PARTICIPATION OF OTHER CONSULTING PARTIES AND THE PUBLIC. A. Additional Consulting Parties 1. Consulting parties shall be identified in writing by SDDOT EPC in consultation with the SHPO pursuant to 36 C.F.R. § 800.3(c-f) and their participation in undertakings covered under this Agreement shall be governed by 36 C.F.R. § 800.3(f)(3). Individuals and organizations with a demonstrated interest in an undertaking shall be invited by SDDOT in consultation with FHWA to participate in the Section 106 process. Any land-managing agency whose land may be affected by an undertaking shall be invited by SDDOT to participate in the Section 106 process. Written requests by individuals, organizations, and agencies to become consulting parties will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by SDDOT and FHWA in consultation with the SHPO. B. Public Involvement 1. Public involvement in planning and implementing undertakings covered by this Agreement shall be governed by FHWA’s and SDDOT’s environmental compliance procedures. SDDOT’s Public Involvement Plan (available online at xxxx:// provides guidance for identifying, informing, and involving the public. FHWA’s Technical Advisory and similar and subsequent guidance documents will also be used. Public involvement and the release of information hereunder shall be consistent with 36 C.F.R. § 800.2(d), 800.3(e), and 800.1(c)(1,3). 2. The SDDOT shall continue to seek and consider the views of the public in a manner that reflects the nature and complexity of the undertaking and its effects on historic properties, to remain consistent with the intent of 36 C.F.R. § 800, as amended. 3. For those actions that do not routinely require public review and comment (e.g., exempted projects), appropriate public involvement should be based on the specifics of the situation and commensurate with the type and location of historic properties, and the undertaking’s potential impacts on them. 4. The SDDOT shall make FHWA and SHPO aware of any and all public controversy, in writing, as it relates to the historic properties potentially affected by the proposed undertaking, including properties of religious and/or cultural significance to the Tribes. The SDDOT EPC will work with applicable parties to resolve controversy.
PARTICIPATION OF OTHER CONSULTING PARTIES AND THE PUBLIC. A. Other Consulting Parties B. Public Involvement 1. Public involvement in planning and implementing undertakings covered by this Agreement shall be governed by FHWA’s and VTrans’ environmental compliance procedures. VTrans’ “Engaging the Public: Outreach Guidelines for Projects, Plans and other Agency Activities” provides guidance for identifying, informing, and involving the public. FHWA’s Technical Advisory and similar and subsequent guidance documents will also be used. Public involvement and the release of information hereunder shall be consistent with 36 CFR §§ 800.2(d) and 800.3(e). 2. VTrans shall continue to seek and consider the views of the public in a manner that reflects the nature and complexity of the undertaking and its effects on historic properties, and the likely interest of the public in the effects on historic properties, to remain consistent with the intent of 36 CFR Part 800, as amended. 3. For those actions that do not routinely require public review and comment (e.g., exempt or screened activities), appropriate public involvement should be based on the specifics of the situation and commensurate with the type and location of historic properties, and the undertaking’s potential impacts on them. 4. VTrans shall make FHWA and SHPO aware of any and all public controversy as it relates to the historic properties potentially affected by the proposed undertaking, including properties of religious and/or cultural significance to the Tribes.
PARTICIPATION OF OTHER CONSULTING PARTIES AND THE PUBLIC. A. Additional consulting parties 1. In consultation with SHPO/THPO, WisDOT will identify and invite individuals and organizations with a demonstrated interest in an undertaking to be consulting parties. Any land-managing agency whose land may be affected by an undertaking shall be invited by WisDOT to participate in the Section 106 process. Written requests by individuals, organizations, and agencies to become consulting parties will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by WisDOT and the Lead Federal Agency in consultation with the SHPO/THPO. B. Public involvement 1. Public involvement in planning and implementing undertakings covered by this Agreement shall be governed by the Lead Federal Agency's and WisDOT's environmental compliance procedures. WisDOT's Public Involvement Procedures (Facilities Development Manual Chapter 6 located at xxxxx:// at the time of this Agreement) provides guidance for identifying, informing, and involving the public. Public outreach will be conducted in a manner that reflects the nature and complexity of the undertaking and its effects on historic properties, the likely interest of the public in the effects on historic properties, and the relationship of the federal involvement to the undertaking. Public involvement and the release of information hereunder shall be consistent with 36 CFR 800.2(d), 800.3(e), and 800.11(c)(1 and 3). 2. WisDOT shall make the Lead Federal Agency and SHPO/THPO aware of any and all public controversy as it relates to the historic properties potentially affected by the proposed undertaking, including properties of religious and/or cultural significance to the Tribes.
