Medical Equipment Sample Clauses

Medical Equipment. Households requesting an extra bedroom for medically necessary equipment prescribed by a doctor will be afforded the extra bedroom.
Medical Equipment. Nothing in this Agreement will require that an electronic device or equipment constituting an appropriate auxiliary aid be used when or where its use may interfere with medical or monitoring equipment or may otherwise constitute a threat to a Patient’s medical condition F. Determination Not to Provide Auxiliary Aid or Service. If, after conducting a communication assessment, MRMC determines that the circumstances do not warrant provision of an auxiliary aid or service that has been requested, Hospital Personnel shall so advise the person requesting the auxiliary aid or service and shall document in the Patient’s medical record the date and time of denial, the name and title of the Hospital Personnel who made the determination, and the basis for the determination. G. Maintenance of Log. MRMC will maintain a log of each request for an auxiliary aid and service, the time and date the request is made, the Patient’s (and Companion’s, where applicable) name, the time and date of the scheduled appointment (if a scheduled appointment was made), the time and date the auxiliary aid and service was provided, or a statement that the auxiliary aid and service was not provided. Such logs, and the documentation described in Section III.F, will be maintained by MRMC Administration. H. Complaint/Grievance Resolution. MRMC Administration will maintain a written complaint/grievance resolution mechanism regarding the provision of auxiliary aids and services to Patients and Companions and will maintain records of all grievances, whether oral or written, made to MRMC and actions taken with respect thereto. MRMC will post at appropriate places its Xxxx of Rights, which notifies deaf or heard of hearing persons of MRMC’s complaint/grievance resolution mechanism and to whom complaints should be made. MRMC will maintain a written record of all grievances filed by Patients or Companions and the responses thereto. Upon request, MRMC will provide the Patient and Companion a written response to the complaint within a reasonable time, not to exceed five business days. I. Prohibition of Surcharges. All appropriate auxiliary aids and services required by this Agreement will be provided free of charge to the Patient or Companion. J.
Medical Equipment. Nothing in this Agreement will require the use of an electronic device or equipment constituting an appropriate auxiliary aid, when or where its use may interfere with medical or monitoring equipment or may otherwise constitute a threat to a Patient’s medical condition. F.
Medical Equipment. Nothing in this Settlement Agreement shall require that an electronic device or equipment constituting an appropriate auxiliary aid be used when or where its use may interfere with medical or monitoring equipment or may otherwise constitute a threat to the patient's medical condition. In such an event, the Hospital shall continue to comply with Sections D.19 and D.20.
Medical Equipment. OLH Shreveport and OLH Monroe shall provide equipment for use by the HSC-S Faculty in the performance and provision of Services at the Hospitals as determined reasonable and necessary by OLHS-NL.
Medical Equipment. The Manager shall provide the QT Ultrasound Breast Scanner-1 and ancillary medical-related equipment as required by the Practice. The Practice shall determine which types of medical equipment should be used by the Practice
Medical Equipment. Equip the Drug Rehabilitation Center with essential medical equipment necessary for providing quality healthcare services, including diagnostic tools, treatment modalities, and monitoring devices such as X-Ray machines, Blood test equipment and ECG machines and any other machines as deemed appropriate by the bidder/operators
Medical Equipment. The School shall be responsible for providing Excelsior access to, and maintaining, at minimum, the following medical equipment and supplies: • Football Facemask cutter • Quick Release Football Facemask tool • Manual screw driver • Trauma Shears • Heart Rate/Blood Pressure monitor • Pulse oximeter • Glucose monitors with lancets and testing strips • Cervical collars of various sizes • OPA Kit and Bite stick • Manual suction unit • Bag-Valve Mask • Weather monitoring deviceCold water tub or tarp for EHI • Golf cart (or similar) for Certified Athletic Trainer use primarily • 4-5 2-way radios is recommended for communication between coaches and ATC Excelsior’s ATC will cover sports at the School based on the potential for injury within a sport. Excelsior and the ATC reserve the right to staff events, contents and/or practices with a certified athletic trainer based on risk of sport when the AD schedules one or more events, contests and/or practices simultaneously or in different locations outside the School. Increased Risk Sports: • Football • Gymnastics • Ice Hockey • Skiing • Wrestling
Medical Equipment. OLH shall provide equipment for use by the Residents during clinical Resident Rotations and HSC-S Faculty in providing Teaching and Residency Program Supervision Services, as determined reasonable and necessary by OLH after consultation with LSU.
Medical Equipment. The City shall provide and maintain the medical equipment in police vehicles as set forth in Appendix VI. The City shall also provide necessary employees with a Narcan Nasal Kit. In consideration, the City shall pay a non- pensionable $600 annualized stipend ($50/month) which shall be prorated to reflect the total number of months / time period during the fiscal year when the Employee was employed by City. The Employee must have the required medical equipment qualifications/certifications in order to receive the stipend and the medical equipment qualifications needed herein shall be offered and provided for by the City. The payment is paid at the end of each fiscal year (July) and is retroactive to 7/1/19 (i.e. paid for FY 19-20 and FY 20-21). Said retroactive payment shall be paid within forty five (45) days of June 22, 2021. Recruits attending the academy are not eligible for this stipend until after graduation.