Mandatory Overtime Sample Clauses

Mandatory Overtime a. Mandatory Overtime is overtime that an employee is assigned and required to work involuntarily, and will only be required in operational emergencies when sufficient voluntary overtime cannot be secured to maintain the Company’s operation. Mandatory overtime will be limited to the number of employees and hours required to cover the emergency as determined by local management. b. Mandatory overtime will not exceed 4 hours past an employee’s scheduled shift in any 24 hour period. Employees will not be required to work mandatory overtime until the opportunity to work the additional hours has been offered to all qualified employees who are currently at work, and if there are an insufficient number of volunteers, then to otherwise eligible employees whose names remain on the overtime call sign up list. c. Mandatory overtime will be assigned in reverse bid seniority order according to shift time, except that employees already working overtime will be assigned last. d. Every attempt will be made to notify employees on duty of mandatory overtime at least 1 hour in advance. If 1 hour’s advance notice is not provided, the employee will receive 1 ½ hours’ pay as a penalty in addition to the pay earned for any mandatory overtime hours actually worked. e. Employees will not be assigned mandatory overtime during their vacation periods. For this purpose, the vacation period is defined as the period beginning 24 hours after the commencement of the employee’s last regularly scheduled shift before the vacation commenced. An employee may be assigned to mandatory overtime on the last regularly assigned shift prior to a vacation or DAT day, but will be placed at the bottom of the mandatory overtime list. f. If any mandatory overtime causes a rest period violation to occur, every attempt will be made to adjust the employee’s shift to provide the minimum 8 hours rest. g. All mandatory overtime hours will be paid at the applicable rate of pay but not less than the time and one half (1.5X) rate of pay regardless of work status or hours worked. If an employee is required to work mandatory overtime on two or more consecutive days, the minimum payment for all mandatory overtime hours worked will be at the double-time (2X) rate of pay.
Mandatory Overtime. Mandatory overtime shall be scheduled 2 weeks in advance of the scheduled event (or as soon as possible after the overtime is known to management.) If there are unforeseen circumstances, the two week requirement will not apply. Where the notice of mandatory overtime is not provided in that time frame, the hours worked will be paid at twice the regular rate. If a member has checked with the Director of Public Safety or designee about a certain date as being a mandatory day, and received a negative answer, that employee shall be waived from any mandatory obligation of the day inquired about. If a staff member has extenuating circumstances occurring on a mandatory overtime day, they may request a release from the mandatory overtime day from the Director of Public Safety, or designee. The employee shall meet with the Director of Public Safety, or designee, to discuss the extenuating circumstance. The Director of Public Safety, or designee, shall respond to the staff member’s request as soon as possible.
Mandatory Overtime. A. The Employer agrees that no overtime-eligible nurse will be required to work mandatory overtime to perform nursing duties unless: 1. There are no on-call nurses who have the skills and abilities required of the position available to work; and 2. No permanent nurses who have the skills and abilities required of the position volunteer to work the position; and 3. There are no nurses available from a contracted temporary agency who can timely report and have the skills and abilities required of the position. The Union agrees the Employer has the authority to enter into contracts with temporary agencies to provide nursing duties to cover mandatory overtime, and waives the right to contest the Employer’s right to establish a contract with temporary agencies for the purposes contained in this Section. If the Employer is unable to execute a contract with a temporary agency for these services, this Section (Subsection 3) will not apply. B. Overtime-eligible nurses will be required to remain on-duty until properly relieved. C. This Section does not apply to overtime work that occurs due to the following reasons: 1. Because of any unforeseeable emergent circumstance which includes: a. Any unforeseen declared national, state, or municipal emergency; b. When a health care facility disaster plan is activated; or c. Any unforeseen disaster or other catastrophic event that substantially affects or increases the need for health care services. 2. Because of utilization of stand-by. 3. When a nurse is required to work overtime to complete a patient care procedure already in progress where the absence of the nurse could have an adverse effect on the patient.
