Lump Sum Amount Sample Clauses

Lump Sum Amount. If Design-Builder proposes to perform Work with its own forces, and the Owner approves, the lump sum amount shall be the Change Order Sum and the Change Order Sum proposed shall not include as additions any estimated cost, contingency, overhead, scope of work or Design-Builder Fee components in the same manner as set forth in Article 3.7.11.
Lump Sum Amount. If CM/GC proposes to perform Work with its own forces, and the Owner approves, the lump sum amount shall be the Change Order Sum and the Change Order Sum proposed shall not include as additions any estimated cost, contingency, overhead, scope of work or CM/GC Fee components in the same manner as set forth in Article 3.7.
Lump Sum Amount. The lump sum value of the pension benefit payable pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(d) shall be equal to the Actuarial Equivalent of the single life annuity benefit described in the Harcourt General Inc. Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP) as enhanced by Section 3(d) of this Agreement. The single life annuity amount above shall be determined at the earliest possible age the employee could retire under the Harcourt General Inc. Retirement Plan (after giving effect to the additional years of age and service granted under Section 3(d)), but not before the Executive=s age at the Termination Date plus such additional years of age.
Lump Sum Amount. The Service Order shall specify the lump sum amount the CITY will pay the CONSULTANT for performing the required work. The lump sum amount compensates the CONSULTANT for all its costs necessary to complete the work, including professional services and reimbursable expenses. CONSULTANT shall complete all work set forth in the Service Order for the lump sum amount.
Lump Sum Amount. (a) If the designated employee chooses a lump sum amount, the University will pay a lump sum amount and/or remit a portion of the severance pay to an RRSP or similar remittance to the extent the RRSP or similar remittance is allowed by law. (b) Where severance pay is paid in a lump sum to a designated employee, the designated employee shall be terminated as of the end date of the designated employee's notice of position discontinuance period, and the employee's employment, seniority, benefit coverage, and pension coverage also shall terminate as of that end date. (c) Severance Pay and Return to Work - A designated employee, who accepts severance pay in a lump sum from the University, is laid-off, and subsequently returns to work at the University in a continuing or sessional position within the time period equivalent to the amount of severance pay received, shall be indebted to and pay back the University for the number of working days of severance pay received less the number of working days since his/her date of lay off from the University. In addition, his/her pre-lay off seniority also shall be restored.
Lump Sum Amount. On the closing date of the Change of Control, the Company will pay the Participant a Retirement Benefit that is actuarially equivalent in value to the Retirement Benefit that would be payable under Section 4.1., determined as if the Participant has attained age 63 and has terminated employment with the Company.
Lump Sum Amount. If both parties agree to a lump sum amount before, during or after the changed work is started this amount shall become the value of the change order.
Lump Sum Amount the amount established in the Agreement as the amount the COUNTY may be obligated to pay for full and complete performance of the Work required by the Contract Documents. Said amount may be amended as provided in the Agreement.
Lump Sum Amount. Following execution of this Agreement by the Parties, the Contractor shall be authorized to and shall commence performance of the Services as described in Exhibit A, subject to the requirements and limitations on compensation as provided by this Section IV and its subsections. Compensation to be paid hereunder shall be a lump sum amount of One Hundred Seventy Nine Thousand Thirty Three Dollars and Zero Cents ($179,033) (“Lump Sum Amount”) unless a larger amount is agreed to by and between the Parties in accordance with the amendment requirements of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the amount specified in this Section, Contractor shall be paid only for work performed. Contractor shall not be paid until tasks identified in the Scope of Services are performed to the satisfaction of the City. In consideration for the completion of the Scope of Services by Contractor, the City shall pay Contractor as follows: If this box is checked, the City shall pay Contractor on a percentage complete basis in accordance with the rate schedule shown in Exhibit B. This amount shall include all fees, costs and expenses incurred by Contractor, and no additional amounts shall be paid by the City for such fees, costs and expenses. Final payment may be requested by the Contractor upon completion and the City’s acceptance of all work or Services as set forth in Exhibit A. If this box is checked, the City shall pay the Contractor the Not-to-Exceed Amount in a single lump sum payment on [insert date here].
Lump Sum Amount. The District and Engineer shall mutually agree to a lump sum amount for the services to be rendered payable monthly in direct proportion to the work accomplished. For any lump-sum or cost-plus-a-fixed-fee professional service contract over the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 of the Florida Statutes for CATEGORY FOUR, the District shall require the Engineer to execute a truth-in- negotiation certificate stating that wage rates and other factual unit costs supporting the compensation are accurate, complete, and current at the time of contracting. The price for any lump sum Work Authorization, and any additions thereto, will be adjusted to exclude any significant sums by which the District determines the Work Authorization was increased due to inaccurate, incomplete, or noncurrent wage rates and other factual unit costs. All such adjustments must be made within one (1) year following the completion of the work contemplated by the lump sum Work Authorization.