Long Term Disability Income. 22.1. Effective the first day of the month following the date of hire, an Employee shall be eligible for long-term income protection to age 70 for disability; however, there shall be no such protection for disability caused by any injury or illness for which the Employee received professional medical care or treatment within ninety (90) consecutive days prior to when the Employee otherwise becomes eligible for such protection, unless ninety (90) consecutive days elapse from the time when the Employee otherwise would be eligible for such protection and during such ninety (90) consecutive days the Employee neither receives nor requires professional medical care or treatment for such injury or illness.
22.2. For the purposes of this Article, disability means that which is caused by illness or injury which occurs during the Employee's term of employment and which prevents the Employee from performing the major tasks of the Employee's position.
22.3. Payment of benefits pursuant to this article to a disabled Employee shall commence when the employer determines that the Employee qualifies for benefits, and does not provide benefits under Article 22.4(b). The amount of such protection shall be 65% of the Employee's basic Hourly Rate as of the time that Employee's sick leave is exhausted, or the parties agree to commencement of such payments but shall not exceed an amount equivalent to a monthly rate of pay of $3,500; however, for any pay period, the amount of such protection shall be reduced by any amount that the Employee receives for such pay period as a retirement or disability pension from the Public Employees Retirement Association or from the federal government pursuant to the federal Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Act, and by any other disability insurance or disability annuity payment, and by any amount that the Employee receives as worker's compensation in lieu of wages or salary. Any cost of living adjustment to any amount received as a retirement or disability pension or as worker's compensation shall not be used to reduce the amount of such protection. The amount of such protection for any pay period shall also be reduced by any amount that the Employee receives as wages or salary during that pay period, but only when the total amount that the Employee has received for wages or salary during the calendar year exceeds $5,000.
22.4. a. Payment of benefits due under this article shall be calculated for each regular pay period, and shall be p...
Long Term Disability Income. The School Board will participate in the long-term disability insurance program. The Board will pay one-half of the annual premium for all full-time licensed teachers who participate in the program and are on the non- cafeteria benefit plan. Teachers on the cafeteria plan are responsible to pay for 100% of the premium. The income of the participant, who is forced from work for a long period of time due to reasons of health or accident, will be insured after the 65th missed day out of 130 consecutive work days, for two-thirds of the teacher's regular salary up to the policy limit, as long as the LTD claim is approved by the insurance carrier. If the teacher requests it, the School Board will pay one-third day salary to those participants who have accumulated more than 65 days of paid time off. One-third day will be subtracted from the total number of remaining paid time off days until all paid time off has been used in full, or the teacher requests such payment be discontinued.
Long Term Disability Income. After completing the probationary period, an employee is eligible for long term disability insurance coverage. Should disability last for more than fifteen (15) weeks, eligible employees are entitled to long term disability benefits, payable by the insurance company. Benefits will be sixty-six and two-thirds (66-2/3) percent of the employee’s insured rate to a maximum of twenty-five hundred dollars (2,500) per month. Disability must be severe enough to prevent the employee from performing his regular work with the Company as defined by the insurance company. House confinement is not required, but the employee must be under the regular care and treatment of a doctor. If the employee is subject to disability payments under Workers’ Compensation, or from other sources, such payments will form part of, and be considered in the payment of benefits as set out herein. The long term disability protection will be administered in accordance with the terms of the contract with the insurance company.
Long Term Disability Income. 29.1. Any Employee who has been Continuously Employed by the City for not less than six (6) months shall be eligible for long-term income protection to age 70 for disability; however, there shall be no such protection for disability caused by any injury or illness for which the Employee received professional medical care or treatment within ninety (90) consecutive days prior to when the Employee otherwise becomes eligible for such protection, unless ninety
Long Term Disability Income. The major benefit provisions are to be as follows:
1. Benefit Percent 85%
2. Monthly Maximum $6,500 3. Aggregate Income Limit 70% all sources
Long Term Disability Income. The School Board will participate in the long-term disability insurance program. The Board/ District will pay 50% or one-half of the annual premium for all full-time REA members who participate in the program and are on the non- cafeteria benefit plan. REA members in the cafeteria plan are responsible to pay for 50% of the premium. The income of the participant, who is forced from work for a long period of time due to reasons of health or accident, will be insured after the 65th missed day out of 130 consecutive workdays, for two-thirds of the REA members's regular salary up to the policy limit, as long as the LTD claim is approved by the insurance carrier. If the REA members request it, the School Board will pay one-third day salary to those participants who have accumulated more than 65 days of paid time off. One-third day will be subtracted from the total number of remaining paid time off days until all paid time off has been used in full, or the REA members request such payment be discontinued.
