Minimum Coverages Sample Clauses
Minimum Coverages. The insurance requirements specified in this section shall cover Operator’s own liability and the liability arising out of work or services performed under this Agreement by any subconsultants, subcontractors, suppliers, temporary workers, independent contractors, leased employees, or any other persons, firms or corporations that Operator authorizes to work under this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agents”). Operator shall, at its own expense, obtain and maintain in effect at all times during the life of this Agreement the following types of insurance against claims, damages and losses due to injuries to persons or damage to property or other losses that may arise in connection with the performance of work under this Agreement.
Minimum Coverages. The insurance requirements specified in this section shall cover CONSULTANT’s own liability and the liability arising out of work or services performed under this Agreement by any subconsultants, subcontractors, suppliers, temporary workers, independent contractors, leased employees, or any other persons, firms or corporations that CONSULTANT authorizes to work under this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agents.”) CONSULTANT shall, at its own expense, obtain and maintain in effect at all times during the life of this Agreement the following types of insurance against claims, damages and losses due to injuries to persons or damage to property or other losses that may arise in connection with the performance of work under this Agreement. CONSULTANT is also required to assess the risks associated with work to be performed by Agents under subcontract and to include in every subcontract the requirement that the Agent maintain adequate insurance coverage with appropriate limits and endorsements to cover such risks. To the extent that an Agent does not procure and maintain such insurance coverage, CONSULTANT shall be responsible for said coverage and assume any and all costs and expenses that may be incurred in securing said coverage or in fulfilling CONSULTANT’s indemnity obligation as to itself or any of its Agents in the absence of coverage. In the event CONSULTANT or its Agents procure excess or umbrella coverage to maintain certain requirements outlined below, these policies shall also satisfy all specified endorsements and stipulations, including provisions that CONSULTANT’s insurance be primary without right of contribution from MTC. Prior to beginning work under this contract, CONSULTANT shall provide MTC with satisfactory evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this section. The insurance listed hereunder shall be considered minimum requirements and any and all insurance proceeds in excess of the requirements shall be made available to MTC. If the CONSULTANT maintains broader coverage and/or higher limits than the minimum limits shown hereunder, MTC shall be entitled to the broader coverage and/or higher limits maintained by the CONSULTANT.
Minimum Coverages. The insurance requirements specified in this section shall cover Xxxxxxx’s own liability and the liability arising out of work or services performed under this Agreement by any subconsultants, subcontractors, suppliers, temporary workers, independent contractors, leased employees, or any other persons, firms or corporations that Grantee authorizes to work under this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agent”). Grantee shall, at its own expense, obtain and maintain in effect at all times during the life of this Agreement the following types of insurance against claims, damages and losses due to injuries to persons or damage to property or other losses that may arise in connection with the performance of work under this Agreement.
Minimum Coverages. Unless otherwise provided in the Special Provisions of Contract, Contractor shall, prior to and at all times while providing, performing, or completing the Work, procure, maintain, and keep in force, at Contractor’s expense, at least the following minimum insurance coverages:
Minimum Coverages. Insurance coverage shall be with limits not less than the following: 2508 Commercial General Liability – $10,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily 2509 injury, personal injury, and property damage. 2510 Automobile Liability – $10,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and 2511 property damage (include coverage for hired and non-owned vehicles). 2512 Workers’ Compensation – Statutory Limits/Employers’ Liability - $1,000,000/accident for 2513 bodily injury or disease. 2514 Blanket Fidelity/Crime Policy – $500,000 per event covering the City for any and all acts 2515 including, but not limited to, dishonesty, forgery, alteration, theft, disappearance, and 2516 destruction (inside or outside). 2517 General Liability and Auto Liability Limits of Insurance may be satisfied by a combination of 2518 primary and umbrella or excess insurance.
Minimum Coverages. At a minimum, Licensee and its contractors shall carry and maintain the following coverages and shall furnish the City Risk Manager certificates of insurance as evidence thereof:
A. Commercial General Liability coverage in the minimum amount of $2,000,000 per occurrence;
B. Worker's Compensation coverage with statutory benefits as set forth in the Texas Worker's Compensation Act and Employer's Liability coverage of not less than $1,000,000 bodily injury per accident, $1,000,000 bodily injury per disease and $1,000,000 per disease per employee;
C. Business Automobile Liability Insurance for all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000.
Minimum Coverages. At a minimum, during the Term of this Agreement, each Party shall, at its sole expense, maintain the following insurance coverages:
(i) Commercial and comprehensive general liability insurance in amounts not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence and Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) annual aggregate for all covered claims;
(ii) Professional liability or errors and omissions insurance with limits of liability of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) per claim and Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) per occurrence;
(iii) Workers’ compensation insurance and other insurance as required by law.
Minimum Coverages. Each party shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the insured party, its agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors.
1. Commercial General Liability (CGL), with limits not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence, for bodily injury, property damage, personal & advertising injury.
2. Automobile Liability covering any auto, with minimum limits of $2,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage.
Minimum Coverages. Insurance coverage shall be with limits not less than the following: 1461 Comprehensive General Liability – $5,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for 1462 bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. The general liability policy must 1463 provide contractual liability coverage for Contractor’s indemnities. 1464 Comprehensive Automobile Liability – $5,000,000 combined single limit per accident for 1465 bodily injury and property damage (include coverage for Hired and Non-owned vehicles). 1466 Environmental liability/Pollution - $5,000,000 per occurrence covering loss (including 1467 cleanup costs) that Contractor becomes legally obligated to pay as a result of claims for 1468 bodily injury, property damage, and cleanup costs (including expenses required by 1469 environmental laws or incurred by federal, state, or local governments or third parties) 1470 resulting from pollution conditions caused by transported cargo (including waste). For the 1471 purposes of this subsection, “pollution conditions” includes the dispersal, discharge, 1472 release, or escape of any solid, liquid, gaseous, or thermal irritant or contaminant (such as 1473 smoke, vapors, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic chemicals, medical waste, and waste 1474 materials) into or upon land, any structure on land, the atmosphere, or any watercourse 1475 or body of water (including groundwater), provided the conditions are not naturally 1476 present in the environment in the amounts or concentrations discovered. 1477 The liability coverage for pollution must provide contractual liability coverage, by 1478 endorsement or schedule, if necessary, for Contractor Indemnities. 1479 Workers’ Compensation – Statutory Limits/Employers’ Liability - $1,000,000/accident for 1480 bodily injury or disease. 1481 Crime/Employee Dishonesty Insurance (covering theft of money or other property of any 1482 RA Member for which Contractor is legally liable, by any employee of Contractor or any 1483 third party) - $5,000,000 per occurrence. 1484 If Contractor fails to secure and maintain any insurance required by this Agreement, at its 1485 sole option each RA Member or the Regional Agency may secure and maintain that 1486 insurance at their expense and Contractor will pay them their RA Member’s 1487 reimbursement costs therefore. This remedy is in addition to each RA Member’s right to 1488 declare a Default under Section 11.1 and terminate this agreement under Section 11.2.
Minimum Coverages. Each Party will procure and maintain, at its own expense, for the duration of the Agreement, and for five (5) years thereafter if written on a claims made or occurrence reported form, the following types of insurance specified below with carriers rated A- VII or better with A. M. Best in the following minimum coverage amounts: