PARTICIPATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The CSP agrees to and shall comply with the following terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”).
PARTICIPATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Supplier is obliged to treat any and all information and know how that Supplier has obtained or may obtain in the future from Events or directly or indirectly from Jabil (including employees, agents and advisors), in the context of the participation in any Events (the “Confidential Information”) strictly confidential, to the widest extent reasonably possible and legally permissible, and to make use of such documents and Confidential Information exclusively in the course of the Events. Therefore, Supplier agrees to refrain from making such Confidential Information available in any way to third parties, from granting third parties access to, or permitting third parties to inspect the Confidential Information, and from publishing or distributing the Confidential Information. In addition, Supplier undertakes not to make use of the Confidential Information otherwise than solely in the course of the Events. In this context, Supplier agrees to reveal the Confidential Information only to those of Supplier’s directors, officers, advisors, and employees, who need to know the Confidential Information for the sole purpose of the Events (“Authorized Representatives”), and who are bound by confidentiality agreements at least as protective as this Agreement.
PARTICIPATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS. A. Capitalized terms used in this Participation Agreement, other than those specifically defined herein, have the meanings prescribed in the e-Payment Collection and Processing Services Contract’s Attachment 2, Statement of Work.
B. By signing this Participation Agreement, the Participant and the Contractor agree to be bound by the terms of this Participation Agreement and the e-Payment Collection and Processing Services Contract in the performance of their obligations, except as outlined in Section VII., Miscellaneous Provisions, below. By signing below, the Participant represents that a copy of the e-Payment Collection and Processing Services Contract has been provided or made available to it.
C. By signing this Participation Agreement, the Participant and Contractor also agree to contemporaneously enter into the Local Government Participant Sub-Merchant Processing Agreement in substantially the same form included in Addendum C, Relevant Portions of the BAFO, with the Contractor’s processor and the Sponsoring Bank.
PARTICIPATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS. A. All defined terms in the Master Contract apply to this Participation Agreement.
B. By signing this Participation Agreement, the Participant and the Contractor agree to be bound by the terms of this Participation Agreement, and the Master Contract, in the performance of their obligations. By signing below, Participant represents that a copy of the Master Contract has been provided or made available to it.
C. If Participant is an Agency Participant, Participant hereby authorizes Contractor to share any and all information related to the Master Contract, excluding personally identifiable information of a cardholder, it has or obtains pursuant to this Participation Agreement and the Master Contract with representatives of the State of Florida and the specific Agency of the State of Florida to which it reports. If a Participant is a Local Government Participant, Participant hereby authorizes Contractor to share with the Department information that is required in the Dashboard under the Master Contract, excluding personally identifiable information of a cardholder.
D. The parties shall retain copies according to their retention schedules under applicable law.
E. Participants who elect specialized services that are subject to additional agreement terms offered as optional services under the Master Contract, are subject to those terms; however additional agreement terms do not serve to negate the prevailing provisions of the Master Contract.
PARTICIPATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS. This agreement confirms our participation in the Board of Visitors (BOV) Care Card fundraising program, which is presented by The BOV, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, in Phoenix, Arizona. The following conditions apply: Xxxxxxxx agrees to honor The BOV Care Card for the full length of the Care Card program dates. All regularly priced store merchandise or restaurant food and non-alcoholic beverages will be discounted for 20% for BOV Care Card holders unless otherwise noted under the Exclusions section of this agreement. Please see the Care Card Etiquette on page two for program rules and exclusions. Merchant will advise all store personnel of this arrangement and promote the purchase of The BOV Care Card. Merchant acknowledges that The BOV assumes no liability in connection with The BOV Care Card. Merchant acknowledges that The BOV Care Card is to be issued only to individuals (not families or companies). Xxxxxxxx agrees to participate in any planned special events/parties hosted at their mall location, if applicable. Merchant acknowledges that The BOV and their affiliates retain all proceeds from the sale of The BOV Care Card.
PARTICIPATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The above-named participant xxxxxx agrees to take part in a Soil and Water Conservation cost-share project and fully understands that his/her participation is subject to the following provisions of this agreement.
1. The participant agrees to carry out, on the tract(s) of land described in Part I, the practices shown on the attached Landowner/User Soil and Water Conservation Plan (XXXX Form 2), which is hereby made a part of this agreement and subject to annual review and any modifications approved by all parties concerned.
2. The participant further agrees to follow said Plan as per its time schedule of practice applications and in accordance with the specifications, operations, and maintenance requirements outlined in the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service’s “Indiana Field Office Technical Guide" and IDNR Division of Soil Conservation, Soil and Water Conservation program guidance.
3. The participant certifies that he/she has control of this/these tract(s) of land.
PARTICIPATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Participation in En Plein Air at Cheekwood Botanical Garden & Museum of Art (hereby known as “Cheekwood”) permits artists to create work in response to Xxxxxxxxx’s gardens from May 1 – May 30, 2021, with possible inclusion in a juried exhibition. I, the listed Participant on this Agreement, understand that participation from May 1 – May 30, 2021 does not guarantee inclusion in the Cheekwood related exhibition from June 4 – September 5, 2021. I will not receive compensation in any form for my work during this period and/or if selected for exhibition. I understand that Cheekwood is not required to purchase or acquire any artwork that is produced in relation to En Plein Air.
PARTICIPATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The above named applicant hereby agrees to take part in the District Cost-Share Program offered by the DeKalb County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD). The applicant fully understands that his/her participation is subject to the following provisions of this agreement.
1. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY THE DEKALB SWCD BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PRIOR TO PARTICIPATON IN THE DISTRICT COST-SHARE PROGRAM. (You may submit an application for a practice that is slated to be installed before the next subsequent board meeting, but there is no guarantee that the application will be approved.)
2. The applicant certifies that he/she has control of the property on which the practice is implemented.
3. The applicant agrees to properly maintain the practice(s) installed per guidelines and/or specifications.
4. The applicant agrees to follow the guidelines and application process established by the DeKalb County SWCD Board of Supervisors for the program they are applying for within the time frame indicated.
5. The DeKalb SWCD Board of Supervisors will have final approval of all applications for cost-share participation and benefits.
PARTICIPATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS. A. Capitalized terms used in this Participation Agreement, other than those specifically defined herein, have the meanings prescribed in the e-Payment Collection and Processing Services Contract’s Attachment 2, Statement of Work.
B. By signing this Participation Agreement, the Participant and the Contractor agree to be bound by the terms of this Participation Agreement and the e-Payment Collection and Processing Services Contract in the performance of their obligations, except as outlined in Section VII., Miscellaneous Provisions, below. By signing below, the Participant represents that a copy of the e-Payment Collection and Processing Services Contract has been provided or made available to it.
PARTICIPATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS. A. Capitalized terms used in this Participation Agreement, other than those specifically defined herein, have the meanings prescribed in the e-Payment Collection and Processing Services Contract’s Attachment 2, Statement of Work.
B. By signing this Participation Agreement, the Participant and the Contractor agree to be bound by the terms of this Participation Agreement and the e-Payment Collection and Processing Services Contract in the performance of their obligations. By signing below, the Participant represents that a copy of the e-Payment Collection and Processing Services Contract has been provided or made available to it. The Participant further represents that it agrees to be bound by the terms of the Agency Participant Sub- Merchant Processing Agreement (No. TR226) as a Sub-Merchant and that it will comply with all of its obligations under that agreement.
C. The Participant hereby authorizes the Contractor to share with the Department any and all information (excluding a Customer’s personally identifiable information) that the Contractor has or obtains pursuant to this Participation Agreement or the e-Payment Collection and Processing Services Contract.