International and Federal Programs Sample Clauses
International and Federal Programs. A leave of absence without pay of up to two (2) years shall be granted to any teacher who joins the Peace Corps, VISTA, National Teacher Corps, or services as an exchange teacher or overseas teacher, and is a full-time participant in either of such programs, or accepts a Fulbright Scholarship.
International and Federal Programs a. A leave of absence of up to one (1) year shall be granted to any member, upon application, for the purpose of participating in exchange teaching programs in other states, territories, or countries; foreign or military teaching programs; the Peace Corps, Member's Corps, or Job Corps as a full-time participant in such programs; or a cultural travel (in which at least six months of each year has been devoted to traveling, following an approved itinerary) or work program related to his/her professional responsibilities; providing he/she states his/her intention to return to the school district. The member must have been employed five (5) consecutive years in this district in order to qualify for the leave above. Notice of intent to take such leave shall be submitted in writing on or before March 15th of the preceding school year. Notice of intent to return shall be given by March 15th of the year in which duties are to be resumed.
b. Step increment shall be earned for such leave if teaching is the primary duty of the member on leave. Determination of whether the leave qualifies for step advancement shall take place in conjunction with the application for and approval of the leave.
International and Federal Programs. An unpaid leave of absence of one (1) year may be granted to any contract member, upon application for the purpose of participating in exchange teaching programs in other states, territories or countries; foreign or military teaching programs; the Peace Corps, Teacher’s Corps, or Job Corps as a full-time participant in such program related to their professional responsibilities.
International and Federal Programs. An unpaid leave of absence of up to one (1) year, or in exceptional cases could be extended to two
International and Federal Programs. A leave of absence of up to two (2) years may be granted to any unit member, upon application, for the purpose of participating in exchange teaching programs in other states, territories, or countries; foreign or military teaching programs; the Peace Corps, Teacher’s Corps, or Job Corps, as a full-time participant in such programs; or a cultural travel (in which at least six months of each year has been devoted to traveling, following an approved itinerary) or work program related to his or her professional responsibilities; providing he or she states his or her intention to return to the school system. Notice of intent to take such leave shall be submitted in writing on or before March 1 of the preceding school year. Notice of intent to return shall be given by February 1 of the year in which duties are to be returned.
International and Federal Programs. An unpaid leave of absence not to exceed two (2) years may be granted to any teacher, upon application, for the purpose of participating in exchange teaching programs other states, territories, or countries, foreign or military teaching programs; the Peace Corps, Teacher's Corps, or Job Corps as a full-time participant in such programs; or a cultural travel or work program related to his/her professional responsibilities provided said teacher states his/her intention to return to the school system. Upon return from such leave, a teacher may be placed at the same position on the Salary Schedule as he/she would have been had he/she taught in the District during such period if an evaluation of his/her teaching experience by the administration shows such experience to be substantially equal to a year's teaching in the District.
International and Federal Programs. A leave of absence without pay of up to one (1) year may be granted to any employee who joins the Peace Corps and any teacher who joins Vista, National Teacher Corps or serves as an exchange teacher or overseas teacher and is a full-time participant in either of such programs or accepts a Xxxxxxxxxx Scholarship.
International and Federal Programs. A leave of absence of up to two (2) years shall be granted to any employee, upon application, for the purpose of participating in exchange teaching programs in other states, territories or countries; foreign or military teaching programs; the Peace Corps, Teacher's Corp, or Job Corps as a full-time participant in such programs; or a cultural travel or work program related to professional responsibilities; provided said employee states an intention to return to the College.
International and Federal Programs. A leave of absence without pay for one school year shall be granted to any contract member upon application for participating in an exchange-teaching program, Peace Corps., Teacher's Corps or Job Corps as a full-time participant in such program or a cultural travel or work program related to the member's professional responsibility.
International and Federal Programs. An unpaid leave of absence up to two (2) years may be granted to any employee, upon written application to the Superintendent, for the purpose of participating in exchange teaching programs in other states, territories or countries; foreign or military teaching programs; the Peace Corps, Teacher Corps, or Job Corps as a full-time participant in such programs, or a cultural travel or work program related to his/her professional responsibilities. If the leave is granted, it shall be granted for the length of the request. Requests must be made by April 1 for the following school year. Upon the employee's return to the District, credit on the salary schedule will be granted for verified successful teaching experience during the leave. If a request for leave is received less than sixty (60) calendar days before the first day of in-service for that year, the ability to secure a suitable replacement will weigh on the final decision.