Land Uses Sample Clauses
Land Uses. The Conceptual Land Use Plan for the Project is contained in Attachment B and is an integral part of the approval of the Project. Elements in the Concept Plan include single-family detached homes and approximately 31.32 acres of recreation.
Land Uses. The Owner agrees that the uses of the tract shall be limited to those allowed within the IN, Industrial Zoning District and as allowed by the Special Use Permit.
Land Uses. The Owner agrees that the uses of the tract shall be limited to those allowed within the R-5, Medium High Density Multiple-Family Residential Zoning District.
Land Uses. Developer agrees and covenants to devote, during the term of this Lease, the Project only to the uses specified in this Lease and to be bound by and comply with all of the provisions and conditions of this Lease. In addition, and except as hereinafter set forth, Developer shall not have the right to seek or obtain different uses or a change in such uses either by requesting a zoning change or by court or administrative action without first obtaining the City’s consent, which consent may be granted or denied in the City’s sole discretion.
Land Uses. The Corporate Authorities agree to permit the continued use of the tract for agricultural cropping and related uses.
Land Uses. Much of the proposed mitigation bank has been planted in slash pine; slash pine plantation, of various ages from about 3 years to 25 years, comprises approximately 87% of the site. In wetter areas, such as in cypress flats/swamps and freshwater marshes, many of the slash pines have died. Some of the older plantings have recently been thinned every third row. Most of the site was bedded during planting, and bed and furrow depths range from about 3 to 12 inches, typically 3 to 8 inches deep. Some of the types of communities found on the site vary based on slight differences in topography. Where wetlands have been furrowed, distinctly different plant communities usually exist on the tops of the beds vs. in the furrows. The understory/ground cover strata varies from open herbaceous to very dense thickets of mesic or hydric shrubs. Due to fire suppression, shrub percent cover is much higher than would naturally occur in the historical natural communities. There has been no infrastructure constructed on the site other than logging roads and ditches to support silviculture. Water cover, depth, and flow direction across the site have been affected by activities related to silviculture – construction of ditches and logging roads, and bedding and furrowing. In some areas, the density of pine plantings and shrub cover has undoubtedly increased evapotranspiration.
Land Uses. The Owner and Developer agree that the uses of the tract shall be limited to those allowed within the IN-1, Light Industrial/Office district. The Tenant agrees that the uses of the tract shall be limited to those allowed by the Special Use Permit authorized in Article II, Section 3 of this Agreement, as well as by the Conditional Use Permit authorized in Article II, Section 4 of this Agreement.
Land Uses. Land uses in FW shall comply with the ICZ in Chapter 17. . Land uses in MS shall comply with ITZ in Chapter 13.12. In addition, the following uses are also permitted on the Property through this Agreement by approval of MS in accordance MS Municipal Code 13-12-040(2): light manufacturing, wholesale, assembly and warehousing in an enclosed building.
Land Uses. The Owner agrees that the use property shall be limited to that allowed within the R-2, Single-Family Residential Zoning District except that this agreement stipulates the approval of a Special Use Permit to allow for the establishment of a church on the southern tract and a parsonage home on the northern tract. The layout of the church shall closely resemble the site plan shown on Exhibit “C”.
Land Uses. No Xxxxxx Industrial Park lands shall be used for any of the purposes prohibited by the restrictions contained In the Dedication of Xxxxxx Industrial Park filed for record in the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and recorded in Volume 388-31, Page 52, of the said records. In addition, none of said lands shall be used for the purpose of maintaining any unenclosed frame structure such as a tower used for the transmission or reception of television or radio messages, unless the erection and maintenance of such structure has been approved by the unanimous consent of the Review Board.