COVERED HEALTHCARE SERVICES This section describes covered healthcare services. This plan covers services only if they meet all of the following requirements: • Listed as a covered healthcare service in this section. The fact that a provider has prescribed or recommended a service, or that it is the only available treatment for an illness or injury does not mean it is a covered healthcare service under this plan. • Medically necessary, consistent with our medical policies and related guidelines at the time the services are provided. • Not listed in Exclusions Section. • Received while a member is enrolled in the plan. • Consistent with applicable state or federal law. We review medical necessity in accordance with our medical policies and related guidelines. Our medical policies can be found on our website. Our medical policies are written to help administer benefits for the purpose of claims payment. They are made available to you for informational purposes and are subject to change. Medical policies are not meant to be used as a guide for your medical treatment. Your medical treatment remains a decision made by you with your physician. If you have questions about our medical policies, please call Customer Service. When a new service or drug becomes available, when possible, we will review it within six (6) months of one of the events described below to determine whether the new service or drug will be covered: • the assignment of an American Medical Association (AMA) Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code in the annual CPT publication; • final Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval; • the assignment of processing codes other than CPT codes or approval by governing or regulatory bodies other than the FDA; • submission to us of a claim meeting the criteria above; and • generally, the first date an FDA approved prescription drug is available in pharmacies (for prescription drug coverage only). During the review period, new services and drugs are not covered. For all covered healthcare services, please see the Summary of Medical Benefits and the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits to determine the amount that you pay and any benefit limits.
Mental Health Services Grantee will receive allocated funding to secure Mental Health Services and Programs for youth under Xxxxxxx’s supervision. Services may include screening, assessment, diagnoses, evaluation, or treatment of youth with Mental Health Needs. The Department’s provision of State Aid Grant Mental Health Services funds shall not be understood to limit the use of other state and local funds for mental health services. State Aid Grant Mental Health Services funds may be used for all mental health services and programs as defined herein, however these funds may not be used to supplant local funds or for unallowable expenditure. Youth served by State Aid Grant Mental Health Services funds must meet the definition of Target Population for Mental Health Services provided in the Contract.
Vision Care Services For purposes of coordination of benefits, vision care services covered under other plans are not considered an allowable expense, as defined in the Coordination of Benefits and Subrogation in Section 7.
Mental Health The parties recognize the importance of supporting and promoting a psychologically healthy workplace and as such will adhere to all applicable statutes, policy, guidelines and regulations pertaining to the promotion of mental health.
Core Services The Company agrees to provide to the Municipality the Core Services set forth in Schedule “A”. The Company and the Municipality may amend Schedule “A” from time to time upon mutual agreement.
Health Care Operations “Health Care Operations” shall have the same meaning as the term “health care operations” in 45 CFR §164.501.
HEALTH CARE PLANS Notwithstanding the references to the Pacific Blue Cross Plans in this article, the parties agree that Employers, who are not currently providing benefits under the Pacific Blue Cross Plans may continue to provide the benefits through another carrier providing that the overall level of benefits is comparable to the level of benefits under the Pacific Blue Cross Plans.
Hospital Services The Hospital will: 6.1.1 achieve the Performance Standards described in the Schedules and the HSAA Indicator Technical Specifications; 6.1.2 not reduce, stop, start, expand, cease to provide or transfer the provision of Hospital Services to another hospital or to another site of the Hospital if such action would result in the Hospital being unable to achieve the Performance Standards described in the Schedules and the HSAA Indicator Technical Specifications; and 6.1.3 not restrict or refuse the provision of Hospital Services that are funded by the Funder to an individual, directly or indirectly, based on the geographic area in which the person resides in Ontario, and will establish a policy prohibiting any health care professional providing services at the Hospital, including physicians, from doing the same.
Hospice Services Services are available for a Member whose Attending Physician has determined the Member's illness will result in a remaining life span of six months or less.
Home Health Care This plan covers the following home care services when provided by a certified home healthcare agency: • nursing services; • services of a home health aide; • visits from a social worker; • medical supplies; and • physical, occupational and speech therapy.