Noticeboards. Notices and communications of the Industrial Union and of the local union branch may only be placed on the noticeboards within the plant that have been designated by the employer for this purpose. The notices may not conflict with this collective agreement, nor be offensive to the employer or the employer’s representative.
Noticeboards. 9.6.1 The Employer will permit a union Employee delegate of the Union to post signed or countersigned formal Union notices, upon an appropriate notice board.
9.6.2 Any notice posted on a notice board not signed or countersigned by the representative may be removed by the Employer.
Noticeboards. Management will allow accredited Stewards or Trade Union Officials the facility of the Notice Board to display notices relating to official Union business. Such notices must first be submitted to, and approved by, the Unit Manager. Such approval will not be withheld for genuine trade union notices.
Noticeboards. 1The employer will establish a noticeboard in each department/section for the use of the HWU, unless otherwise agreed by the HWU.
Noticeboards. 65.1. The employer will establish a noticeboard in each department/section for the use of the XXX, unless otherwise agreed by the Agreement Implementation Committee.
Noticeboards. The noticeboards may be used for attaching decorations or posters, using drawing pins or map pins, taking care not to damage the fabric covering. DO NOT USE STAPLES. Do not apply pins or sellotape to the wood surrounds.
Noticeboards. The Company will allocate a section of the existing notice boards at the site for the purpose of posting any notice in connection with this Agreement or other matters relating to the employment of the employees which the Union may request to have posted. Accredited Union representatives shall be permitted to put on the notice board/s, formal Union notices signed or countersigned by the representative posting it. The Company has the right to address any concerns it has with notices and will address any issues with the employee delegate. If necessary, the Company has the right to remove any content from the notice board.
Noticeboards. The employer shall make available a Notice Board in the work location accessible to employees and their union representatives, on the understanding that:
(i) no offensive material is posted;
(ii) the material is marked with a reasonable timeframe, after which it will be removed; and
(iii) the use of the noticeboard is for the purposes of disseminating workplace-relevant information. Signatories Health Services Union Victoria No. 1 Branch, trading as the Health Workers Union Appendix 1 –WAGE RATES General Classifications Code Wage rates at time Agreement is made Wage rate FFPP on or after 01/07/2022 Wage rate FFPP on or after 01/07/2023 Wage rate FFPP on or after 01/07/2024 Wage rate FFPP on or after 01/07/2025 3.25% At least 4.75% 3.75% 2.75% Appendix 2 - ALLOWANCES Allowance Schedule Wage rates at time Agreement is made Wage rate FFPP on or after 1/7/22 Wage rate FFPP on or after 1/7/23 Wage rate FFPP on or after 1/7/24 Wage rate FFPP on or after 1/7/25 3.25% 4.75% 3.75% 2.75% Appendix 3 – Classification Definitions
Noticeboards. 18.1.1 Employees, employee representatives and employee organisations may use noticeboards at the workplace for the display of information.
18.1.2 The Museum may remove offensive or improper items. If material is removed from a noticeboard under this provision, the person removing the material will contact the person responsible for the material, if identifiable, and advise them of the reason for removal of the material.
Noticeboards. 2
2.1 Wages Outcome 3
2.2 Allowances 3 2.2.1 Confined Space Allowance 3