Nutritional Services. Provisions are provided on a full board basis and include all meals and beverages as described in the Home’s brochure and on its website from time to time. Any special dietary needs of the Resident should be communicated to the Home’s General Manager before admission. The Home does not accept responsibility for food or beverages that are not provided by the Home, including any brought into the Home by others.
Nutritional Services. The benefit package includes nutritional services furnished to pregnant women and children as set forth in MAD Program Manual Section MAD-758, NUTRITIONAL SERVICES.
Nutritional Services. The history, assessment, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of health related issues through a nutritional perspective.
Nutritional Services. WHS shall provide at least one hot meal per day in a congregate meal setting for at least five (5) days a week excluding state and national holidays. This meal will contain at least one-third of the recommended daily allowances required by the National Nutrition Board.
Nutritional Services. The services provided by a certificant for the treatment of health related disorders.
Nutritional Services. (7.1, 7.2, and 7.3): These services may be provided daily, but are not to constitute a full nutritional regimen (three meals a day). [42 CFR 440.180 (b)]
a. CONGREGATE MEALS (7.1): Meals served in congregate meal settings for clients who are able to leave their homes or require the social stimulation of a group environment in order to maintain a balanced diet. Congregate meals can be a preventive measure for the frail older person who has few (if any) informal supports, as well as a rehabilitative activity for people who have been physically ill or have suffered emotional stress, due to losses associated with aging. This service should be available to MSSP clients through Title III of the Older Americans Act. MSSP funds shall only be used to supplement congregate meals when funding is unavailable or inadequate through Title III or other public or private sources.
b. HOME DELIVERED MEALS (7.2): Meals for clients who are homebound, unable to prepare their own meals and have no caregiver at home to prepare meals for them. As with Congregate Meals, the primary provider of this service is Title III of the Older Americans Act. MSSP funds shall only be used to supplement home-delivered meals when they are unavailable or inadequate through Title III or other public or private sources.
c. FOOD (7.3): Provision of food staples is limited to purchase of food to facilitate and support a client’s return home following institutionalization, and to food purchases which are medically required. If oral nutrition supplements (ONS) are to be purchased using waiver service funds, the following actions must occur and be documented in the client record: • The NCM must assess the client’s nutritional needs and determine that an ONS is advisable • The use of home-prepared drinks/supplements did not benefit the client’s health • All other options for payment of an ONS have been exhausted (client, family, etc.) If all three criteria have been satisfied, an ONS may be purchased initially for a period of three months. If an ONS needs to be continued beyond the three month timeframe, a physician order must be obtained. Since an ONS is no longer a covered Medi-Cal benefit for most clients, sites are not required to submit a TAR or obtain a denial. The physician order must be renewed on an annual basis or as needed.
Nutritional Services. CONTRACTOR kitchen staff and/or early childhood classroom aides shall prepare and serve breakfast, snacks, and lunches through the on-site full-service kitchen when the program participants are on site.
Nutritional Services. Ivywood Academy agrees to provide breakfast, lunch and/or an afternoon snack during the hours of attendance. I understand that breakfast is served from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. I understand that a doctor’s note must be provided for a child with a special diet, as per state requirement.
Nutritional Services. Replacing Absent Employees
1. When an employee is absent, due to personal or immediate family illness or injury, personal leave or other paid or unpaid leaves of absence, no later than the fourth day of absence, a posting will be placed in each cafeteria for two
Nutritional Services. Cook Prepares and cooks all food under the direction of a Chef or Dietitian. May estimate quantity of food needed to meet Menu requirements. Helps supervise work of other kitchen help in food production. Prepares and cooks small quantities of food such as lunch after the regular meals of the day and serves in the dining room. Prepares and cooks food under the direction of a cook. Assistant Employee working under the direction of a qualified Dietitian.