FEE INFORMATION. The Military Child Care Act of 1989 (Public Law 1809, Section 1504) requires that the Department of Defense (DOD) establish uniform fees for childcare based upon total family income. IAW Resource Management Decision 7001A dated August 2014, all contractors in Category 9 who receive any care in the youth programs will NOT receive any childcare fee assistance and will not receive any discount for multiple children enrollment. Parents enrolling their child in contract care are required to bring the current month’s copy of sponsor’s Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) and a current month’s copy of the spouse’s pay statement to verify total family income, whether taxable or not. Total Family Income is defined as wages, salaries, tips, special duty pay (flight, active duty demo, and sea pay) active duty save pay, long-term disability benefits, voluntary salary deferrals, retirement or pension income including SSI paid to the spouse and VA benefits paid to the surviving spouse before deductions for taxes listed on the member’s most recent LES. TFI calculations must also include quarter’s subsistence (BAH) and other allowances appropriate for the ranks and status of military of civilian personnel whether received in cash or in-kind. TFI includes the income of all adults living in the household as a family.
____ a. Fees are determined by completion of DD Form 2652 and are based on a sliding scale. There will be no credit or refunds given for illness, down days, inclement weather, disciplinary suspension, emergency closing, and federal holidays or days parents choose not to bring their child to the program. A 10% discount is given to any additional children enrolled after the first child. Children must be enrolled in CDC, FCC or YC programs on Xxxxxxxx Field for discount to apply. ____ b. All fees are due in advance. Weekly fees are due NLT Tuesday close of business of the week of care. Fees will not be considered paid in full if recreational activities/field trip fees have not been paid. A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed on payments received after Tuesday. Parents electing to pay on the 1st and 15th will need to pay on those days or the next business day. If all fees are not paid by Wednesday of the week they are due, the credit card on file will be charged with attached late fees. The child will not be accepted into the program the following week and parents will still be responsible for paying for services rendered if the charge has been denied. Continual tard...
FEE INFORMATION. Annual Fiduciary Custodian Fee: Starting at $25 The initial fee should be included at the time of account establishment if you do not currently have any additional open First Trust Retirement accounts. The Fiduciary Custodian Fee may be paid by you directly; or the Custodian may deduct them from your IRA or from your monthly distributions. Annual fees will be charged for any calendar year during which the IRA is open. This fee is not prorated for periods of less than one year. In a listing event, a fee may be taken on liquidations to cover the cost of selling your shares on the market. Please see the Financial Disclosure for additional information. This does not apply to any transactions while the investment is non-listed.
FEE INFORMATION. Certain fees may be assessed against your accounts. Refer to the Schedule of Current Charges for the amount of any fee that may be imposed in connection with your account.
FEE INFORMATION. Fees shall be paid in accordance with the published fee schedule and shall be incurred until the account is terminated and the funds are completely disbursed.
FEE INFORMATION. Annual Custodian Admin Fee: Starting at $35
FEE INFORMATION. Refer to the Fee Schedule for the interest rate and annual percentage yield applicable to your account. Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. At our discretion, we may change the interest rate for your account at any time. Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit non-cash items (for example checks). Interest is compounded daily and credited to your account each monthly statement period. Accrued interest may not be paid if you close an account before the accrued interest has been credited.
FEE INFORMATION. 5.1 The Fee as set out in the Particulars shall be paid from and including the Date of Admission, and is paid to the Provider for the Services each week.
5.2 It is agreed that a “week” means the period of Monday to Sunday inclusive and, in the case of the first week, shall be from the Date of Admission until the following Sunday apportioned as to a daily rate (calculated as to the weekly rate divided by 7).
5.3 The Fee shall be paid monthly in advance. It is calculated by apportioning the daily rate according to the number of days in the month. The Fee shall continue to be payable whether or not the Client shall occupy accommodation at the Home and shall hold the Room (or any replacement room provided under Clause 4.4) for the return of the Client but, if the Provider is able to temporarily use the Room (or any replacement room provided under Clause 4.4) and make a charge for that use, the Fee will be reduced by an amount equal to the additional income received by the Provider. The Provider will make reasonable attempts to make alternative temporary arrangements for the Room to reduce the Fee but is under no obligation to make alternative use of the Room or any replacement room.
5.4 The Fee shall be paid by Direct Debit so as to be cleared funds in the Provider’s bank account by the last day of the previous month. The Client / Sponsor will complete the initial Direct Debit Form on or before the Date of Admission and will complete and return to the Provider any subsequent replacement within 7 working days of receipt.
5.5.1 The Fee payable by the Client/Sponsor to the Provider is a Gross Fee and includes where applicable the Funded Nursing Care Contribution, otherwise known as the Free Nursing Contribution (FNC) payable by the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). FNC is a payment made direct to the Provider for the cost of nursing care. It is not payable to the Client nor does it belong to the Client.
5.5.2 Once the FNC is awarded by the CCG the Fee payable by the Client/Sponsor will be reduced to a Net Fee (i.e. the Gross Fee less the FNC) for as long as the FNC continues to be paid by the CCG but will revert to the Gross Fee if the FNC is no longer payable.
5.5.3 As the FNC and any future increase is paid direct to the Provider by the CCG the Provider will upon receipt of the initial FNC payment account to the Client/Sponsor for the proportion of FNC for the period from the date of the award to the date of receipt of the FNC (the Refund) and will pay the Re...
FEE INFORMATION. Annual Custodian Admin Fee: Starting at $35 *To participate in the Distribution Reinvestment Plan (DRP), it must be indicated on the applicable product Subscription Agreement. If the Income Distribution option is left blank on the Subscription Document, the distributions will default to cash to the undirected cash account within your IRA. **If income distributions are set to cash and we do not receive a completed FTR Income Distribution Request Form, your income distributions will default to pay cash to the undirected cash account within your IRA. Step 8: BROKER DEALER/FINANCIAL ADVISOR INFORMATION First Trust Retirement utilizes the product sponsor forms in order to add or update a broker dealer or financial advisor. If you wish to add or update the broker dealer or financial advisor, please reach out to the product sponsor to complete their required form. Step 9: IMPORTANT INFORMATION
FEE INFORMATION. The Fee as set out in the Particulars shall be paid from and including the Date of Admission, and is paid to the provider for the Services each month.
FEE INFORMATION. 24.1 Upon accepting the Student’s enrolment at the School, Parents have a legal obligation to pay fees relating to the Student’s enrolment.
24.2 Failure to pay fees by the due date on the invoice may result in:
24.2.1 a default administration fee; or
24.2.2 the expulsion of the Student from the School; or
24.2.3 notification of the expulsion to DHA, which may impact on the Student’s visa.
24.3 All fees are to be paid in Australian Dollars ($AUD) for the total amount of the invoice.
24.4 The Parent is to meet all of their bank’s transaction fees. The School is not liable for any foreign exchange variation incurred when making a payment.
24.5 Fees can be paid to the School by BPAY, Electronic Funds Transfer, credit or debit card within Australia, and Overseas Electronic Funds Transfer, credit or debit card for international payments.
24.6 The School is not responsible for any monies paid to an agent or other third party by the Student or Parent.
24.7 Agent commission paid by the School to agents is deemed a non-tuition fee, calculated and administered separately by the School as an annual payment.
24.8 As invoice notifications are sent by email, Parents must ensure that the School always has a current email address for invoicing purposes. An invoice notification can only be sent to the nominated debtor’s email address unless requested otherwise. Please advise the School of any change in email address in writing to: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xxx.xx.
24.9 Parents (or nominated third party payer in the Notice of Acceptance) remain liable for all fees payable even if an invoice has not been received.