Partnership Development. Objective: Develop partnerships with public and private sector entities that facilitate the growth and adoption of TDM measures throughout San Mateo County. has become the recognized leader for TDM programming and support services in San Mateo County; however, it requires consistent and ongoing efforts to maintain that status.
Partnership Development. The UN system, particularly UNDP, will work with the Department of Environment and Conservation and relevant sectoral ministries. It will also develop linkages and relationship with other multilateral and bilateral partners, academic and research institutions, and NGOs. UNHCR will work with local Government and development stakeholders t support sustainable livelihoods and local integration of refugees.
Partnership Development. What specific support or development opportunities would you like from the Alliance Partnership? What would you like to bring to our partnership Partner School Information Please fill in the below information and return to Xxxxx Xxxx, Media Resource Officer along with a good quality copy of your logo as a separate file: School Information Full name of school: Local authority: Brief description of your provision: Head teacher: Lead SENCO: Website: Phone:
Partnership Development. The HBC is always looking to nurture existing relationships and develop partnerships that can help increase awareness about our services, enhance service delivery, and support program development. These partnerships will also allow us to do focused outreach to special interest populations including youth, women, aboriginals, and new Canadians. See a full list of current and potential partners in section 3 – “Local Entrepreneurship Partners.”
Partnership Development. The UN system will work with the DEC, NP, DPLGA, DNPM, DJAG, NCW, Women in National Government Strategy, Women in Politics, Electoral Commission, Board of the Political Parties and the political parties. It will also work with interested donor partners, particularly AusAID and NZAID.
Partnership Development. The Agent is authorized to identify and engage with prospective education delivery partners by:
i. identifying prospective education delivery partners to Richmond College for partnership development.
ii. engaging and informing prospective education delivery partners of Richmond College courses and programs.
iii. assisting the prospective education delivery partner in connecting with Richmond College directly for course and program fee information
Partnership Development. The UN system, through the Human Rights Task Force will support the DJAG, the DCD and the Ombudsman’s Commission (OC), in conjunction with other donors, notably AusAID, and NGOs (Federation of Red Cross Societies, Transparency International, and Human Rights Watch).
Partnership Development. College agrees to develop a robust regional workforce collaborative. The Lab will support the college in developing and enhancing partnerships with stakeholders such as employers, K-12 districts, public agencies, community-based and faith-based organizations, economic development leaders, and local funders to create seamless pathways to employment. The roles of these partners include providing input and feedback on the micro-pathway prototypes and committing to support learners along their journey throughout the micro-pathway. This support could include tuition support, referrals, career counseling, and work-based learning opportunities. College, with the support of the Lab, is expected to seek input and feedback from employers, K-12 systems and other partners on the micro- pathway prototypes during the CCGE design phase. College will work with employers to obtain their input on the technical skills and competencies as well as the 21st century skills for the micro-pathways. College will also obtain feedback from employers to validate the micro-pathway prototypes. The Lab expects that the existing partnerships will be strengthened through the co-design process.
Partnership Development. The UN system will contribute to the DoH and its SWAp Health Services Improvement Programme, and to provincial administrations, as well as collaborate closely with AusAID, NZAID, the Japanese Embassy, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), and other donors and the Alliances of Churches for Health Services, NGOs, and CBOs. FAO and WHO will work together with the DAL, MOH and NFA on food-related health issues.
Partnership Development. VCCS and the City will:
i. Develop employment and training service curriculum and delivery approaches that reflect knowledge of the sector's workforce development requirements through:
1. Refocusing employment services to meet employability skills requirements (for example, sector-focused soft skills needs);
2. Developing new training curriculum or revising existing curriculum to meet essential and soft skills needs; and
3. Endorsing sector-focused employment and training services and curriculum by Employers and Advisory Committee;