PARTICIPATION OF OTHER CONSULTING PARTIES AND THE PUBLIC. A. Public Involvement Public involvement in planning and implementation of undertakings covered by this Agreement shall be governed by the FRA’s and the Authority’ environmental compliance procedures, as set forth by the Authority’s environmental analysis methods, and any advice and guidance documents. Historic resources will be identified and effects will be disclosed to the extent allowable under 36 CFR 800.2(d)(1-2), 800.3(e), and 800.11(c)(1 and 3) and Stipulation XII of this Agreement. Consistent with Section 106, the public and consulting parties will have an opportunity to comment and have concerns taken into account on findings identified in Section 106 survey and effects documents via attendance at public meetings where they can submit comments on the information presented, as well as access the Section 106 documents via email requests to the Authority’s web site. Project information and announcements are posted on the Authority’s web site ( Public involvement and the release of information hereunder shall be consistent with 36 CFR 800.2(d)(1-2), 800.3(e), and 800.11(c)(1 and 3), the Freedom of Information Act, 49 CFR. part 7, and Section 6254.10 of the California Government Code. The FRA and the Authority have contacted local groups and individuals known to have interests in historic properties regarding the identification of historic properties in each section. Public meetings specific to historic properties and the effects of the project and treatment of these properties will be held in communities within each section. These interest groups and interested individuals will be invited to comment on the treatments proposed and those with demonstrated interest in the project will be invited to participate as consulting parties to the individual section MOAs Public involvement and the release of information hereunder shall be consistent with 36 CFR 800.2(d)(1-2), 800.3(e), and 800.11(c)(1 and 3), the Freedom of Information Act, 49 CFR. part 7, and Section 6254.10 of the California Government Code. B. Consulting Parties Consulting parties shall participate in undertakings covered by this Agreement in accordance with 36 CFR 800.2(c)(3) through (5) and 800.3(f). Consulting parties may include other federal, state, regional, or local agencies that may have responsibilities for historic properties and may want to review reports and findings for an undertaking within their jurisdiction. The Authority shall submit to the ACHP an...
PARTICIPATION OF OTHER CONSULTING PARTIES AND THE PUBLIC. A. Consulting Parties Consulting parties shall be identified pursuant to, and their participation in undertakings covered under this Agreement shall be governed by, 36 CFR 800.2(c)(5) and 800.3(f). B. Public Involvement Public involvement in planning and implementation of undertakings covered by this Agreement shall be governed by FHWA’s and Caltrans’ environmental compliance procedures, as set forth in the Caltrans Environmental Handbook, Caltrans Project Development Procedures Manual, FHWA’s technical advisories, and similar and subsequent guidance documents. Public involvement and the release of information hereunder shall be consistent with 36 CFR 800.2(d)(1-2), 800.3(e), and 800.11(c)(1 and 3) and Section 6254.10 of the California Government Code.
