OFF-SHIFT OVERTIME. The Company will offer additional off-shift hours when these hours become available. A daily additional hours sign-up sheet will be posted in each plant. Employees who want to work additional hours on a different shift must complete and sign the sheet that will be posted one (1) hour into the start of the shift and removed one (1) hour prior to the end of the shift. Employees will be contacted, first by required group, then by required classification, and finally, by overall low hours, in order of lowest overtime hours. The Company deems answering machines/voice mail to be a negative response. This additional hours overtime procedure is intended to be used to cover partial shifts and is not intended to imply double shifts will be scheduled. Furthermore, this Article shall not limit the employee’s requirement to work scheduled overtime.


  • Daily Overtime All employees shall be paid the applicable overtime rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) for all time worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day.

  • Banked Overtime In the event the day in lieu of working the statutory holiday is not provided as stipulated in 8.01.04, this portion may also be banked.

  • Overtime Overtime will begin to accrue after sixty (60) hours in a two (2) week period averaged over the scheduling period determined by the local parties. Overtime will apply if the employee works in excess of the normal daily hours. Payment for overtime is as in Article 16.01.

  • Payment of Overtime For the purposes of calculating overtime payments, each day or shift will stand-alone.

  • Unscheduled Overtime I. a payment of forty dollars ($40.00) as a meal allowance. II. a payment of thirty (30) minutes at straight time rates in lieu of the meal break: and III. a fifteen (15) minute rest break at the applicable rate of pay

  • Mandatory Overtime a. Mandatory Overtime is overtime that an employee is assigned and required to work involuntarily, and will only be required in operational emergencies when sufficient voluntary overtime cannot be secured to maintain the Company’s operation. Mandatory overtime will be limited to the number of employees and hours required to cover the emergency as determined by local management. b. Mandatory overtime will not exceed 4 hours past an employee’s scheduled shift in any 24 hour period. Employees will not be required to work mandatory overtime until the opportunity to work the additional hours has been offered to all qualified employees who are currently at work, and if there are an insufficient number of volunteers, then to otherwise eligible employees whose names remain on the overtime call sign up list. c. Mandatory overtime will be assigned in reverse bid seniority order according to shift time, except that employees already working overtime will be assigned last. d. Every attempt will be made to notify employees on duty of mandatory overtime at least 1 hour in advance. If 1 hour’s advance notice is not provided, the employee will receive 1 ½ hours’ pay as a penalty in addition to the pay earned for any mandatory overtime hours actually worked. e. Employees will not be assigned mandatory overtime during their vacation periods. For this purpose, the vacation period is defined as the period beginning 24 hours after the commencement of the employee’s last regularly scheduled shift before the vacation commenced. An employee may be assigned to mandatory overtime on the last regularly assigned shift prior to a vacation or DAT day, but will be placed at the bottom of the mandatory overtime list. f. If any mandatory overtime causes a rest period violation to occur, every attempt will be made to adjust the employee’s shift to provide the minimum 8 hours rest. g. All mandatory overtime hours will be paid at the applicable rate of pay but not less than the time and one half (1.5X) rate of pay regardless of work status or hours worked. If an employee is required to work mandatory overtime on two or more consecutive days, the minimum payment for all mandatory overtime hours worked will be at the double-time (2X) rate of pay.

  • Scheduled Overtime Scheduled overtime is overtime which is assigned by the end of the employee's last worked shift prior to the overtime assignment and which does not immediately precede or immediately follow a scheduled work shift. Unless notified otherwise in advance of the scheduled starting time of the scheduled overtime assignment, any employee who is scheduled to report for work and who reports as scheduled shall be assigned at least two (2) hours work. If work is not available, the employee may be excused from duty and paid for two (2) hours at the employee's appropriate rate. If the employee begins work but is excused from duty before completing two (2) hours of work, the employee shall be paid for two (2) hours at the employee's appropriate rate.

  • Emergency Overtime In the event of an emergency as defined in Section 13.15 notwithstanding the terms of this Article, the Agency Head or designee may assign someone to temporarily meet the emergency requirements, regardless of the overtime distribution.

  • Night Shift Premium Any employee who is required to work on any day when the majority of their working hours fall between 10.00 p.m. and 5.00 a.m., or who starts their shift prior to 5.00 a.m., shall be paid a premium, in addition to their regular, hourly rate, of one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per hour for all hours worked on the shift. Shift premium pay shall not be added to an employee’s hourly rate for the purpose of computing overtime. This clause shall not result in duplication of premiums.

  • Time Off in Lieu of Overtime Employees who work overtime will not be required to take time off in regular hours to make up for overtime worked. Time off in lieu may be taken on a mutually agreed upon basis between the employee and the Hospital, such time off will be the equivalent of the premium rate the employee has earned for working overtime. The Hospital shall revert to payment of premium rate if time off is not taken within sixty (60) calendar days."