Notice to Staff. Building staff will be advised of materials to be distributed under this policy by the posting of the materials on the bulletin board in the building faculty room no later than the day of the distribution. The distribution should not disrupt the school program or the regular curriculum. If the distribution causes actual disruptions, professionals should report specific incidents to the administration.
Notice to Staff. The District will issue a memorandum to all staff involved in assessing PHLOTE students for eligibility for English language development program services of the obligation to ensure that each PHLOTE student is assessed in the four language domains.
Notice to Staff. 1. By February 5, 2016, the district agrees to disseminate to its staff members at Fairview Middle School written notice regarding their responsibility to adhere to all students’ Section 504 Plans and information about who to contact if they have questions about expectations regarding implementing provisions of a Section 504 Plan.
Notice to Staff. 1. By February 9, 2016, the district will provide a report to OCR that reflects the specific actions taken to comply with section III.A.1, above. The report will include a copy of the district’s notice that it disseminated to its staff members as specified in III.A.1.
Notice to Staff. Action Item
Notice to Staff. Building staff will be advised of materials to be distributed under this policy by the posting of the materials on the bulletin board in the building faculty room no later than the day of the distribution. The distribution should not disrupt the school program or the regular curriculum. If the distribution causes actual disruptions, professionals should report specific incidents to the administration. PPRA affords parents and students who are 18 or emancipated minors (“eligible students”) certain rights regarding our conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. These include the right to: Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the following protected areas (“protected information survey”) if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of Education:
Notice to Staff. By April 15, 2014, the District will provide written notice to all instructional and administrative staff at XXXXXX Elementary School that the District is committed to complying with Section 504 and Title II. This notice will include a description of any changes to the school’s Section 504 and special education procedures and practices that were identified in the District’s review consistent with section III.A above. This written notice will also include hypothetical examples of IEP/504 plan implementation situations that could result in compliance concerns under Section 504 and Title II. The notice should inform staff that in such situations, the issue(s) should be promptly reported to school or District administrators. The notice will also state that school or District administrators will take responsive action to ensure that such issues are resolved as promptly as possible, which may include convening a multidisciplinary team.
Notice to Staff. Within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Agreement, AHA shall provide a copy of this Agreement to all AHA Executive Staff, including the President and CEO, CLO, CFO, COO, Chief Policy Officer, Chief Administrative Officer, Chief of External Affairs, Program Manager for Real Estate Management, AHA’s (Acting & Permanent) VCA Administrator, (Acting & Permanent) Section 504/ADA Coordinator, AHA Managers, Private Management Company (PMCO) representatives and Signature Communities’ representatives.
Notice to Staff