PARTICIPATION OF OTHER CONSULTING PARTIES AND THE PUBLIC a. Outreach with historical societies will be conducted during production of the HPIR as set forth in the HPIR Guidelines. b. Other consulting parties, such as but not limited to other State agencies, local organizations, and other members of the public, will be identified and consulted as appropriate depending on the scope of the project
PARTICIPATION OF OTHER CONSULTING PARTIES AND THE PUBLIC. A. Consulting Parties Consulting parties shall be identified pursuant to, and their participation in undertakings covered under this Agreement shall be governed by, 36 CFR §§ 800.2(c)(5) and 800.3(f). 1. National Park Service In accordance with Section 110(f) of the NHPA and 36 CFR 800.10, Caltrans must notify the National Park Service (NPS) and invite NPS to participate in the consultation when a National Historic Landmark (NHL) may be directly and adversely affected by an undertaking. B. Public Involvement Public involvement in planning and implementation of undertakings covered by this Agreement shall be governed by FHWA’s and Caltrans’ environmental compliance procedures, as set forth in the Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference (SER) Environmental Handbook, Caltrans Project Development Procedures Manual, FHWA’s technical advisories, ACHP guidance, and similar and subsequent guidance documents. Public involvement and the release of information shall be consistent with 36 CFR §§ 800.2(d)(1-2), 800.3(e), and 800.11(c)(1 and 3), 5 USC § 552 as amended (Freedom of Information Act), section 304 of NHPA (54 USC § 307103, and California Government Code sections 7927.000 and 7927.0005. The intention to conduct 36 CFR Part 800 consultation as part of a public meeting, hearing, or other opportunity for public input held for the purposes of compliance with other federal and state laws such as NEPA or the California Environmental Quality Act must be clearly advertised in any public noticing provided for the event.
PARTICIPATION OF OTHER CONSULTING PARTIES AND THE PUBLIC. A. Public Involvement Public involvement in planning and implementation of undertakings covered by this PA shall be governed by FRA’s and MnDOT’s environmental compliance procedures, as set forth by MnDOT’s environmental planning methods, and any advice and guidance documents. Historic resources will be identified and effects will be disclosed to the extent allowable under 36 CFR §§ 800.2(d)(1-2), 800.3(e), and 800.11(c)(1 and 3) and Stipulation XII of this PA. Consistent with Section 106, the public and consulting parties will have an opportunity to comment and have concerns taken into account on findings identified in Section 106 survey and effects documents via attendance at public meetings where they can submit comments on the information presented, as well as access the Section 106 documents. Public meetings specific to historic properties and the effects of the project and treatment of these properties will be held in locations along the corridor and for site specific projects. Interest groups and interested individuals will be invited to comment on the treatments proposed and those with demonstrated interest in the project will be invited to participate as consulting parties to the individual section MOAs. Public involvement and the release of information hereunder shall be consistent with 36 CFR §§ 800.2(d)(1-2), 800.3(e), and 800.11(c)(1 and 3), and the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the implementing regulation applicable to the U.S. Department of Transportation, at 49 CFR Part 7. B. Consulting Parties Consulting parties shall participate in undertakings covered by this PA in accordance with 36 CFR §§ 800.2(c)(3) through (5) and 800.3(f). Consulting parties may include other federal, state, regional, or local agencies that may have responsibilities for historic properties and may want to review reports and findings for an undertaking within their jurisdiction. MnDOT shall submit to MnSHPO, and WisSHPO a list of consulting parties for the NLX Corridor and each subsequent site specific project and a summary of coordination efforts and comments received. MnSHPO and WisSHPO shall submit comments, including recommendations for additional parties to MnDOT within 30 days. MnDOT shall revise and update this information as necessary based on XxXXXX’s and XxxXXXX’s comments, and re-submit them to MnSHPO and WisSHPO as part of the reports to be prepared under Stipulation VI. MnDOT and FRA shall also consider individuals’ written requests to ...
PARTICIPATION OF OTHER CONSULTING PARTIES AND THE PUBLIC. In addition to the previously named consulting parties, other agencies, groups, and individuals may participate in the Section 106 Process and be identified as consulting parties and can be involved as Invited Signatories or Concurring Parties, as defined by 36 C.F.R. § 800.6(c). 1. Additional Consulting Parties. Consulting parties shall be identified by FDOT pursuant to 36 C.F.R. §§ 800.3(c-f) and their participation in undertakings covered under this Agreement shall be governed by 36 C.F.R. § 800.3(f)(3). i. Individuals and organizations with a demonstrated interest in an undertaking shall be invited by FDOT to participate in the Section 106 process. ii. Any land-managing agency whose land may be affected by an undertaking shall be invited by FDOT to participate in the Section 106 process. iii. Written requests by individuals, organizations, and agencies to become consulting parties will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by FDOT in consultation with SHPO. iv. Any objections by consulting parties will be handled in accordance with