More Favorable Conditions Sample Clauses
More Favorable Conditions. If the Union shall furnish Employees to any Contractor within the area of jurisdiction of this Agreement for construction work, as defined herein, upon any more favorable terms or conditions (including wage rates) than those contained herein, the Union agrees that such more favorable terms and conditions shall automatically be extended to the Contractor.
More Favorable Conditions. In the event the Union, by negotiation or Agreement with any other Employer, Contractor or Association, grants more favorable terms and conditions to such Employer, Contractor or Association, involving work within the jurisdictions of the signatory Unions covered hereby, then the California Plastering Conference of the Western Wall & Ceiling Contractors Association, Inc. shall, on behalf of its members, have the following options:
1. To adopt and make a part of this Contract any of such terms and conditions as they feel are more favorable, including but not limited to, privilege of payment, wages, hours, working conditions and rules, amounts of contribution of fringe benefits and Apprentice training.
A. In the event the Association, on behalf of its members, exercises any of the provision hereinabove set forth, in no event shall the terms and conditions of this Agreement relating to bonds, the amounts thereof, and payments to be made to the Southern California Plastering Institute, Inc., be affected, or changed.
2. To adopt and make a part of this Agreement, such Contract or Contracts which the Union signatories have entered into with any other Employer, Contractor or Association, in its entirety in lieu of all of the terms and conditions of this contract, excepting only that in the event of such adoption in its entirety, the provisions of this Contract relating to the various Trusts shall remain in full force and effect, limited only to the extent that the payments required to be made into each individual Trust shall not exceed the payments required to be made under the terms and conditions of such Contract so adopted. When the Union enters into any special project agreements, all terms, and conditions of said Agreement shall be disclosed to the California Plastering Conference of the Western Walls and Ceiling Contractors Association and the Labor- Management Negotiating Committee.
More Favorable Conditions. The Union hereby agrees that if it affords any conditions of a more favorable nature to any other employer with whom it has a collective bargaining agreement who performs the same or similar work, that said more favorable condition shall automatically be incorporated in this Agreement and be afforded all members of the Association covered hereunder, upon request.
More Favorable Conditions. Working conditions, such as wages, hours of work or conditions of employment currently in effect, more favorable to employees than those set forth herein, shall remain in effect during the life of this Agreement to the extent required by law.
More Favorable Conditions. If one Contracting Party in accordance with the laws and regulations or obligations under international law, that exist now or will be taken in the future, other Contracting Party to investments of investors more favorable treatment than the regime applicable under this Agreement, more favorable conditions.
More Favorable Conditions. If, under the legislation of a Contracting Party, or under international law obligations existing or arising in the future between the Contracting Parties, a system whereby the investment of the investors of the other Contracting Parties is to be accorded more favorable treatment than under this Agreement, That provision shall apply to this Agreement in so far as it is more favorable.
More Favorable Conditions. No employee working less than the maximum hours or receiving more than the minimum wage set forth herein shall suffer an increase in hours or a reduction in wages by reason of the signing of this Agreement, and wages and conditions of employment more favorable than specified in this Agreement shall be maintained.
More Favorable Conditions. 1. If the legal provisions in force in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties or of the obligations under international law that may exist or will exist in future between the Contracting Parties together with this Agreement result in a general or special regulation in which it is granted to investments of Nationals or companies of the other Contracting Party more favorable treatment than provided for in this Agreement, such rules shall prevail in so far as it is more favorable.
2. Conditions more favorable than those resulting from this Agreement which have been agreed upon by either Contracting Party with nationals or companies of the other Contracting Party shall remain valid and shall not be affected by the entry into force of this Agreement.
More Favorable Conditions. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Agreement, more favorable conditions have been agreed between a Contracting Party and an investor of the other Contracting Party.
More Favorable Conditions. If, in accordance with the legislation of one of the Contracting Parties or an international agreement to which both Contracting Parties are parties, the investment of investors of the other Contracting Party is accorded a regime more favorable than the regime accorded under this Agreement, a more favorable regime will be applied.