Motor Vehicle Allowances Sample Clauses

Motor Vehicle Allowances. ‌ 9.4.1 Kaimahi using their own motor vehicle for travel relating to their work shall be reimbursed in accordance with the IRD mileage rates which shall be published by the employer from time to time. Such travel must be approved by the employer and is defined as approved activities directly related to the employer’s business. 9.4.2 Kaimahi shall cover the cost of their own travel to and from the work base each day provided that where the work base may vary from time to time, the employer shall pay the difference between home and fixed base and home and variable base, in accordance with and as defined by the employer’s policy.
Motor Vehicle Allowances. ‌ 9.4.1 Kaimahi using their own motor vehicle for travel relating to their work shall be reimbursed in accordance with the IRD mileage rates which shall be published by Te Pūkenga from time to time. Such travel must be approved by Te Pūkenga and is defined as approved activities directly related to Te Pūkenga business. 9.4.2 Kaimahi shall cover the cost of their own travel to and from the work base each day provided that where the work base may vary from time to time, Te Pūkenga shall pay the difference between home and fixed base and home and variable base, in accordance with and as defined by Te Pūkenga policy.
Motor Vehicle Allowances. An employee using a private motor vehicle (which excludes a car provided under a salary packaging arrangement) for travelling on authorised University business will be paid a Motor Vehicle Allowance in accordance with section 1.3 of Schedule 3– Allowances, provided section 1.2 of Schedule 3 - Allowances does not apply. Authorised University business specifically excludes home to work and other private travel.
Motor Vehicle Allowances. Approval may be given for officers to use their private transport for official purposes in situations where it is more efficient and/or less expensive for the Organisation. Where approved, the officer owning the vehicle shall be compensated by way of a per kilometre allowance in accordance with the following table. C 1 600 cc (1.6 litre)or less 800 cc (0.8 litre) or less 63 These allowances will be adjusted to reflect the Australian Taxation Office determined rates.
Motor Vehicle Allowances. Where an employee is required to use his/her motor vehicle in the course of his/her duty, he/she shall be reimbursed according to an agreed rate, which shall not be less than the current Award rate. The administrative base is to be used as the starting and finishing point for recording the kilometres travelled.
Motor Vehicle Allowances. 43.1 Should an Employee be required to use their own vehicle on the Employer's business, the Employee is to receive a vehicle allowance at the rate of 74 cents per kilometre. 43.2 The vehicle allowance amount specified in subclause 43.1 will be increased in accordance with movements in the rates per business kilometre for an engine capacity of 1601cc - 2600cc (1.601 litre - 2.6 litre). 43.3 An Employee required to travel by other means in connection with work will be reimbursed all reasonable travelling expenses so incurred with reasonable proof of such expenses to be provided by the Employee to the Employer. 43.4 Where an Employee is called on duty at night or at other than their normal hours or on any non-working day the Employee will be reimbursed their fares, or if using their own vehicle to travel between home and work the Employee will receive a vehicle allowance set out in subclause 43.1. 43.5 Where an Employee is required to work at times and/or in places where the use of public transport could reasonably be deemed to place the Employee in a position of possible personal risk, the Employer will provide suitable transport or will authorise the Employee to use the Employee’s own vehicle. This subclause will include, where applicable, the Employee's travelling between their home and place of work. 43.6 Where an Employee uses a motor vehicle under subclause 43.1 and, by reason of that use, the Employee is required under the law to pay a fee for the registration of the motor vehicle that exceeds the fee that the Employee would otherwise have been required to pay under that law for the registration of the motor vehicle, the Employee is entitled to be paid, by way of reimbursement, an amount equal to the amount of the excess. 43.7 Where an Employee uses a motor vehicle under subclause 43.1, and by reason of that use, the Employee is required to pay an amount by way of full comprehensive insurance premium that exceeds the amount that the Employee would otherwise have been required to pay by way of full comprehensive insurance premium, the Employee is entitled to be paid by way of reimbursement an amount equal to the amount of the excess.
Motor Vehicle Allowances. 16.1 Employees who, with the permission of the employer, use their own vehicle on employer’s business shall be entitled to the payment of an allowance in accordance with the SA Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award, Part 8, Clause 8.7. 37 CLAUSE 17 - TRAVELLING EXPENSES 17.1 Employees are entitled to reimbursement of actual travelling, accommodation and meal expenses at not less than the current State Public Service rates as determined by the SA Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award, Part 8, Clause 8.2, when engaged on business previously approved by the employer or its delegates.
Motor Vehicle Allowances. 16.1 Employees who, with the permission of the employer, use their own vehicle on employer’s business shall be entitled to the payment of an allowance in accordance with the SA Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award, Part 8, Clause 8.7. CLAUSE 17TRAVELLING EXPENSES 17.1 Employees are entitled to reimbursement of actual travelling, accommodation and meal expenses at not less than the current Public Sector rates as determined by the SA Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award, Part 8, Clause 8.2, when engaged on business previously approved by the employer or its delegates. CLAUSE 18TRAVELLING TIME 18.1 Employees who are required to travel on official duties outside of their normal working hours and away from their normal headquarters may be granted time off in lieu of time spent on such travel subject to the same conditions as apply in the Public Sector as determined in the SA Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award, Part 8, Clause 8.1. However, those employees whose salaries exceed the salary declared by the Commissioner for Public Employment Commissioner’s Standard 3.2 (or its successor) shall not be eligible for time off in lieu of travel in accordance with this provision.
Motor Vehicle Allowances. 1. a) An employee using a private motor vehicle for travelling on authorised University business shall be paid a Motor Vehicle Allowance in accordance with Table 1 – Allowances, provided subclause 1. b) of Schedule 3 does not apply. 1. b) The University may authorise a commuted amount for the hire of a motor vehicle or any other conveyance belonging to an employee.
Motor Vehicle Allowances. An employee who is required to use his/her own vehicle for business purposes in course of employment, shall, unless reimbursed for that usage by way of an agreed salary packaging arrangement, be paid per kilometre in accordance with the following rates: AREA AND DETAILS ENGINE DISPLACEMENT (in cubic centimetres) Over Over 1600cc & Rate per Kilometre 2600cc 1600cc- Under Metropolitan Area 69.0 58.9 48.9 South West Land Division 71.5 61.1 51.0 North of 23.5 South Latitude 78.7 67.3 56.4 Rest of State 73.7 62.9 52.4 The allowances in this clause shall be reviewed on an annual basis in line with the Australian Taxation Office rates for motor vehicle usage.