Lunch Period Employees who work five (5) hours or more shall be granted a thirty (30) minute, duty-free, uninterrupted lunch period, which may or may not be during the normal lunch hours.
Lunch Periods All employees covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period after the employee has been on duty for five (5) hours. The length of time for such lunch period shall be for no less than one-half (½) hour, and shall be scheduled for full-time employees at about the midpoint of each work shift. Such times shall be mutually agreed upon between employees and their immediate supervisor.
Duty-Free Lunch Period All teachers shall be entitled to a thirty-five (35) minute duty free lunch period.
REST AND LUNCH PERIODS 1. The present practices of agencies, departments or organizational units with respect to rest periods during the regular workday shall be continued, provided that each employee shall be allowed two (2) rest periods with pay of fifteen (15) minutes during each regular workday. Employees whose duties involve continuous operations where breaks cannot be scheduled shall take personal rest periods as schedules permit. 2. Present practices of agencies, departments or organizational units with respect to lunch periods during the regular workday shall be continued, provided that each employee shall be allowed at least one-half (½) hour for lunch without pay during each regular day or have the employee’s lunch period considered as time worked if the employee is required to work through the lunch period eats while performing the employee’s regular duties. 3. Ferry Service employees shall be entitled to have their one-half (½) hour lunch periods scheduled between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. When Ferry Service employees are required to remain on duty during that period, they shall be permitted to eat lunch on the job and the time shall be considered time worked for pay and other purposes. 4. When it is reasonably anticipated that overtime will extend for two (2) hours or more, an employee shall be allowed a rest period with pay of fifteen (15) minutes be- tween the end of a regular work schedule and the beginning of the overtime work. If overtime is to continue beyond four (4) hours, an employee shall be allowed a meal period with pay of at least one-half (½) hour after four (4) hours of overtime and an additional meal period with pay of at least one-half (½) hour after each additional four (4) hours of overtime providing the employee will be continuing to work thereafter. After completing four (4) hours of overtime, the employee shall be allowed a rest period with pay of fifteen
Contract Year A twelve (12) month period during the term of the Agreement commencing on the Effective Date and each anniversary thereof.
Period of Agreement This Agreement shall start on _, 20 (“Effective Date”), and end on , 20_ _, at 12:00 midnight (“Listing Period”), unless the expiration date is extended in writing.
TEACHING HOURS AND TEACHING LOAD Section 1 Work Day For the applicable agreement period, the normal work day will be seven and one-quarter (7 ¼) hours including arrival time fifteen (15) minutes before and departure time (15) minutes after the students’ school day. The normal work day will include uninterrupted prep time. The Building Principal, as authorized by the Superintendent, upon request of a teacher or group of teachers, may waive the requirement to remain fifteen (15) minutes after the school day for a specific day or days. It is recognized; however, that the proper performance of their duties may, on occasion, require these persons to work longer than the normal work day, i.e. for conferences, faculty meetings, department meetings, etc. Therefore, “mandatory meetings will occur two times per month and be no longer than 90 minutes in length, inclusive of the additional 15 minutes beyond the scheduled student school day. A schedule of the meetings will be distributed by June 30th of the previous school year, but may be changed at the discretion of the Principal with 48 hours’ notice.” Teachers will also remain at school after the fifteen (15) minutes described above, during one (1) day each calendar week for such periods of time as is necessary to provide students extra help, and/or to meet with parents or guardians, concerning the progress of their children or wards. No teacher shall be required to work more than a normal seven and one- quarter (7 ¼) hour day, including fifteen (15) minutes before and (15) minutes after the students’ school day, which will include uninterrupted prep time; this provision does not apply to other contractually agreed upon time and meetings. Should state law require a longer instructional day, or more days, the teachers shall work the added time and the parties shall immediately commence impact bargaining on the issue. This article does not purport to cover the arrival and departure time of teachers involved in special assignments. Section 2 Other Personnel Personnel other than classroom teachers will work at their assigned tasks for the length of the regular teachers' work day. The exact daily schedule will be worked out on an individual basis between the Administration and the employee with notification to the Association. Instructional Coaches are required to work an additional five (5) days at their per diem rate, beyond the work year for a total of 189 days. These days will be determined prior to the start of the new school year and at the discretion of the Superintendent and the Chief Academic Officer.
Work Year The full-time work year for all employees employed in EA and ECE job classes shall be a minimum of 194 work days to correspond with the school year calendar.
Period of Work Work under this Agreement shall begin no sooner than the date on which this Agreement has been fully executed by the parties and approved by the Controller and the State Purchases Review Committee. Unless terminated earlier, this Agreement shall expire on the date set out on the first page of this Agreement, or at the completion and acceptance of all specified tasks, and delivery of all contracted products and services as defined in this Agreement, including performance of any warranty and/or maintenance agreements, whichever is the later date.
Normal Hours of Work 10A.01 The normal work day is defined as the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at 12:00 Midnight. 10A.02 The employer has the option of working either five (5) eight (8) hour days or four (4) ten