Long Term Disability Income. If you become disabled because of sickness or injury and can no longer work, the Income Plan guarantees you a continuing monthly income for an extended period of time. The Weekly Disability Income Plan will protect you against the loss of your income for a period of up to weeks. pay- ments begin when Weekly Disability Income ceases. The plan protects you against those disabilities that could last for years. WHEN COVERAGE STARTS Your insurance becomes effective the first day that you are actively at work after working forty-five days. AMOUNT OF MONTHLY INCOME The Plan guarantees you of your rate of basic earnings in effect on the last day that you were actively at work, up to a maximum monthly income payment of ($2,380 May and May 2000). For any claim the applicable maximum under the Plan will be that in effect on the last day that you were actively at work. The Plan will pay all of this guarantee, if you are not eligible for “other income benefits”. If you are eligible for “other income benefits”, the Plan will add to the total of your other income benefits enough to make up this guarantee. For the purposes of this Plan, “other income benefits” means any wages, salary or any other remuneration you may receive from or from any other Employer or payments under any Plan sponsored by while you are eligible for income payments from the Plan. Also included as “other income benefits” are any disability benefits paid under the Canada Pension Plan and Workers’ Compensation Act. The Plan does not count as “other income benefits” any disability income benefits payable under individual policies of Life or Accident Health Insurance that you have purchased for yourself, independently of any employer or of any other organization to which you belong. Two examples will show how the plan works. In both cases, it is assumed that the disabled employee’s rate of basic earnings is per month at the time the disability begins. A Xxxxx is not eligible for any “other income benefits”. Therefore, the Plan will pay the full -that is of or a monthly income of X Xxxxx is eligible for “other income benefits”, specifically, a disability income of per month from the Canada Pension Plan. Therefore, the Plan will pay a benefit sufficient to make up the guarantee. Canada Pension Plan benefits The Plan Guaranteed Monthly Income WHEN BENEFITS START During the first weeks of will be eligible for Weekly Disability Income or Workers’ Compensation Benefits. After you have been “totally disabled” f...
Long Term Disability Income. After completing thirty (30) calendar days service with the Company, an employee is eligible for long term disability insurance coverage. Should disability last for more than fifteen (15) weeks, eligible employees are entitled to long term disability benefits, payable by The Great West Life Assurance Company. Benefits will be sixty-six and two-thirds (66-2/3) percent of the employee’s insured rate to a maximum of seventeen hundred and fifty (1750) dollars per month; effective May 1, 1995, increase maximum to eighteen hundred and fifty (1850) dollars per month. Disability must be severe enough to prevent the employee from performing his regular work with the Company. House confinement is not required, but the employee must be under the regular care and treatment of a doctor. If the employee is subject to disability payments under Workers’ Compensation, or from other sources, such payments will form part of, and be considered in the payment of benefits as set out herein. The long term disability protection will be administered in accordance with the terms of the contract with The Great West Life Assurance Company.
Long Term Disability Income. CONTINUANCE PLAN REVIEW
Long Term Disability Income. After completing thirty (30) calendar days service with the Company, an employee is eligible for long term disability insurance coverage. Should disability last for more than fifteen (15) weeks, eligible employees are entitled to long term disability benefits, payable by the insurance company. Benefits will be sixty-six and two-thirds (66-2/3) percent of the employee’s insured rate to a maximum of eighteen hundred and fifty (1850) dollars per month; effective May 1, 2004 increase maximum to two thousand and fifty (2050) per month. Disability must be severe enough to prevent the employee from performing his regular work with the Company. House confinement is not required, but the employee must be under the regular care and treatment of a doctor. If the employee is subject to disability payments under Workers’ Compensation, or from other sources, such payments will form part of, and be considered in the payment of benefits as set out herein. The long term disability protection will be administered in accordance with the terms of the contract with the insurance company.