of the options on the Short List have been prepared as per guidance in the Scottish Capital Investment Manual. Description Capital Costs (£) Whole Life Capital Costs (£) Whole Life Operating Costs (£) Est. NPV (£) Est. EUV (£)
Indicative Costs. To support the development of the Initial Agreement hub South East Scotland Limited (hubco) were asked to provide advice on the earlier masterplanning exercise. A key part of this work was to identify a potential phasing of the redevelopment, on the basis that this presented the only affordable solution in the current financial climate. Indicative capital costs for the redevelopment of the REH campus range from £60m (option 1 - do minimum), through £142m (option 3 – part new build, part refurbishment), to £181m (option 2 – 100% new build). Options 2 and 3 were based on delivering 400 beds on a phased basis.
Indicative Costs. Cost Heading Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 £ £ £
Indicative Costs. 7.9.1 The Table below represents the range indicative capital costs for each of the short listed options. In the preparation of the indicative capital costs, cognisance was taken of the guidance issued by SGOV on 11th July around affordability caps. The cost is based on prime cost benchmark per sq metre Option No. Description Capital Cost estimate £m 1 Do Minimum £1.5m 0 Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xx £11.0m -£12.3 5 New Build Xxxxxxx St. £11.0m -£12.3 0 Xxx Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx Xx. £11.0m -£12.3 The cost is based on prime cost benchmark per square metre. The base figure used is from a priced project from the West Hubco, based on Barrhead Health centre and priced during the hub procurement process.
Indicative Costs. 5.5.1 Capital Costs Table 5.6 below provides high-level indicative cost range for a new build hospital which would accommodate each of the Proposed Solutions. Capital cost (or equivalent value) 1,500 111,237 111,237 111,237 111,237 Whole of life capital costs 1,263 102,518 102,518 102,748 102,748 Whole of life operating costs 286,802 308,483 308,483 308,483 308,483 Estimated Net Present Value of Costs 288,065 411,001 411,001 411,231 411,231 For the purposes of Economic Appraisal, all costs exclude VAT and inflation. Costs relate to the provision of a new build hospital on the Blar Mhor site in Fort Xxxxxxx, as this is the most likely built solution to facilitate the preferred service change solution. The Blar Mhor is considered to be the optimal location for a new hospital in Fort Xxxxxxx as it is the only development site which can accommodate a development of this scale, and the site is adjacent to the health centre, the ambulance base, the police station, and new housing developments. This is also the proposed location for development of a STEM Centre by West Highland College/UHI which will provide opportunities for collaborative working with NHS Highland, and the development of shared accommodation. Capital Costs include construction costs, professional fees, other construction related costs, optimism bias, sustainability allowance, design risk and equipment, as detailed in Appendix
Indicative Costs