Baseline Monitoring. Several xxxxx in the chemical monitoring network with a significant sampling history currently are monitored under the Environmental Monitoring Program. Graphs of TCE concentrations in these xxxxx are contained in the FFA semiannual progress reports. These graphs indicate that concentrations are relatively stable over time and trends are readily identifiable.
Baseline Monitoring. The ET should carry out baseline monitoring at all designated monitoring locations for at least 14 days prior to the commencement of the construction works to obtain daily 24-hr TSP samples. 1-hour sampling should also be done at least 3 times per day while the highest dust impact is expected. During the baseline monitoring, there should not be any construction or dust generation activities in the vicinity of the monitoring stations. In case the baseline monitoring cannot be carried out at the designated monitoring locations during the baseline monitoring period, the ET should carry out the monitoring at alternative locations which can effectively represent the baseline conditions at the impact monitoring locations. The alternative baseline monitoring locations should be agreed with EPD prior to commencement of baseline monitoring. In exceptional cases, when insufficient baseline monitoring data or questionable results are obtained, the ET should liaise with EPD to agree on an appropriate set of data to be used as a baseline reference. Ambient conditions may vary seasonally and should be reviewed as required. If the ET considers that the ambient conditions have been changed and a repeat of the baseline monitoring is required to be carried out for obtaining the updated baseline levels, the monitoring should be at times when the contractor's activities are not generating dust, at least in the proximity of the monitoring stations. Should a change in ambient conditions be determined, the baseline levels and, in turn, the air quality criteria, should be revised. The revised baseline levels and air quality criteria should be agreed with EPD.
Baseline Monitoring. The ET should carry out baseline noise monitoring prior to the commencement of the construction works. There should not be any construction activities in the vicinity of the stations during the baseline monitoring. Baseline noise monitoring for the A-weighted levels LAeq, LA10 and LA90 should be carried out daily for a period of at least two weeks at a minimum logging interval of 30 minutes between 0700 and 1900. In exceptional case, when insufficient baseline monitoring data or questionable results are obtained, the ET should liaise with the Contractor to agree on an appropriate set of data to be used as a baseline reference.
Baseline Monitoring. Baseline monitoring shall be carried out at all of the designated monitoring locations for construction dust (see Table 4.1) for at least 14 consecutive days prior to the commissioning of major construction works to obtain 1-hour and 24-hour TSP samples. The selected baseline monitoring stations should reflect baseline conditions at the impact stations. One-hour sampling should also be done at least 3 times per day while the highest dust impact is expected.
Baseline Monitoring. Baseline conditions for the marine water quality should be established and agreed with EPD prior to the commencement of marine works during construction phase and operation phase (maintenance dredging). The purpose of the baseline monitoring is to establish ambient conditions prior to the commencement of the construction works and to demonstrate the suitability of the control and proposed monitoring stations. The baseline conditions should be established by measuring turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO) and suspended solids (SS) at the selected monitoring stations. The baseline monitoring schedule should be submitted to EPD at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of monitoring. EPD should also be notified immediately for any changes in schedule. Measurements should be taken at all designated monitoring stations, 3 days per week, at mid-flood and mid-ebb tides for at least 4 weeks prior to the commencement of dredging and sand filling works. There should not by any marine construction activities in proximity to the stations during the baseline monitoring. The interval between 2 sets of monitoring should not be less than 36 hours. Duplicate in-situ measurements and water sampling should be carried out in each sampling event. For selection of tides for in-situ measurement and water sampling, tidal range of individual flood and ebb tides should be not less than 0.5m. The baseline monitoring report should be submitted to EPD at least 4 weeks before the commencement of the construction works for agreement. The baseline monitoring report should be certified by the IEC before submission to EPD.
Baseline Monitoring. 14.3.1 A one off survey shall be conducted prior to commencement of any construction works. A photographic record of the site at the time of the contractor’s possession of the site shall be prepared by the Contractor and approved by the ER. The approved photographic record shall be submitted to the Project Proponent, ET, IEC and EPD for record. Conflicts occur Check Contractor’s final design conforms to the requirements of EP and prepare checking report(s) Check and endorse ET’s report(s) Check and certify Contractor’s proposed design Under remedial design if necessary - Recommend remedial design if necessary Non-conformity on one occasion Identify Source Inform IEC and Check report Check Notify Contractor Amend working methods
Baseline Monitoring. BOEM is considering a lease stipulation that would require Lessees to conduct baseline data collection activities for endangered and threatened marine mammals and their habitats in support of developing their construction and operations plans. XXXX requests comments on the scope of this potential requirement, including (but not limited to) priority information on species and habitats, methods to collect that data, regional collaboration, data sharing, and data management.
Baseline Monitoring. Baseline conditions for water quality shall be established and agreed with EPD prior to be commencement of construction works. The purpose of the baseline monitoring is to establish ambient conditions prior to the commencement of the construction works and to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed impact and control monitoring stations. The baseline monitoring shall be conducted for at least 4 weeks prior to the commencement of construction works. The proposed water quality monitoring schedule shall be submitted to EPD by the ET at least 2 weeks before the first day of the monitoring month. The interval between two sets of monitoring shall not be less than 36 hours. EPD shall also be notified immediately for any changes in schedule. In general, where the difference in value between the first and second in-situ measurement of DO or turbidity parameters is more than 25% of the value of the first reading, the reading shall be discarded and further readings should be taken. There should be no construction work in the vicinity of the stations during the baseline monitoring. The baseline data will be used to establish the Action and Limit Levels. The determination of Action and Limit Levels will be discussed in Section 7.9.
Baseline Monitoring. The purpose of the baseline monitoring is to establish ambient conditions prior to the commencement of marine construction works and to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed monitoring stations. The measurements should be taken at all designated monitoring stations, 3-days per week, at mid-flood and mid-ebb tides, for at least 4 consecutive weeks prior to the commencement of marine construction works. Two consecutive measurements of DO concentration (mgL-1), DO saturation (%) and turbidity (NTU) should be taken in-situ according to the stated sampling method. Where the difference in value between the first and second measurement of DO or turbidity parameters is more than 25% of the value of the first reading, the reading should be discarded and further readings should be taken. Water samples for SS (mgL-1) measurements should be collected at the same depths. In addition to the above in-situ measurements, water temperature, pH and salinity should be determined at all monitoring stations at the same depths, as specified above. Note that in addition to the water depth, monitoring location/position, time, weather conditions, sea conditions (where appropriate), tidal stage (where appropriate), and any special phenomena should be recorded. The baseline monitoring campaign should be executed prior to commencement of marine construction works. In exceptional cases, when insufficient baseline monitoring data or questionable results are obtained, the ET should liaise with EPD to agree on an appropriate set of data to be used as a baseline reference. The interval between two sets of monitoring would not be less than 36 hours.
Baseline Monitoring. 4.5.1 Baseline conditions for water quality should be established and agreed with DEP prior to the commencement of works. The purposes of the baseline monitoring are to establish ambient conditions prior to the commencement of the works and to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed impact, control and reference monitoring stations. The baseline conditions should normally be established by measuring the water quality parameters specified in Section 4.1. Table 4.3 summarises the water quality parameters and programme for baseline monitoring.
4.5.2 The measurements should be taken at all designated monitoring stations including control stations, 3 days per week, at mid-flood and mid-ebb tides, for four weeks prior to the commencement of marine works. There should not be any marine construction activities in the vicinity of the stations during the baseline monitoring.
4.5.3 In exceptional case when insufficient baseline monitoring data or questionable results are obtained, the EMT Leader should seek approval from DEP on an appropriate set of data to be used as baseline reference.