Objective of the Agreement Sample Clauses
Objective of the Agreement. The Parties agree that they shall, on the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, cooperate in distributing BRIDGETECH's products in the PRC by adopting either trading or profit-sharing structure.
Objective of the Agreement. The objective of the present Agreement shall be strengthening of co-operation between the Parties in the field of competition policy particularly with regards to general matters of implementation of competition policy, investigating actions of economic entities that affect competition in the territory of the Russian Federation and/or the Republic of Austria as well as in the area of competition advocacy.
Objective of the Agreement. The purpose of this Agreement shall be to establish a mutually-beneficial educational and pedagogical relationship between SFASU and INITIAL. This Agreement establishes the formal understanding of the scope of operations between these two leading educational institutions, and commits to writing the intent and mutual assent of both parties to engage in the following activities, subject to future amendments and conditions as further agreed upon by both parties, recorded in writing and signed by each authorized representative of the institutions, as the relationship continues to develop. This Agreement shall be carried out, subject to the availability of funds of either party, and subject to the approval of the President of SFASU and the President of INITIAL, through activities and programs for the exchange of students and faculty members. Unless otherwise explicitly noted, no financial obligations are assumed under this Agreement. The scope of activities under this Agreement shall be determined by the funds regularly available at both institutions for the types of collaboration undertaken. Except as may be stipulated in any subsequent agreement, each institution shall be responsible for expenses incurred by its employees under this Agreement. Activities engaged in under this Agreement include but are not limited to: The exchange of students, undergraduate and graduate. The development of collaborative creative projects and research between faculty, students, and facilities. The organization of joint academic and/or creative activities, such as courses, conferences, seminars, or lectures. The exchange of teaching personnel. Reciprocal assistance for visiting students and faculty. The development of special degree completion programs.
Objective of the Agreement. The objective of the agreement is to encourage, facilitate and enhance cooperation between the Parties in civil global satellite navigation.
Objective of the Agreement. 1) The Parties shall cooperate in order to achieve the following goals:
a) Establishment of an international regime of navigation on the Sava River and its navigable tributaries;
b) Establishment of sustainable water management; and
c) Undertaking of measures to prevent or limit hazards, and reduce and eliminate adverse consequences, including those from floods, ice hazards, droughts and incidents involving substances hazardous to water.
2) For the purpose of carrying out the goals stated in Paragraph 1 of this Article, the Parties shall cooperate in the process of the creation and realization of joint plans and development programs of the Sava River Basin and harmonization of their legislation with EU legislation.
Objective of the Agreement. The objective of this Agreement is to strengthen and diversify critical minerals supply chains and promote the adoption of electric vehicle battery technologies by formalizing the shared commitment of the Parties to facilitate trade, promote fair competition and market-oriented conditions for trade in critical minerals, ensure robust labor and environmental standards, and cooperate in efforts to ensure secure, sustainable, and equitable critical minerals supply chains.
Objective of the Agreement. The making of this Agreement reflects the Employer’s and the Employee’s commitment to meeting the key objectives of the Company. These objectives include, but are not limited to the following: • ensuring the health and safety of all Employees; • ensuring environmental compliance; • providing a stimulating and challenging working environment for all Employees; • establishing and maintaining a high degree of co-operation between the Employer and the Employees; • providing on-going development of Employee skills; • establishing and maintaining a continuous improvement culture; • increasing productivity and efficiency of work methods, in order to remain competitive in the concrete industry and provide for the long term profitability of the Company; • providing our customers with quality products and services • providing employment security.
Objective of the Agreement. The main objective of this Agreement is to further strengthen the cooperation between the Parties by complementing the provisions of the EEA Agreement applicable to satellite navi gation.
Objective of the Agreement. The purpose of this Agreement will be to establish a mutually-beneficial educational and pedagogical relationship between The University of Toledo and THEAFFILIATEABBREVIATION. This Agreement establishes the formal understanding of the scope of operations between the two institutions, and commits to writing the intent and mutual assent of both parties to engage in the following activities.
Objective of the Agreement. The partnership has the objective to bring together the representatives of the regions located along the Scandria®Corridor, in particular, the regional authorities, municipalities and other public authorities, who are responsible for the subject matters described in Article 4, or their nominated representatives, and share the principle of a harmonized spatial planning and development along the above mentioned corridor (Article 3) and related regions, in light of this, intend to define, develop and promote common interests.