Key Milestones Sample Clauses

Key Milestones. These are to be agreed, in line with the performance indicators and Trust Wide Improvement initiatives, through the ASCPB and then monitored and assured by the ASCPB throughout the year.
Key Milestones. The Design/Builder shall perform the Work in accordance with the following key milestones and completion dates, subject to modification only as provided herein:
Key Milestones. The Adult Social Care Improvement Plan and the associated Improvement Programme Management Office hold the key milestones for the work being undertaken. Additionally, further milestones will be set in line with the performance indicators developed once the existing and ongoing impact of Covid-19 is established. These will be collectively monitored through governance structure in annex 8.
Key Milestones. The Order includes details of the Key Milestones, which the Contractor must meet in its performance of this Agreement. Time is of the essence in the Contractor’s performance of this Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, a detailed milestone and performance schedule in respect of each Deliverable must be provided by the Contractor to TenCate within 10 Business Days of the date of this Agreement.
Key Milestones. The monitoring of the project is tied to Key Milestones defined for the purposes of allowing Bpifrance to assess the progress of the Project and determine the Funding to be paid under the conditions and according to the arrangements defined below. The Key Milestones are listed with their projected dates in table 3 to Schedule 1 hereto. These meetings bring together departmental experts, and, unless there is formal opposition by the Beneficiary, the labeling leader’s business development cluster if the Project is labeled by a cluster (pôle). The Leader forwards to Bpifrance, no later than [**] working days after the scheduled date for each Key Milestone: • the signed progress report, in the manner set out in Schedule 2, including the key deliverables required in accordance with the specifications of table 3 of Schedule 1 hereto. • the consolidated statements of expenses paid by each Beneficiary, dated, signed and certified correct, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.3 paragraph 3. These summaries should allow Bpifrance to provide the materiel and financial resources necessary for implementation of the Project. These may be supplemented, where appropriate and at Bpifrance’s request, by the provision of the related invoices or accounting documents, • proof of fulfillment of the specific conditions in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.4 above, • the “indicators” form, appearing in Schedule 5, completed and signed by the legal representative of each Beneficiary. • and more generally any element allowing Bpifrance to be sure that the conditions external or internal to the project’s success are indeed met. At the end of a Key Milestone, the Leader may submit changes to the work and/or the subject of the program. The provisions of Article 2.6 will then be applied.
Key Milestones. The Key Milestones are as follows: Key Milestone Reference to Implementation Plan (for information) Key Milestone Date 1. [NOTE – TO BE POPULATED]
Key Milestones. Record of Decision for revised SEIS/EIR issued Jun 99 Project Partnership Agreement executed Feb 00 Napa Valley Wine Train Relocation Construction Contract Award in Sep 2008. Several contracts completed, including recent Contract 2West (Xxxx-to-First Street Reach).
Key Milestones. The Contractor shall meet each of the Key Milestones set out in clause 5.5 below.
Key Milestones. 172 Key milestones are specific Synchronisation Points, which, in case of delay, might trigger 173 legal/financial consequences as defined in the FA Article 31. Therefore, any update of the Key 174 Milestones' dates follows the FA updating process.
Key Milestones. 172 Key milestones are specific Synchronisation Points, which, in case of delay, might trigger 173 legal/financial consequences as defined in the FA Article 31. Therefore, any update of the Key 174 Milestones’ dates follows the FA updating process. 2 In line with the PMBOK® 175 5 T2S Programme Plan‌ 176 The T2S Programme Plan is the common Eurosystem-CSD-CB plan. This chapter describes the 177 three views of the T2S Programme Plan that the Eurosystem provides in order to allow 178 Contracting CSDs and Contracting CBs to monitor the progress of the T2S Programme and 179 update their own plans. 180 The T2S Programme WBS, based on work streams, provides the organisational structure for 181 activities, tasks, and milestones of the plans. 182 5.1 CSD-relevance of planning items‌ 183 The T2S Programme Plan differentiates between CSD-relevant, non-CSD-relevant and CSD- 184 internal planning items, specifically identified in the T2S Programme Plan. 185 5.1.1 CSD-relevant planning items 186 These are planning items (e.g. deliverables, milestones and processes) affecting, or being affected 187 by, the Contracting CSDs. 188  Deliverables are CSD-relevant if the Contracting CSD is: 189  the assignee; 190  the addressee; 191  the reviewer; or 192  being consulted. 193  Meetings, workshops are CSD-relevant when: 194  the Contracting CSD is participating (e.g. CSG, PMG, AG, Sub Groups); or 195  feedback is expected on specific topics (e.g. planning workshops). 196  Programme phases, activities and tasks are CSD-relevant when the Contracting CSD is 197 involved as an actor, e.g. as a reviewer or an observer. 198  Programme phases, activities and tasks affecting the successful and timely completion of the 199 Synchronisation Points. 200 The Eurosystem will provide status reporting on these items in the PMG. Contracting CSDs can 201 review/analyse, discuss, and envisage alternative solutions for these items.