Payment in Lieu Of. A regular part-time employee working less than fifty percent (50%) of a full-time position per week will be paid five percent (5%) gross pay in lieu of being provided benefits.
Payment in Lieu Of. A regular part-time employee working less than seventeen and one-half (17.5) hours per week will be paid three percent (3%) gross pay in lieu of being provided benefits.
Payment in Lieu Of. In case of death, wages associated with an unused portion of a regular employee’s scheduled vacation shall be paid to the employee’s beneficiary or to the employee’s estate.
Payment in Lieu Of. The Board shall pay in lieu of a vacation with pay to all eleven month and ten month employees entitled to vacation a percentage of their bi-weekly gross wages on each earnings statement in accordance with Article 10.01.
Payment in Lieu Of. Each Confidential/Classified Management employee who is separated from employment after completing six (6) months of continuous service shall be entitled to payment in lieu of all unused vacation leave which he/she may have accumulated as of his/her last day of work. In the event of a deceased employee, payment shall be made to his/her estate or as otherwise provided by probate law or court order. References: Education Code 45197 Approved as to form: 4000 PERSONNEL 4500 CONFIDENTIAL/CLASSIFIED MANAGEMENT 4540 LEAVES OF ABSENCE 4541 VACATION
Payment in Lieu Of. Each year the Board will, during the month of July, compute each employee’s gross wages for the period between July 1st and June 30th past. In the event the gross wages for that period are greater than the regular wages (straight time) for that period, the Board shall remit to each employee affected, a cheque based on the formula which follows: (Gross Wages – Regular Wages) x Applicable Rate The applicable rates are: For the employee mentioned in 10.01 (A) 4% For the employee mentioned in 10.01 (B) 4% For the employee mentioned in 10.01 (C) 6% For the employee mentioned in 10.01 (D) 8% For the employee mentioned in 10.01 (E) 10% For the employee mentioned in 10.01 (F) 12%