Invoice Submittal. DEO shall reimburse Subrecipient in accordance with Section 6, above. In accordance with the Funding Requirements of s. 215.971(1), F.S. and Section 20 of this Agreement, Subrecipient and its subcontractors may only expend funding under this Agreement for allowable costs resulting from obligations incurred during this Agreement. To be eligible for reimbursement, costs must be in compliance with laws, rules and regulations applicable to expenditures of State funds, including, but not limited to, the Reference Guide for State Expenditures (xxxxx:// df).
A. Subrecipient shall provide one invoice for services rendered during the applicable period. Subrecipient will provide notice that no invoicing will be submitted.
B. The following documents shall be submitted with the itemized invoice:
1. A cover letter signed by Subrecipient’s Agreement Manager certifying that the costs being claimed in the invoice package: (1) are specifically for the project represented to the State in the budget appropriation; (2) are for one or more of the components as stated in Section 6, DELIVERABLES, of this SCOPE OF WORK; (3) have been paid; and (4) were incurred during this Agreement.
2. Subrecipient’s invoices shall include the date, period in which work was performed, amount of reimbursement, and work completed to date;
3. A certification by a licensed professional using AIA forms G702 and G703, or their substantive equivalents, certifying that the project, or a quantifiable portion of the project, is complete.
4. Photographs of the project in progress and completed work;
5. A copy of all supporting documentation for vendor payments;
6. A copy of the bank statement that includes the cancelled check or evidence of electronic funds transfer. The State may require any other information from Subrecipient that the State deems necessary to verify that the services have been rendered under this Agreement.
C. Subrecipient’s invoice and all documentation necessary to support payment requests must be submitted into DEO’s Subrecipient Management Reporting Application (SERA). Further instruction on SERA invoicing and reporting, along with a copy of the invoice template, will be provided upon execution of the Agreement. Subrecipient: Contract Number: Modification Number:
1. Project Implementation
2. Engineering Services 3. Consruction 4.
Invoice Submittal. Responsibility for providing an acceptable invoice rests with the Contractor. An acceptable invoice format shall minimally include:
Invoice Submittal. The A/E shall create and submit payment requests in an electronic format through the DC Vendor Portal, xxxxx:// The A/E shall submit proper invoices on a monthly basis. To constitute a proper invoice, the A/E shall enter all required information into the Portal after selecting the applicable purchase order number which is listed on the A/E’s profile.
Invoice Submittal. The Contractor shall create and submit payment requests in an electronic format through the DC Vendor Portal, xxxxx:// The Contractor shall submit proper invoices on a monthly basis. To constitute a proper invoice, the Contractor shall enter all required information into the Portal after selecting the applicable purchase order number which is listed on the Contractor’s profile.
Invoice Submittal. G.2.1 The Contractor shall create and submit payment requests in an electronic format through the DC Vendor Portal, xxxxx://
G.2.2 The Contractor shall submit proper invoices on a monthly basis or as otherwise specified in Section G.4.
G.2.3 To constitute a proper invoice, the Contractor shall enter all required information into the Portal after selecting the applicable purchase order number which is listed on the Contractor’s profile.
Invoice Submittal. Separate final invoices for project-related costs and termination settlement costs shall be submitted no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the date the Construction Manager is notified of acceptance of the final cost proposals by the Contract Manager. The invoice for termination settlement costs shall include the following, to the extent they are applicable: lease termination costs for equipment and facilities approved under the terms of this Preconstruction Services Contract; equipment salvage costs for equipment valued over $500.00; rental costs for unexpired leases, less the residual value of the lease; cost of alterations and reasonable restorations required by the lease; settlement expenses, e.g., accounting, legal, clerical, storage, transportation, protection and disposition of property acquired or produced under this Preconstruction Services Contract, indirect costs, such as payroll taxes, fringe benefits, occupancy costs, and immediate supervision costs related to wages and salaries, incurred as settlement costs.
Invoice Submittal. The Construction Manager shall create and submit payment requests in an electronic format through the DC Vendor Portal, xxxxx:// The Construction Manager shall submit proper invoices on a monthly basis. To constitute a proper invoice, the Construction Manager shall enter all required information into the Portal after selecting the applicable purchase order number which is listed on the Construction Manager’s profile.
Invoice Submittal. Invoices must be submitted to the TCEQ Contract Manager, unless another recipient is identified below: TCEQ Project Manager / TCEQ Disbursements Section / Other:
Invoice Submittal. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, invoices must be submitted to the individual named in TCEQ Project Representatives and Records Location at monthly intervals. Final invoices shall be submitted within two (2) calendar months after completing the Scope of Work activities. TCEQ may extend this deadline by unilateral contract agreement.
Invoice Submittal. Invoices shall be submitted in accordance with attached Rider 116 incorporated herein.