LEGAL ADDRESS. The legal address for the premises is: TERM. The rental term begins on
LEGAL ADDRESS. SELLER: “OGIC” JSC Legal address and Actual address: buxxxxxx 0, 0 Xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx, 000000 XNN 7708201998, KPP 770101001, XXXX 00000000 e-mail: xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx PJSC ROXXXXX 00, Xx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx, 000000, Xxxxxx XIC 044525256 Acc No 4070 2840 1000 0306 1399 usd SWIFT: RSBN RU MM acc № 0000000000 in intermediary bank: name of the Bank: BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORPORATION, NEW YORK SWIFT: IRVT US 3N BUYER: 14. ЮРИДИЧЕСКИЕ АДРЕСА СТОРОН: ПРОДАВЕЦ: АО «НефтегазИнКор»» Юридический и почтовый адрес:101000, Москва, Архангельский пер., д. 1, строение 1 ИНН 7708201998, КПП 770101001, ОКПО 59093675 Электронная почта: xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx ПАО РОСБАНК 107078, Москва, Россия, ул. Маши Порываевой, 34 БИК 044525256 Транзитный счет в долл. США 4070 2840 1000 0306 1399 SWIFT: RSBN RU MM Номер счета RJSC ROSBANK в банке корреспонденте: 0000000000 Банк корреспондент: BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORPORATION, NEW YORK SWIFT: IRVT US 3N ПОКУПАТЕЛЬ: SELLER/ПРОДАВЕЦ ___________________________ Akatnov K.S./Xxxxxxx X.С. BUYER/ПОКУПАТЕЛЬ ______________________ APPENDIX 1 TO THE CONTRACT № dated ___ (OIL SPECIFICATIONS) ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ № 1 К КОНТРАКТУ № от ___ (Спецификации нефти) Quality of Crude Oil and responsibility of the Seller for quality are limited by the following guaranteed specification: Качество нефти и ответственность Продавца за качество ограничивается следующей гарантированной спецификацией: Features Показатели Density at 20 deg.C, gr/l, max 0,875 Плотность при 20 оС, г/л, не более 0,875 Sulphur content, % max. 1,8 Содержание серы, %, не более 1,8 Paraffin content, % max. 6,0 Содержание парафинов, %, не более 6,0 Water content, % max 0,5 Содержание воды, %, не более 0,5 Sediment content, % max не более 0,05 Содержание мехпримесей, %, 0,05 Vapour pressure, kPa 66,7 Давление насыщенных паров, кПа 66,7 Chloride content, mg/l, max 100 Содержание хлористых солей, мг/л, не более 100 H2S content, ppm, max 20 Содержание сероводорода, млн.-1, не более 20 Methyl-, ethylmercaptane content total, ppm, max 40 Содержание метил- и этилмеркаптанов в сумме, млн.-1, не более 40 Distillation, % min: Фракционный состав, %, не менее: up to 200 degr.C 21 до 200 град.С, 21 up to 300 degr.C 42 до 300 град.С, 42 up to 350 degr.C 53 до 350 град.С, не менее 53 SIGNATURES OF THE PARTIES ПОДПИСИ СТОРОН SELLER ПРОДАВЕЦ ___________________________ Akatnov K.S./Xxxxxxx X.С. BUYER ПОКУПАТЕЛЬ ___________________________ The Parties have agreed that the price in US Dollars per net b...
LEGAL ADDRESS. The legal address for the premises is:
LEGAL ADDRESS. The legal address of the Company shall be -------------- Mengyin County, Shandong Province, China.
LEGAL ADDRESS. SELLER: ZARNESTSERVICE LTD 000000, Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, 000 /1 INN 7717108843, KPP 771701001, XXXX 00000000 PJSC XXXXXXX 00, Xx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx, 000000, Xxxxxx BIC 044525256 Acc No. 4070 2840 0000 0306 2702 usd SWIFT : XXXXXXXX acc № 0000000000 in intermediary bank: Xxx Xxxx xx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxx Xxxx, XXX SWIFT: IRVT US 3N 14. ЮРИДИЧЕСКИЕ АДРЕСА СТОРОН: ПРОДАВЕЦ: ООО «Зарнестсервис» 000000, x. Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, x.000, xxx.0 ИНН 7717108843, КПП 771701001, ОКПО 52551423 ПАО РОСБАНК 107078, Москва, Россия, ул. Маши Порываевой, 34 БИК 044525256 Транзитный счет No. 4070 2840 0000 0306 2702 SWIFT : XXXXXXXX СЧЕТ № 0000000000 в банке корреспонденте: The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, Нью Йорк, США SWIFT: IRVT US 3N
LEGAL ADDRESS. It is established that for the validity of any legal and administrative notification the legal address of the University of Buenos Aires is Xxxxxxxx 000, Xxxxxx Xxxx, xx xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx Xxxxx - Dirección de Mesa de Entradas, Salidas y Archivo del Rectorado y Consejo Superior. The University of Xxxxxxx establishes its legal address in Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxx (Italia).
LEGAL ADDRESS. The Rental/Lease agreement defines the Tenant’s (Renter or Occupant’s) legal address, and this address will remain the legal address for the purpose of notification until Tenant (Renter or Occupant) advises owner/owner’s agent(s) in writing promptly of any actual change of address. Such changes must be in writing, signed and dated by tenant (Renter or Occupant). Owner reserves the right to refuse to rent to any prospect that refuses to provide a valid home or business address and phone number.
LEGAL ADDRESS. Official address. City and State are published in the Treasury Master File (TMF). If no address supplied, the Default Address is used.
LEGAL ADDRESS. The legal address for the premises is: _____________________________________________________________________________ TERM. The lease term begins on __________________ and terminates on __________________. LEASE PAYMENTS. Tenant shall pay to Landlord lease payments of $_______, payable in advance on the ______________ day of each month. Lease payments shall be made to the Landlord at _______________________________________________, which may be changed from time to time by Landlord.
37.1. The address given in the Bid shall be the legal address of the Contractor. Such address may be changed at any time by notice in writing delivered to the Chief Procurement Officer. The mailing of any notice to this legal address, postage pre-paid to the Contractor, shall be deemed to be a legal and sufficient service upon the Contractor.