Mandatory Overtime. If adequate staffing is not achieved through these measures, the Mandatory Overtime will be assigned to the least senior nurse within nursing services who is on duty and who has not worked mandatory overtime during the current rotation. If a nurse volunteers to work the mandate they will be placed at the bottom of the current rotation list. OSH may not require a registered nurse to work: A) Beyond the agreed-upon and prearranged shift, regardless of the length of the shift; B) More than forty-eight (48) hours in any work week; C) More than twelve (12) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period; D) During the ten (10) hour period immediately following twelve (12) hours of work performed in a twenty-four (24) hour period. Such work period begins when the registered nurse begins a shift. If OSH is unable to find other registered nurses or other qualified employees to work the unfilled hours or shifts, due to an unplanned staff vacancy, or there is potential harm to an assigned patient if the registered nurse leaves the assignment, or transfers care to another nurse staffing member OSH may require the employee to work up to, but no more than one (1) hour beyond the employee’s regularly scheduled shift pursuant to applicable laws and administrative rules. Employees who are required to work mandatory overtime will not be required to work for a minimum of ten (10) hours if the employee worked at least twelve (12) hours in the preceding twenty-four (24) hours. If an employee’s work schedule requires less than ten (10) hours between shifts OSH will ensure a full ten (10) hour break between shifts, by either: (1) Modifying the end time of the overtime shift; or (2) Modifying the start time of the next regular shift and ensure the employee is compensated for a full shift. This Section does not apply in the event of a national or State emergency circumstances requiring the implementation of a facility disaster plan, sudden and unforeseen adverse weather conditions, or an infectious disease epidemic suffered by OSH staff. Nurses shall not be mandated, except in an emergency to work overtime on a day immediately preceding an approved vacation. Only the Superintendent or designee can determine if an emergency as described above, exists. If an employee is bypassed, they shall remain on the top of the list for the next mandatory overtime. Employees will receive one (1) hour of paid leave time for every hour of mandatory overtime worked in violation of this Section, prorated t...
Mandatory Overtime. The parties agree to the following provisions when managing mandatory overtime: A. A list of the next 25 employees on the shift subject to mandatory overtime will be posted. Employees named on the list may volunteer for an overtime shift within one work week following the list’s posting, and their voluntary overtime shift will count as their mandatory shift. B. Employees who cannot work a mandatory overtime shift upon request will be given 24 hours’ notice to either volunteer for an overtime shift in the next work week or work the next mandatory overtime shift. If the employee refuses the next requested mandatory overtime, they may be subject to disciplinary action for insubordination. Continued patterns of refusing to work a mandatory overtime shift will be dealt with through progressive discipline. C. Any employee who accepts a voluntary overtime shift and wishes to cancel the shift must notify the command post at least one hour prior to the start of the shift for which they volunteered. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. D. Provided it does not interfere with their regular work or work schedule, POST certified bargaining unit employees may volunteer and be offered overtime prior to implementation of a mandatory overtime.
Mandatory Overtime. Should there be insufficient volunteers, the Employer may require qualified employees on duty in the affected unit or classification to perform overtime work on a reverse seniority basis. The Employer shall not, however, require an employee to work overtime consisting of three (3) or more consecutive hours on more than one occasion in a 72-hour period except for emergent operational needs. The foregoing provision shall apply regardless of whether the employee’s previous overtime within the 72-hour period was voluntary or mandatory. Whenever possible, the next least senior person working on duty in the affected unit or classification will be required to work in lieu of an employee who has already worked overtime of at least three (3) consecutive hours within 72 hours. For purposes of this paragraph, the 72-hour period shall be deemed to commence as of the beginning of the overtime worked. An employee who agrees to come into work on the employee’s scheduled day off will not be required to work mandatory overtime on that day.
Mandatory Overtime. When the Medical Center is not able to secure volunteers to work the overtime assignment, the Director will assign the least senior qualified person to work the assignment, on a rotating basis. Mandatory overtime shall be distributed on a rotating basis. The Medical Center will make its best efforts to provide an employee who is to be mandated to work overtime with as much notice as possible. The Medical Center will endeavor to limit mandating a given employee to no more than twenty-four
Mandatory Overtime. The Employer may schedule mandatory overtime to meet the needs of the business. If mandatory overtime is scheduled with less than 24 hours’ notice to the employee, the employee may decline such overtime due to reasonable extenuating circumstances (e.g. weather, childcare requirements). There shall be no expectation that any one employee will be mandated more than once during their rotation. Any employee who believes that continuing to work mandatory overtime, or working many consecutive days without a rest day may tend to cause harm to his/her health or to the safety and quality care of the residents may refuse to work more mandatory overtime or on consecutive days until the employee has had at least one (1) full day (twenty four [24] hours) off. The employee shall state such refusal in writing to his/her immediate supervisor, and state the date or shift time when s/he will be willing to resume taking shift assignments. There will be no retaliation for such refusal of mandatory overtime.
Mandatory Overtime. Employees may sign up or volunteer for overtime 18 shifts offered by the work unit. It is the desire of the parties that employees have at 19 least twelve (12) hours of rest between shifts, but when mandatory overtime shifts 20 become necessary the four (4) hours of mandated work beyond the twelve (12) hours 21 are paid at two times their rate of pay. A standard procedure is followed before 22 mandatory shifts are instituted.