Special Project Agreements Sample Clauses

Special Project Agreements. Fewer than all of the Members and Affiliated Parties may enter into a special project agreement to achieve any of the purposes or activities authorized by this Agreement, and to share in the expenses and costs of such special project, for example, to share in funding infrastructure improvements within the boundaries of only those Members and Affiliated Parties and their Management Areas. Special project agreements must be in writing and documentation and must be provided to each of the Members and Affiliated Parties.
Special Project Agreements. The Union and the Association, at the request of either party, will hold pre-bid conference to consider and make adjustments of wages and working conditions on individual projects where conditions relating to these projects are mutually deemed warranted.
Special Project Agreements. The Favored Nation's provision shall not apply to the work performed under any Special Project Agreement or to fringe benefit contribution rates during the first twenty-four (24) months under any first contract entered into by the Union and any newly organized Individual Contractor.
Special Project Agreements. (a) The Union reserves the right to enter into Project Agreements with Employers who are signatory to this Agreement which contain working conditions, including wages, fringes or hours, more favorable to the Employer than those provided herein. In that event, except as provided herein, all Employers signatory to this Agreement shall have the right to substitute the more favorable terms and conditions. When a Project Agreement is entered into by the Union, the more favorable terms and conditions which may be applied by the Employers shall be limited to the specific job or jobsite. (b) In order to avoid misunderstandings or disputes, the Union agrees to immediately notify the Association of any agreement entered into which contains more favorable terms and conditions than this Agreement, or a modification of this Agreement which has the same effect. Included in such notification shall be the name of the general contractor and, as the case may be, the name of the job or jobsite involved. Any disputes arising in regard to the granting of any Project Agreements shall be referred to the Joint Conference Board and those procedures contained therein shall govern.
Special Project Agreements. The parties will continually monitor the effectiveness of this Agreement relative to market conditions so that this Agreement can be modified where necessary to assure work opportunities for employees and the competitive position of the Employers. Such modification may take the form of adjusting this Agreement for a particular project, portion of a project or area to put signatory contractors in a more competitive bidding position. Such modifications must be reduced to writing and signed by an authorized representative of the Union and an authorized representative of the Employer.
Special Project Agreements. There is no FDOT procedure for these types of agreements. References for each type of agreement can be found in Part III of the
Special Project Agreements. The Favored Nation's provision shall not apply to the work performed under any Special Project Agreement or to fringe benefit contribution rates during the first twenty-four (24) months under any first contract entered into by the Union and any newly organized Individual Contractor. New employees dispatched to the Individual Employer will be dispatched at the fringe benefit rates provided in this Agreement. The twenty-four (24)-month waiver does not apply to work under Special Project Agreements (i.e., all fringe benefits must be paid in accordance with the provisions of Special Project Agreements). The Union will notify the Employer Associations when it enters into an agreement under this section, giving the name of the newly organized Individual Employer and the special fringe benefit rates agreed to.
Special Project Agreements. 11.1. If all Project Parties of a specific Project wants to, a separate Project Agreement may be agreed upon for the Project. Any rights agreed upon in this Agreement affecting Parties outside of the Project shall however not be affected. Between themselves the Parties may decide on a Project Agreement which deviate from the default options of this Agreement as long as it follows what is specified in the Grant (Annex 1, including its appendices) and the Program Description (Annex 2) and any other parts of this Agreement that reasonably shall be interpreted as mandatory.
Special Project Agreements. When a project to be constructed in the jurisdiction of UA Local 342 presents a unique problem of providing hours to be worked, or effective competition, the Individual Employer may, through his representative Employer Association, petition the Joint Conference Board for Special Project Agreement consideration. After proper presentation of special circumstances of the project, the Special Project Agreement may be agreed to by the Joint Conference Board.
Special Project Agreements. There is no FDOT procedure for these types of agreements. References for each type of agreement can be found in Part III of the Work Program Instruction Manual. Special Project Agreements include a variety of agreements that are authorized on the basis of individual statutes. These agreements allow the Department to provide funding to local governments. Florida’s economic growth and competitiveness, and improving travel choices to ensure mobility. It is authorized by Section 339.137, F.S.