PARENTAL ACCESS TO STUDENT RECORDS. Parents will be allowed to inspect and review their student’s education records, at a date and time convenient to the school, unless a court has ordered otherwise. Records will always be reviewed in the presence of school personnel appointed by the chief administrator. The school may provide copies of the records and, if it does so, may charge a fee. In the event a court order is in place which limits a parent’s access to a student’s educational records, or which otherwise limits the contact a parent may have with the school regarding the student, the family must provide a complete, final, signed copy of the order to the school when the student is enrolled. If such a court order is issued after a student has enrolled, the family must provide a complete, final, signed copy of the order to the school as soon as it is signed by the judge. The school will, when and to the extent reasonably possible, honor restrictions on access to educational records imposed by such an order. However, school personnel are not family lawyers and it is not the school’s responsibility to enforce court orders. See below for additional information regarding reimbursement of the school’s costs and attorneys’ fees for involvement in family custody disputes. Schools will generally not release a student’s records to third parties without the written consent of a student’s parent or legally responsible adult. As an exception to this rule, a school may disclose student records to or for:
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PARENTAL ACCESS TO STUDENT RECORDS. Parents will be allowed to inspect and review their student’s education records, at a date and time convenient to the school, unless a court has ordered otherwise. Records will always be reviewed in the presence of school personnel appointed by the chief administrator. The school may provide copies of the records and, if it does so, may charge a fee. In the event a court order is in place which limits a parent’s access to a student’s educational records, or which otherwise limits the contact a parent may have with the school regarding the student, the family must provide a complete, final, signed copy of the order to the school when the student is enrolled. If such a court order is issued after a student has enrolled, the family must provide a complete, final, signed copy of the order to the school as soon as it is signed by the judge. The school will, when and to the extent reasonably possible, honor restrictions on access to educational records imposed by such an order. However, school personnel are not family lawyers and it is not the school’s Other schools to which a student is transferring; Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes; Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student; Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school; Accrediting organizations; To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law. If a specific reason exists to further limit access to a student’s educational records, the student’s parent or legally responsible adult must provide a specific, written request that explains the basis for the additional restriction to the school’s chief administrator. The chief administrator, in his or her sole discretion, will determine whether implementing special procedures for a student’s records is appropriate and reasonably feasible on a case-by-case basis.


  • Access to Site 3.05.1 Contractor may enter and leave the premises at all reasonable times without charge. Contractor and its employees may use the common areas and roadways of the premises where it is to perform the services together with all facilities, equipment, improvements, and services provided in connection with the premises for common use. This excludes parking for Contractor’s personnel. Contractor shall repair any damage caused by it or its employees as a result of its use of the common areas.

  • Confidentiality of Student Records 1. Student educational records created as a result of this Agreement shall be retained and disseminated in accordance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements.

  • Access to System If Business Associate needs access to a Covered Entity Information Technology system to comply with its obligations under the Contract or this Agreement, Business Associate shall request, review, and comply with any and all policies applicable to Covered Entity regarding such system including, but not limited to, any policies promulgated by the Office of Information Technology and available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/about/policies.

  • Governmental Access to Records BA shall make its internal practices, books and records relating to the use and disclosure of Protected Information available to CE and to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (the “Secretary”) for purposes of determining BA’s compliance with HIPAA [45 C.F.R. Section 164.504(A)(2)(ii)(I)]. BA shall provide CE a copy of any Protected Information and other documents and records that BA provides to the Secretary concurrently with providing such Protected Information to the Secretary.

  • Student Records The School shall maintain student records for current and former students in accordance with the requirements of State and federal law, including the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, as may be amended from time to time.

  • Patient Records Upon termination of this Agreement, the New PC shall retain all patient dental records maintained by the New PC or the MSO in the name of the New PC. During the term of this Agreement, and thereafter, the New PC or its designee shall have reasonable access during normal business hours to the New PC's and the MSO's records, including, but not limited to, records of collections, expenses and disbursements as kept by the MSO in performing the MSO's obligations under this Agreement, and the New PC may copy any or all such records.

  • Obligation to Provide State Access to Grant Records The Grantee must make all grant records of expenditures, copies of reports, books, and related documentation available to the Division or a duly authorized representative of the State of Florida for inspection at reasonable times for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts and transcripts.

  • Client Records 26.2.1 CONTRACTOR shall prepare and maintain accurate and complete records of clients served and dates and type of services provided under the terms of this Contract in a form acceptable to ADMINISTRATOR.

  • Access to Software Access Rights to Software which is Results shall comprise: Access to the Object Code; and, where normal use of such an Object Code requires an Application Programming Interface (hereafter API), Access to the Object Code and such an API; and, if a Party can show that the execution of its tasks under the Project or the Exploitation of its own Results is technically or legally impossible without Access to the Source Code, Access to the Source Code to the extent necessary. Background shall only be provided in Object Code unless otherwise agreed between the Parties concerned.

  • Project Records ‌ As further described below, Project records include but are not limited to Grantee, financial, and voucher records. All Project records must be retained for a period of three (3) years after final payment under this Grant. All Project records are subject to audit pursuant to Section P of this Grant Agreement. Upon completion of the third year of record retention, the Grantee shall submit all Project records to CARB. Hardcopy of electronic records are suitable. Acceptable forms of electronic media include hard drives, CDs, DVDs, and flash drives. Other forms of electronic media may be allowed based on prior written concurrence from CARB.

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