State and Federal Funding Sample Clauses
State and Federal Funding.
3.1 EXCESS OBLIGATIONS PROHIBITED This Grant Agreement is subject to termination or cancellation, without penalty to System Agency, either in whole or in part, subject to the availability and actual receipt by System Agency of state or federal funds. System Agency is a state agency whose authority and appropriations are subject to actions of the Texas Legislature. If System Agency becomes subject to a legislative change, revocation of statutory authority, or lack of appropriated funds that would render either System Agency’s or Grantee’s delivery or performance under the Grant Agreement impossible or unnecessary, the Grant Agreement will be terminated or cancelled and be deemed null and void. In the event of a termination or cancellation under this Section, System Agency will not be liable to Grantee for any damages that are caused or associated with such termination or cancellation, and System Agency will not be required to give prior notice. Additionally, System Agency will not be liable to Grantee for any remaining unpaid funds under this Grant Agreement at time of termination.
State and Federal Funding. Appropriations from the State through WSDOT to the Regional Planning Agency are to be provided as defined and authorized in state law. The Board is authorized to seek additional state funding as may be necessary. The agency will receive federal assistance through Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airports Systems planning funds, and other appropriate federal sources.
State and Federal Funding. The CBBEP receives annual funding from TCEQ and EPA for program administration and Bays Plan implementation. TCEQ funding has and will be used to meet the one- to-one match requirement established by EPA. In addition, CBBEP has received and will continue to seek additional funding from TCEQ, EPA and other state and federal resource agencies for the implementation of the Bays Plan.
State and Federal Funding i. The School shall receive 100 percent of Tier A and Tier B per pupil ECEA funds received by the District for special education students enrolled in the School and counted in the School’s prior year December special education pupil count. The School shall also receive 100 percent of IDEA funds received by the District during each school year for special education pupils enrolled in the School’s special education pupil count during the previous school year. The School agrees that no funds will be available for any special education students whose records are not in compliance with state and federal requirements, and will ensure that all special education students have a valid IEP with correctly submitted and entered data as required for the December count. The parties agree that the District shall distribute the foregoing amounts for ECEA in two allocations of 90% and 10% as distributed by CDE. For IDEA the District will distribute to the School upon receipt of complete and accurate time and effort reporting and/or other expenditure documentation as required by 2 C.F.R. Part 200 of the Uniform Grant Guidance.
ii. In the event the School enrolls a special needs student who might qualify for Tier C state funding (currently pupils with annual education costs in excess of $40,000) the District shall submit on the School’s behalf, or shall authorize the School to present directly to the Colorado Department of Education, a request for Tier C funding for such pupil(s), and the School shall receive 100% of any Tier C funds received for that student(s).
State and Federal Funding. As further described in Chapter 8 (Section 8.4.3) of the Plan, funding may be provided by one or more state and federal programs. Neither state nor federal funds can be guaranteed and the state or federal government may contribute less than the estimates in the Yolo HCP/NCCP. These funds could only be utilized to assist in meeting the conservation components of the Yolo HCP/NCCP and these funds are not required to satisfy the issuance criteria for the ESA and NCCPA. The Yolo HCP/NCCP has estimated that state or federal funds could be sufficient to acquire 11,464 acres of land to the reserve system (based on an average cost of $6,821/acre to acquire contribution easements). This acreage represents 34 percent of the total reserve system of 33,362 acres and, in monetary terms, constitutes 21 percent of total Plan costs because funding is restricted to acquisition alone. If the state or federal government contribute only a portion of the total cost of acquiring a conservation easement, the Conservancy will measure the contribution of the state or federal government to that transaction as a percentage share of the overall amount of land acquired in proportion to the overall cost of the acquisition. State and federal funding sources for land acquisition could come from a variety of sources, including those listed in Table 8-11 of the Plan. If state and federal funds are unable to contribute the estimated amounts, the Permittees and Wildlife Agencies will follow the approach set forth in Section 13.4, below. If necessary or appropriate, the Parties will reevaluate the Yolo HCP/NCCP and work together to develop or identify an alternative funding mechanism.
State and Federal Funding. 8 3.01 Funding 8 3.02 No debt Against the State 8 3.03 Debt to State 8 3.04 Recapture of Funds 8
State and Federal Funding. 8 3.1 Funding 8
State and Federal Funding. Debt and Delinquencies is deleted in its entirety
State and Federal Funding. The Wildlife Agencies will cooperate with MRC to identify and secure, where appropriate, federal and state funds available for implementation of habitat conservation plans and natural community conservation plans, planning and implementation of stream restoration, water quality improvement, or other activities that would complement the HCP/NCCP, such as the acquisition of lands within the HCP/NCCP’s Marbled Murrelet Habitat Recruitment Stands. MRC’s commitment to expend its own funds to fulfill its obligations under the HCP/NCCP and this Agreement will not preclude MRC’s eligibility, or the eligibility of any organization, to receive any federal and state funds it would otherwise be eligible to obtain to plan or implement additional conservation measures referenced in the HCP/NCCP that are not required to fulfill MRC’s mitigation obligations under the HCP/NCCP. The Wildlife Agencies acknowledge that such Federal and State funds may enable MRC to accelerate the implementation of portions of the Operating Conservation Program beyond the commitments in the HCP/NCCP and this Agreement. MRC acknowledges that additional conservation measures, to the extent that they are funded by State or Federal grant funds, cannot be used to fulfill, and will not be credited toward, MRC's mitigation obligations under the HCP/NCCP, this Agreement or the Permits.
State and Federal Funding a. This Contract shall not be construed as creating any debt on behalf of the State of Texas and/or the GLO in violation of Article III, Section 49, of the Texas Constitution. In compliance with Article VIII, Section 6 of the Texas Constitution, the Parties agree all obligations of the GLO hereunder are subject to the availability of state funds. The fulfillment of this Contract is based also on the GLO receiving federal funding which may be subject to recapture and repayment for noncompliance. If such state and federal funds are not appropriated or become unavailable, the GLO may terminate this Contract. In that event, the Parties shall be discharged from further obligations, subject to the equitable settlement of their respective interests, accrued up to the date of termination.
b. Furthermore, any claim by Contractor for damages under this Contract may not exceed the amount of funds appropriated for payment, but not yet paid to Contractor, under the annual budget in effect at the time of the breach. NOTHING IN THIS PROVISION SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS A WAIVER OF SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY.